Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2465: Perfect realm (on)


Nie Yun's face was ugly.

Although Yanhuang Palace is a soldier of the imperial realm, his strength is too low to exert all his powers. As a powerful Taoist prince, Dobo will be more powerful with a large sword. The shock of power brought about can destroy all the treasures in the temple.

Even he would be hurt.

"No, go on like this, even if I can persist, I won't have the chance to refine the heart of the world!"

The Beastmaster of the Heavens is holding the Yanhuang Temple below, so he cannot approach the heart of the world. Even if he does not receive damage within a short time, the thought of refining the heart of the world will become a bubble.

"You have to think of a way!"

Nie Yun was anxious.

Don't hurry to find a way out of the predicament. The destruction of the treasures in Yanhuang Hall is a trivial matter. The most important thing is that it cannot swallow the heart of the world. It has always been passive.

"His Royal Highness, we will also be promoted to heaven to help you stop!"

Just when there was no show, the voice of Prince Ruxia and Yunrou sounded in his ears.

"it is good!"

Both of them have the blood of the Emperor, and their talents are high. Even if they do n’t take Tiandaohua, there is a great chance to break through the heavens with the passage of time!

However, in the current crisis situation, the four big Taoists will definitely not give them time. Rather than help them, it is better to break through now.

Nie Yun also knows what they mean, but now there is no better way, only that.

Taking a deep breath, the spirit moved, the heavenly flowers that had been collected before appeared in front of the two, and the bodies of the two split-day beasts appeared at the same time.

Want to take Tiandaohua to advance. You can only borrow the corpse of the split-day beast, there is no other way.

"Time accelerates. 100 million times!"

Knowing that time is not waiting for someone, give things to the two. At the same time, the time within their range is accelerated.


The outside world was just a few breaths away. Prince Ruxia and Yunrou had completed the promotion, stood up, and the Tiandao idea kept rolling around the body, exuding violent power.

"Ru Xia, you blocked the Beastmaster of the Heavens and gave me enough time to find the heart of the world, Yun Rou, you help Ye Tao! In danger. Just return to the Yanhuang Temple. In a short time, they can't break the defense! "

Seeing the two breakthrough, Nie Yun relieved and explained.

"it is good!"

The two nodded at the same time, raising their eyebrows and rushing out of the Yanhuang Hall.

"Splinter Beastmaster, your opponent is me!"

Leaving Yanhuang Hall, Prince Ruxia rushed straight to the Beastmaster. The raging power condensed into one, piercing the Beastmaster's heart.

The Beastmaster held Yanhuang Hall and wanted to let him end this situation as soon as possible. There was only one way.

"Get away!"

The Beastmaster of the Heavens saw the purpose of Prince Ruxia. The thick tail swept over.


The fist and the tail touched each other, and Prince Ruxia immediately flew out and fell heavily on the black hole rock wall. Spouting blood.

His time as a heavenly powerhouse is too short, plus only one state. Far from being the opponent of the Beastmaster.

He was injured here, and Yun Rou was blocked by Prince Liumu.

The strength of the two is not much different. In a short period of time, the score could not be defeated, but Ye Tao, who had previously fought the Heavenly Beastmaster, was almost unable to persist.

As a veteran of heaven, the Burning Beastmaster attacked wave after wave, violently incomparable, and Ye Tao could only retreat and resist passively.

"This way, the effect is still not great, and I still have a hard time finding opportunities!"

Looking at this scene, Nie Yun frowned.

Although there are three heavenly strong men and one emperor soldier, there is still passive in the current situation.

"Further delay, I am afraid that the heart of the world will run away!"

It is enough to delay some time. The key is the world heart of the twelve-level world. It must have its own wisdom and continue to stand still. If it fails, it will run away.

Once you escape, where is the sky-splitting area, where can I find it?


His face was ugly, and Nie Yun was anxious.

"How to do how to do……"

He must get the heart of the world, but the four great Taoists have stopped it, and Yan Huang Dian cannot leave. How can he enter the heart of the world?

"Right ... Li Daitao is stiff!"

Anxious in my heart, a sudden mental movement, an idea came up.

Obviously it is impossible to devour the heart of the world. It is almost impossible to get entangled by the four great Taoists.

Knowing no, secret?


Thinking in this way, another move of Sanqing appeared in front of him when the spirit moved.

Yiqing Sanqing and the deity are three in total, one of which stays in the ocean of chaos, and the other has been in the world of things.

This avatar has exactly the same strength as the deity, regardless of each other. No one can see the difference except that there are many dantians in the deity.

Ming can not go to devour the heart of the world, but secret is not the same.

Dobo and others do not know that they have such an avatar. If they rush out and fight with them, they will certainly attract most of the attention, and they can also create opportunities for the deity to enter the black hole and devour the heart of the world.

"But ... if you do this, you must leave Yan Huang Dian!"

Without leaving Yan Huang Dian, the other party will definitely doubt it. Moreover, Ye Tao and others have no place of refuge, which is prone to accidents ... If they stay, the deity will enter the heart of the world and become very dangerous.

How powerful the heart of the twelfth world will be ~ www.readwn.com ~ Even he is totally unsure.

"Can only fight it!"

Nie Yun's eyes showed a ruthless meaning.

Now there is no other way. There is only this way to go. If you do n’t fight, there is no possibility to devour the heart of the world. If you fight, it is dangerous, but there is still a glimmer of hope!

"The exquisite pearl tower, the ice blade, and the last five fusion energies that can be used at last are all for you!"

As soon as he gritted his teeth and moved his spirit, Nie Yun threw the exquisite pearl tower and the ice blade to the clone. The two heavenly **** soldiers were refined by him, and the clone can be easily used.

Like this Yan Huang Dian, it is very difficult for others to drive. It is very easy for him to gasify his avatar.

The avatar only has the strength of stealing the sky and borrowing the realm of life, and it is impossible to complete the battle with the heavenly powerhouse without sufficient equipment.

Although Frost Blade does not know the level, at least it has reached the level of heaven. With the exquisite pearl tower, one attack and one defense. Even if the Beastmaster and other people are strong in heaven, it is not easy to kill the clone in a short time. .

Coupled with the turn of Yan Huang Dian, they can hold each other completely, making them unable to find themselves.


After doing this, Nie Yun's body flickered and turned into a dust particle and fell on the body of the clone.

"Duobo, Liumu, Burning Sky, and Cracking Sky, I'll see who's dead today!"

She snarled and rushed straight out of Yanhuang Hall. (To be continued.)

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