Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2428: Level 8

Boom boom!

Nie Yun stood at the center of the World of Nawu, raised his hands, and carefully controlled the whole world.

The core of the Burning Heavens Area was formed after millions of years of collisions. It has an extremely powerful force and devoured it. It is equivalent to devouring at least tens of thousands of chaotic worlds. Can not bear.

There is no way he can only stay in the world, control the power, and refine the core a little bit.

As the master of the world of things, he has absolute control over this world. Although the core of the Burning Heaven Area is powerful and uses all means, it can still be perfectly controlled.

I don't know how long, Nie Yun stopped.

In the world of things in front of you, the power is surging like a tide. There is a cycle of sun and moon. On the originally vast plain, various vegetation grows, and some small animals shuttle through it.

When the spirit moved, the plants in front of me were yellow, green, and yellow and green again, and the blink of an eye changed many times.

"Time changes between one year, and the time in the world of things is also under my control. Now I can accelerate the world hundreds of millions times, and ... the body can also cultivate here!"

In the past, the time accelerated in the world of things, at most 10,000 times. His ontology cannot enjoy the benefits of time acceleration. At this moment, it is different. With the promotion of the world of things, a thought can completely accelerate the time by hundreds of millions. Can practice in it.

In this way, as long as he is willing, he will have hundreds of millions of times more cultivation time than ordinary people.

One day passed outside, and it was nearly 300,000 years inside.

Think scary.

Of course, cultivating in time acceleration does not help much to understand the rules. After all, the rules are distorted under accelerated time. Even if you look closely, it won't have much effect.

"Completely refining the core of Fentian District, the world of things has reached the eighth level. It is not far from the **** world!"

Nie Yun smiled slightly and pointed his finger forward. The space in front of me looks like touching water surface, and there are layers of ripples.

Previously, he graded the gods. If it was ten, the world of entering things before the heavens of Manjiedong was only four. The distance is similar to that of the gods, and there is still a long distance.

After observing the Tiantian District and refining the core these days, the world of things has made great progress. Reached level eight directly.

Eighth level ... There are only two levels from the Divine Realm. It seems that the perfect realm can be realized soon.

Looked up at many Dantian.

At this moment, many Dantians are suspended in the world of things, greedily absorbing its power, and a pale golden light appears on the surface, which seems more powerful.

As he guessed, with the promotion of the world of things, many Dantians representing Sanqian Avenue have also made great progress, and his understanding of Sanqian Avenue has also been greatly improved. Going one step further.

If you think about it, you will understand that once the world of things is promoted to the same stable world of the divine realm, Three Thousand Avenues merges into it. As the master of the world, it is naturally easier to understand.

"The understanding of all the avenues has been promoted a lot. My current strength has also made a qualitative leap! Even if you don't need to merge avenues, you can beat them in a battle!

With a fist, Nie Yun's eyes flickered, and his face was full of excitement.

With the promotion of the World of Natto to the eighth level, his combat effectiveness has also been greatly improved. Now even if you do n’t use Fusion Road, you can fight the best of the best. Even won.

The consummation of the king's kingdom is better than stealing the sky to borrow life ... This cross-level fighting ability has been in the divine realm for hundreds of years. Never before.

Even in the ancient times, many saints in the imperial realm, when they completed the royal realm, they had to fight two or three levels at most, beheading the middle realm of the imperial realm, and even the late period was very bad.

I have never heard of anything like this.

"I did not expect that refining the core of the burning Tian District, spent a full month of happiness martial arts!"

To calm the excitement in his heart, Nie Yun's spirit moved and he sensed the change of time.

It has been a month since entering the world of Nawu, and at the moment, the core of Fentian District was completely refined.

"Look what's going on outside ..."

The world of receiving things is stable, and Nie Yun has relied on it again. The power of space spreads out, and looking out, I can't help but look at it for a moment.

The next moment, his body flashed, and Tiantian District had appeared.

At this moment, the burning sky area is like an interstellar turbulence. There are collapsed spaces everywhere. The chaotic forces formed by the collision of countless worlds are raging and washing on the feathers of the kingdoms, making a sound of hunting.


Nie Yunman was shocked.

Everything in front of him shocked him.

The center of the burning Tiantian District, which was still very stable before, why didn't I see it for a month and become this look?

"It seems that I have taken away the core, and the space that was originally consolidated has completely collapsed ..."

Nie Yun understood it.

The reason why the central area of ​​the burnt sky area is stable is that it is possible for many burnt sky animals to thrive, which is definitely the core reason.

The core was swallowed and refined by him, and there was no power in the central area to fight the surrounding pressure, and it naturally collapsed.

"I don't know how many of those celestial beasts can survive ... but they are physically strong, and there should not be many things!"

The central area collapsed. The Sky-burning Beast that has lived for many years has no idea. If you think about it, their physical strength is strong, their defense is invincible, and they should not be harmed too much.

"Prince Ruxia, they don't know what to do now ..."

He came to the center area by himself. Prince Ruxia and others waited outside according to the agreement and saw that the center area collapsed. I'm afraid he would think he was dead!

Anyway, you must find them before you speak.

The Wanjie feather clothing unfolded, and Nie Yun would seek out the needles and sacrifice. When the spirit moved, he pointed out a direction and flew straight.

The center of the burned sky collapsed, and the burned beast lost its home and left. As for the beastmaster, Nie Yun did not encounter it.

Although his strength has increased a lot, he still can't catch the words of the Heavenly Beastmaster, so he doesn't want to meet this guy, so as not to get into trouble.

Flying for three days in a row ~ www.readwn.com ~ still in front of me, a chaotic world one after another.

With his current strength, in cooperation with Wanjie Yuyi, he flew for three days with full strength. He had already left the area of ​​the burning sky area, but he never saw Ruxia and others.

"Huh? What's that?"

Moving forward along the direction of the needle, suddenly a movement of spirit, Nie Yun's palm grabbed in the air, a piece of armor appeared in front of the misty chaotic ocean.

"Suoyang Jinjia?"

When he saw the debris, Nie Yun recognized it, his face suddenly gloomy: "Ye Tao's armor? Did he encounter an accident?"

Ye Tao used Qiu Mingjia in the past, and gave it to Nie Yun in the Cuiyu Pavilion. After becoming a duke, he used higher-level Cynomorium armor. This armor can resist the full-scale attack of the imperial kingdom. it's here?

(To be continued.)

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