Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 237: Xiangshui

This kind of ugly face flashed in my eyes, Bai Hua shook his face and recovered, ‘you wo n’t, we are partners! "

"Ha ha!" Seeing this cold and grim lord suddenly changed his face with his own words, Nie Yun knew that although the other party invited himself, he was actually very frightened of himself. He didn't say much at the moment, and shifted the topic. "Your friends found What talent is your special talent? "

"It's Xiangshui!"

"Xiangshui?" Nie Yun's eyes widened. ‘You friends are so amazing that you can find this and special talents…”

The Xiangshui Division is also called the Waterborne Division and the Tracker and Assassin. They are special talents. They have the Xiangshui Dantian. This talent and the owner can automatically form the Xiangshui wings when they enter the water. In the water towel, they can not only breathe freely, but also speed. Faster than on land!

Xiangshui Division, Tian Xing Hate, and Xing Xing Division also call the three major talents of escape. Those who own these three and any one and Dantian will be specially trained by Zongmen, and the effort to escape will be exerted, even if your strength is higher than him It ’s too big to catch up!

This and talent owners are very rare. At that time, the eight major gates of the floating heaven continent did not exceed two hands! With such scarce special talents, friends who are ashamed of flowers can find a help, which is really not easy!

‘, The ancient demon shrine is deep in the endless ocean. Without this talent, even if we have reached the extreme, we cannot go too far! "

Hundreds of flowers are ashamed.

The Qihai continent has boundless seawater around it. This sea area is known as the endless ocean. Although the Supreme Strong is really strong, he does not dare to go too far. After all, there are more monsters in the sea towel than land. The body of the Supreme Strong has no communication with nature. It can be maintained by qi without breathing for a short time, but not for a long time!

Different from the flying sailor, the tumbling air of the flowing water allows him to continuously obtain the true energy from the water towel. This talented person has better combat power in the water towel than on land!

"If I have this talent, I will not worry about crossing the water in the future ..."

Sui Nieyun suddenly thought.

I now have ten halls, and the master Dantian ca n’t develop it. I just opened up the possession, Danhuo, taming animals, tracking, healing, Dali Liusuke. ”There are three spare Dantians left to develop special talents. If you can have Xiangshui Dan Tian, ​​it is a wise choice to escape if something happens.

"When are we going?"

I suppressed the idea in my heart, Nie Yun asked.

"It's not too late, you have to go as soon as possible, and set off right away! Oh, by the way, once you meet my friends, you better not say that your name is Nie Yun, this name has become too popular recently!"

Baihua shyly ordered.

‘I know this, I ’m Yun Tong now, an ordinary casual repairer! "

Nie Yun slaughtered the Heavenly Sect alone and killed one of the original imperial empire royal family. His reputation is too great. With this name, it is difficult to guarantee that others will be jealous, and it will be more troublesome at that time, it is better to be low-key.

Jin Yuntong, Nie Yun, Nie Tong, and Nie Yun took their own and brother's names together:

"Well, let's go!" I thought that Nie Yun's mindset would definitely pay attention to his reputation. If he wanted to conceal his identity, he would waste a lot of words. I didn't expect him to agree so easily. I glanced at it and felt that this person was getting more and more unsightly:

Strong, hard-hearted, and smooth and unpretentious. This and wisdom, even an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years, is impossible. I ca n’t figure out why it appeared on a young man under the age of 17.

"Okay!" Nie Yun nodded, and secretly ordered the wind wolf king, Zitong, and Heiyan to let them guard Yang Yan, Feng Xiao, Tie Lan, Luo Qingcheng, etc., while they followed behind Baihua ashamed. Quickly flew outside of Shenfeng City.

According to the news I just learned, parents and others have been caught in the Holy Empire. The Holy Empire is not the same as Shenfeng City. Strong masters abound. This and the past of the strength, although not at the bottom, are definitely not too big. Spray!

If you rushed forward, not only could you not rescue your parents, or you would be killed if you didn't make it, you might as well try to improve your strength now!

After all, if the legend is true, the Nine-Heart Demon Fruit Tree Towel really needs to be there. It ’s not difficult to break through the third layer of crazy rhinoceros and reach the fourth layer!

Like the Nine Turns Nirvana, it is also divided into nine layers. One layer is more difficult than the other. The gap between each layer is no less than ten times. Once the fourth layer is reached, the physical strength increases tenfold. Times, and if you cooperate with Dali Tiantian, even if you are still not the opponent of the Secret Realm, but there is absolutely no rival in the supreme level!

With this and strength, entering the Holy Empire is considered to have real life-saving capital!

It is precisely because of this thought that Nie Yun did not hesitate to agree to Bai Hua's shameful request, and accompanied her to the endless ocean, looking for the demon ancient ruins:

After I left Shenfeng City, the two speeded up. Bai Huaxi seemed to test the strength of Nie Yun. He flew all the way without stopping. After flying for three days and three nights in succession, he couldn't support it.

The extreme strong really refilled ~ www.readwn.com ~ There is also a limit. Ordinary Supremes will be exhausted for one hour of continuous flight. They fly like this for three days and three nights without rest. Rao is a hundred flowers. It is thick, and the sea of ​​air is beginning to sing.

I just turned around and looked at Nie Yun with a little helplessness in Bai Huaxi. This was really speechless. At this time, Nie Yunzheng looked at ease, and it seemed that flying for three days and three nights had no effect on him!

Until then, Bai Huaxi was really terrified of the true energy reserves in the youth!

I fell down and rested for a long time, and then continued to fly for three days and three nights. Then the two came to the edge of the Kamikaze Empire, and the endless ocean appeared in front of them.

The ocean has more life than the land, and there are a lot of monsters in the realm, the armor, and the air sect. Many lone supreme strongmen will enter the ocean to kill in order to accumulate resources and exchange for better cultivation conditions. Monsters, of course, they did not dare to go too deep. Once they were entangled by the monsters at the extreme level of the ocean towel, I was afraid that they would not know how to die!

There are also some scattered islands in the ocean. Usually they are occupied by powerful human beings to establish some gates. These gates are often just established and will be completely destroyed by monsters. However, there are exceptions. All who can survive, all have With huge amounts of wealth, all the disciples are like Wang Xihou, and when they return to land, they will become a giant and become famous.

的 The Zhao family of the four major families was said to have relied on the ocean to make a fortune and accumulated a large amount of original wealth, which made it the **** of wealth of the Kamikaze Empire!

"This bamboo is called Star City. We have an appointment to meet here. Let's go down first!"

Hundreds of flowers shyly decided a city along the coast, and the body fell down immediately.

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