Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2414: Fentian District (below)

"Breaking the secrets of heaven?"

Nie Yun froze.

To break through the heaven is to achieve the Emperor. Will there be such a place in Wanjie Dongtian?

If so, why haven't countless trialers found for hundreds of millions of years?

"The news may also be false. Anyway, I don't believe that if there is a mystery that breaks through the heavens, Putian and the nine emperors have already taught it to future generations, how can it be possible to watch the descendants disappear in the long history?

Prince Ruxia laughed.

"Yeah!" Nie Yun nodded.

If you want to become an emperor, you can only create a new avenue and surpass heaven. There must be no secret. Otherwise, there will not be so few emperor-level strong men in the entire **** world.

The so-called Breakthrough Secrets are definitely fake.

Not to mention others, there really is such a thing here. Countless strong people in the entire divine world will surely come over. I am afraid that not only the Putian people can enter.

Therefore, Nie Yun is absolutely not convinced about this.

Besides, the so-called breakthrough of heaven is too early for his current practice. His current purpose is only the perfect realm, and only by consolidating the perfect realm can it impact the higher realm.

As for them, they don't want to be the target of public criticism, so naturally they will not actively seek for them.

"Don't think about it. Let's go to the center of Fentian District first, maybe we can take our strength one step further!"

Nie Yun waved his hands, said.


I don't know what Nie Yun thought. At this moment, Prince Dobo is standing on a huge ancient ship, watching a dark crowd in front of him.

"Victory is here. If this Nie Yun is not beheaded here, once the trial is over and take over the imperial power, we must be dead!"

"This time you can't let him escape anyway, otherwise it would be really miserable!"

"We are so deeply involved with Prince Dobo that we can't get away. The current situation can only go black!"


The people sitting on the deck heard their own voices and understood the situation today.

These people have various interests with Prince Dobo, and these relationships are deeply entangled. It's too late to get out at this moment.

As long as the successor is not Prince Dobo, whoever comes to power will be destroyed.

So this is their last chance.

"You can be sure that this Nie Yun fled to the Burning Heavens area through the seeker!" Prince Liumu looked at the seeker who was spinning slowly in front of him. Confirmed the direction.

It seems that as Prince Ruxia guessed, he and Duobo have joined forces.

It's no wonder that they and Nie Yun share the same hatred. The latter became a prince. In their opinion, it is more difficult and horrifying than Ru Xia.

"Burning Heaven, the burning land of heaven and earth, a special beast of the avenue is born, as long as the **** beast is caught. It is easy to cultivate a new avenue ... Nie Yun, they must have fled to this place Will go here ... I hope you will set off now, immediately head towards the direction of the burning sky area, look for the burning sky beast, and kill Nie Yun! "

Prince Dobo looked around slowly for a week.


Everyone nodded.

"I, as long as you can communicate with me as long as you are in Wanjiedongtian, he will lead you to find Nie Yun and others! As for the direction, he will also take you, so even if there is no need to find the needle .You can also find your way, so you won't get lost! "

Prince Liumu's spirit moved, and his head appeared in front of everyone.

This one is not the one who stole the life before, but. Strength is not weak, in the perfect imperial realm, can be regarded as the pinnacle.

Xun and his spiritual connection can determine their position, so that even if there is only a seeker pin, this is the link. It also allows the two teams to go in different directions.

"As for Prince Dobo and me, we will go to a place ... As for what I can't tell you yet, you only know that once we succeed, this Nie Yun will be easily beheaded even if he flees to the ends of the earth! If you go to Nie Yun, you can kill him the best, but you ca n’t kill him. Delay as much as possible. Do n’t let him come to us and destroy big things! ”

Prince Liumu looked cold.

"OK!" The rest of the people nodded at the same time.

"Very good, go!"

With a loud shout, the people on the ancient ship split into two waves and flew in two directions.

Soon, the crowds on the deck walked away, leaving only Liumu and Dobo.

"Okay, what good things can we say now?" Liumu stood up.

He has a seeker and has a greater advantage. According to the truth, he does not want to cooperate with Dobo, but the latter said that there are better things that made him determined.

"Of course there are good things ... Tiandaohua, I wonder if Prince Liumu has heard of this thing?" Prince Dobo's mouth raised.

"Tiandaohua? Let people have the peak of stealing the sky to live in a short time, and even use the Tiandaohua of the power of Tiandao?" Prince Liumu's pupils shrank.

"Good!" Prince Bobo's eyes flickered: "Everyone knows that stealing the sky and borrowing life is the strongest under the emperor's realm ~ www.readwn.com ~ In fact, the strength of the Tiandao strongman is far more than stealing the sky Borrowing life! Stealing and borrowing life can only survive under the heavenly path, but the heavenly powers can sit on equal terms with the heavenly path, regardless of Xuanyuan! "

"Yes, Emperor Realm is beyond Tiandao, and the strong Tiandao is equal to Tiandao!" Prince Liumu nodded.

"Tiandao flower, the strange flower born in Tiandao, as long as you take it, you will have the power of Tiandao in a short time. Although it can't be equal to Tiandao, it is not much different. ! "

Prince Dobo sneered.

"If you can find Tiandaohua, it is easy to take and kill him, but ..." Prince Liumu frowned. "I heard that Tiandaohua is actually a trap of Tiandao! After taking it, you can control some of the power of Heaven. But ... it will also fall into the control of the heavens, and it will no longer be able to surpass and become a powerful emperor! Even life is threatened and threatened by the heavens! "

"That's what happened, but ... is there another way now?"

Prince Dobo said.

Prince Liumu was silent.

They really don't have a better way to go now. The only way is to quickly increase their strength and kill this Nie Yun.

Otherwise, once he is let out alive, they will certainly die.

"Well, where is the heavenly flower? Let's go!" Prince Liumu said without hesitation.

How to choose between them is no longer a problem.

"Go!" Prince Dobo nodded, his spirit moved, and the huge ancient ship flew forward, disappearing shortly afterwards.

(To be continued.)

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