Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2446: Skysaver


"Go out"

Refining the cold ice blade, after calculating the time, it is almost two and a half months to come to the “hole” in Wanjie, and the period of March is almost over. We must speed up to find the core of the fusion world. access:. Starter

Hanbing's blade trembled slightly, the space in front of him looked like a scrap of scrap paper, and a huge crack appeared. Nie Yun's body appeared longitudinally in an ancient city.

"Your Highness, you finally came out"

As soon as he returned to the ground, Ye Tao and others saw him excitedly.

After returning the ice blade to the world of objects, it was discovered that the jump just now had returned to the ancient city at the bottom of Beichen.

When I first went through the three cold lakes, I did n’t know how deep I went down, and I crossed the floating bridge, traveling over hundreds of millions of kilometers. I did n’t expect the ice blade to come back in a small jump after breaking through the space. This space shuttles, no less than billions of kilometers

Although this is only a seventh-level world with weak space power, even if you enter the realm of God and use the ice blade to cut space, you can easily complete hundreds of kilometers.

However, cutting the space with the ice blade requires the cooperation of the avenue, and no matter how far the shuttle is, there is no chance to use it.


Without thinking about these things, Nie Yun looked at Ye Tao and others with excitement.

Ye Tao, Yun Rou, Prince Ruxia, and Emperor Henggu were all there. Through the 'talk' talk, Nie Yun knew that he was almost the same as he guessed. Henggu and Ruxia were eliminated only after passing the first cold pool.

The first cold lake is to challenge the invincible iceman of the same level. Although Prince Ruxia's strength ranks high in the same level, he is still invincible. Naturally, it is not an opponent of the Iceman. It was defeated for a long time. As for the indigenous people born in the seventh-level world of Henggu, they are at the bottom of the same level and almost disabled by the Iceman. []

Despite the failure, the two still benefited. Each of them obtained a set of ice avenue secret skills.

Come on display. The battle for them has been greatly improved.

After getting the Frost Blade and Fengshen Jue, the secret skill of this level, Nie Yun, naturally looked down on him. As for the inheritance of the Frost Emperor, Ru Xia and others didn't ask anything interesting, and he was too lazy to explain.

After being inherited by the emperor, and without the need to continue, Nie Yun took everyone and turned away from Beichenhai, and left this seventh-level world.

Before leaving, he found a lot of testers who pursued him. For these people, Nie Yun was polite and killed all at will.

Although these people are descendants of the emperor, but for those who want to kill themselves. Nie Yun never cares.

What about the emperor, let's not say that the "hole" heaven of the world can shield the emperor from observing, even if they know they killed, they have the identity of a prince, they will not turn their faces.

After all, although these people are the descendants of the emperor, the number of generations is different. No emotions at all.

"His Royal Highness, where are we going now"

Leaving the seventh-level world, Prince Ruxia looked over.

Knowing that His Royal Highness is powerful, those who steal the sky and borrow life to be strong can be easily killed, and Prince Ruxia and others will no longer be afraid.

"Eight regions, the largest integration in that region and the most in the world"

Nie Yun asked.

His most urgent need now is to find a fusion world and devour the core. Of course, he has to find the one with the largest area and the most powerful core.

"It is the core of the" hole "sky in the Wanjie area in Wanjie. It is the largest of the eight regions. It is said that there are countless treasures there. Anyone who comes to the trial will pass. Good guess. Wait, I'm afraid there too "

Prince Ruxia thought for a moment.

"Duo'bo is also right there, go directly to the split-sky zone, and take care of him by the way," Nie Yun nodded.

Many ‘wave’ princes have tried to kill themselves several times. Before, they were not strong enough. For fear of causing trouble, they did not want to resist them. Now it is different.

With the strength not to be afraid of the strongest in the world, it is time to find him.

"Let's go"

Make a decision, take out the needle, find the direction, a few people took the ancient ship and flew to the split-sky area.

Seven days later.

"This is the Split Sky Zone"

Looking at the world in front of him, Nie Yun's eyes were full of shock.

Although I have experienced the burning of the sky area, I have prepared in my heart. At first glance, I still feel incredible when seeing the terribleness of the split sky area.

It is indeed the first of the eight regions of the “holes” in Wanjie. This split-sky area is indeed much larger than that of the burning sky area.

Every moment, the old world collides, and every moment a new world is born.

A new avenue has emerged between the birth of the annihilation of the world. Constant observation will make people's strength quicker and stronger.

Observing this avenue has not helped Nie Yun's current strength very much anymore. Now I no longer look at it and turned to Ru Xia and others: "I intend to enter the core of this split-sky zone. Will you go with me or Stay here "

The core of the split sky area is definitely more terrible than the burnt sky area. If they don't want to go, they don't force it.

"I follow His Highness," Ye Tao busyly said.

"I'll go as well"

Prince Ruxia did not hesitate.

Although the split-sky zone is dangerous, they believe in the strength of Nie Yun. Moreover, the greater the danger, the more opportunities there have been. It has been more than two months since the “hole” days in Wanjie. Their strength has not increased much, and their hearts are full of anxiety. .

"Well, this is Wanjie Yuyi, which has been of little use to me. The three of you can be used to resist the flow of space. In addition, this is the blood of the Celestial Beast, which can increase the strength of the flesh. Hurry up and refine it "

With a flick of his finger, Wanjie Yuyi flew over to the three, and at the same time a few drops of gold 'color' blood came to Ruxia and others.

Their 'physical' physical strength is too weak. Even if they have the feathers of the world, they may not be able to stop the space's chaotic attack. However, the blood of refining the heavenly beast is different.

It was because of this that he successfully entered the core of the Tiantian District and his strength increased greatly.

"Thank Your Highness"

Ru Xia and others knew that Nie Yun was right and did not hesitate. At the same time, he took the blood of the burning beast and began to refine.

Nie Yun beheaded and killed I do n’t know how many celestial beasts were burned in the Tiantian District, and his blood was very large. Ruxia and others stepped up the refining process. The time was not long.

"set off"

Ready ~ www.readwn.com ~ Several people flew straight to the split sky area.

The strength of the center of the split-sky zone was violent. The ancient ship could not bear it anymore, and everyone was no longer riding, flying forward.

"woo woo woo woo"

Moving forward, there was a sudden roar, and a black cloud flew over.

"His Royal Highness, is that the split-day beast has the power to steal the sky and live in a strong age. Let's avoid it."

Seeing the dark shadow, Prince Ruxia's face changed in color.

The Tiantian Beast was born in the Burning Heavens District.

To be continued.


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