Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2455: Goodbye

"Well! It looks like the battle between Prince Dobo and the Heavenly Beastmaster!"

Cover up the strangeness on his face, Nie Yundao. ·

It seemed that he was bullshit. Not only was he right, Prince Dobo and the Heavenly Beastmaster seemed to have a fight here.

This left him a little confused.

I came here to find the heart of the world to devour ... Where did the Burning Beast King, Prince Dobo and others run here?

He didn't believe that Prince Bobo had come here because he was forced to run away by the split-day beast!

Being able to fight the Heaven-Beasted Beast indicates that they must have treasures against the powerful Taoists in the hands, and it is naturally impossible to be afraid of the Heaven-Beasted Beastmaster.

"They came five days ago. The heart of the world is probably not safe. Come and see!"

I don't know the purpose of the other party, but it is definitely not a good thing for himself. Nie Yun no longer hesitates, and flew forward along the traces left by the battle.

Judging from the traces, the fighting time between the two sides was not long. At most two or three breaths were over, so there were not too many traces left, and one person and one beast moved forward and soon lost the trace.

"Before the Beastmaster's Burial Ground of the Split-Sky Beast! Contains countless ideas of Beastmaster. Don't mess around and destroy the quiet inside!"

The Beastmaster explained, and walked inward in the direction of antiquity.

Not long after, a huge stone monument appeared in front of him, with the words "Beast of the Beast King" written in the text of the split-day beast. 1ka

Nie Yun glanced at and followed behind the Beastmaster.

The further inward the fog became, the more the cold wind blew with the cold breath, and there seemed to be countless grieving crying.

Each Beastmaster is a strong man in the heavenly realm. I do n’t know how many heads have fallen over the past billions of years. The resentment left by these strong people is so great that even Nie Yun's current strength can't help being cold.

When the spirit moved, the fusion realm was released, forming a layer of separation on the body surface, and the surrounding resentment immediately dissipated a lot. Little impact on him.

Undisturbed by dissatisfaction, slowly moving along the dissatisfaction, Nie Yun's eyebrows frowned.

"Why go inward. There is less resentment? Is there a burial place in the Beastmaster's burial ground?"

After a while, Nie Yun couldn't help it.

"Less resentment?"

The Beastmaster of the Heavens didn't even notice it at first, and when he said it, he realized the problem.

"No. The more beastmasters buried in it, the less resentful it is?" It also felt a little weird.

Since these beastmasters are not willing to die, after the death, the resentment will become more intense with the burial of more people ... But the fact is the opposite, the resentment is getting less and less, people can't help but feel strange. Yes · 1 Yes

"There seems to be no grievance here!"

After walking for a while, there was no resentment in the valley.

Nie Yun looked around, and now there are still many remains and tombs of the Beastmaster, even more dense than before.

"Maybe ... it's too long, and the grievances are gone! The older ancestors are buried here!"

The Sky Beastmaster doesn't know why. It took me a long time to say.


Nie Yun couldn't think of a better reason. He nodded and just wanted to speak. He heard a whistling ahead, and a huge black shadow appeared in front of him.

"Hey, it seems I guessed well, you came here ... this time I see where you are going!"

"Burnt Beastmaster?"

Nie Yun's face sank.

Appearing in front of him is the Burning Heaven Beastmaster!

He said so much to the Beastmaster, to make it believe in himself, provided he couldn't see this and couldn't break the lie.

Bring everything to Prince Dobo and others.

Anyway, it is reported that humans have destroyed the burning sky area. You do n’t know your name. Even if you know it, you ca n’t know it by calling it another name.

I thought at least before I found the heart of the world. I wo n’t run into it. When I find the heart of the world, I wo n’t be afraid of anything ... I did n’t expect to see this guy after walking a short distance!

Once it was revealed that he was telling lies to the Heavenly Beastmaster in front of him, he could not use it to shoot, and the Heavenly Beastmaster would turn his face!

"Heavenly Beast Lord came to your Burial Ground of the Heavenly Beast without saying a word, and made a clone to deceive you. Obviously you are planning a conspiracy, and you must not let it go ..."

Thinking of this, Nie Yun decided to start as a strong player, and quickly sent a message to the split-day beast.

Sure enough, when he heard what he said, the Beastmaster's face was gloomy, and his eyes became slightly red.

The burial ground of the Beastmaster is a sacred place for their tribe, and ordinary beast-splitting beasts cannot enter. In front of this, the beast-burning beastmaster ran in without saying a word, and ambushed here.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the Beastmaster are full of murder: "Burning sky, you are so brave, it seems I really despise you ... now that you want to kill yourself, I will complete you!"

In the cold hum, a pair of wings instigated, they would always do it.

Although both beasts are in heaven, one is in one state and the other is in two states. There is still a great difference in strength. The split-day beast king really wants to start and can completely kill it, but it takes a lot of effort. Nothing more.

"Splitting sky, my purpose here is to wait for this human, between me and him, you don't care, as long as this person is killed, I can apologize to you! It doesn't matter if you bear the crime!"

Seeing the Heavenly Beastmaster and Nie Yun together, the brow of the Heavenly Beastmaster frowned and hummed.

"Don't believe him, he may have killed the coming humans, maybe ... the treasure has fallen into its hands!"

Seeing that the Beastmaster of the Heavens seemed to be a little interested in his words, Nie Yun was busy.

He and the Heavenly Beastmaster only traded and signed an oath not to kill each other. In fact, they are not only friends. If it is not a restricted contract, they may all deal with themselves!

After all, before humans and these beasts, the relationship was not friendly, with natural hostility.

Therefore, he must continue to divide the relationship between the two beasts. Otherwise, Burning Heaven Beasts will do its own work and have to expose Yanhuang Temple! I haven't found the specific location of the heart of the world ~ www.readwn.com ~ Once exposed to passive beatings, it is impossible to find the heart of the world again!

More importantly, there is no 100% control over Yan Huang Dian now. If two beasts of heaven and earth are simultaneously refining, they may not be able to stop them.

"Yes, burn the sky, obediently hand over the baby, I can let you go, otherwise ... don't blame me for years of love!"

The split-day beastmaster's big mouth cracked, and the path was overcast.

The traces of the battle between the Beast Lord and humans are still there. The two sides fought five days ago. Now the humans have no traces, or they have been killed by this guy!

There are emperor soldiers in human hands ... Speaking of which, this treasure can't be placed in its pocket!

In this case, naturally I can't let it go!

(To be continued.)


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