Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2469: Sacrifice Yan Dian

The other party was right. Once Wanjiedongtian was reopened, this Nie Yun would disappear with Yanhuang Temple.

At that time, even if you want to worship, it is too late.

Although once the sacrifice, Yanhuang Temple will be taken away by heaven, it will bring great benefits, at least let them each advance to the state of a state, it is easy.

Sacrifice, completely lost the opportunity to promote the beast, without sacrificing, may not get any benefits!

"Okay, worship now!"

"I agree, let's get started!"

Soon, Burning Heaven Beastmaster and Split Heaven Beastmaster made a choice.

Rather than get nothing out of nothing, it's better to pick up some facts!


Prince Dobo and others nodded in agreement.

The divine world heavenly path has a natural rejection of things that cross it. The emperor soldiers are obviously objects that cross the heavenly rules. If they can be sacrificed with this thing, they will receive great praise from heavenly paths and gain unimaginable benefits.

"I am the Beastmaster!"

"I burned the Beastmaster!"

"My prince!"

"My Prince Wood!"

"I am strict!"

"I have waited for five people to seal the Yellow Temple. They are willing to contribute to the heaven."

The five great Taoists grabbed their hands at the same time, and the powerful forces sealed the Yanhuang Temple in a blink of an eye.

It is still difficult for them to break through the Yanhuang Hall, but it is still easy to seal the still hall.


The five heavenly strong men sacrificed at the same time, a huge vortex appeared immediately above the cave, a vast and powerful idea came down, and looked coldly at the few people in front of them.

Squeak! Squeak!

Under the shroud of ideas, Yan Huang Dian made a "squeak!" Sound, as if the outside restraint could not be persisted anymore, it would collapse at any time.

Inside the Yanhuang Hall.


Looking at the outside scene, Prince Ruxia's face was ugly.

Ye Tao may not know the horrors of the sacrifices. As a prince, he has seen many ancient books, but he still knows a few.

"Isn't Yanhuang Hall His Royal Highness? It should be his sacrifice, not these people?"

Ye Tao looked strangely.

The sacrifices to the heavens usually need to take their own things to succeed. The Yanhuang Palace is the thing of His Royal Highness. How can it be sacrificed by others?

"According to normal circumstances, other people's things really cannot be sacrificed, but now the Yanhuang Palace is trapped by them and cannot act. In this case, Tiandao will think that the Yanhuang Palace is their booty. Agree to the sacrifice! Once you agree to rely on Your Highness to Yanhuang The control of the temple cannot be stopped! "

Prince Ruxia looked pale.

Divine heaven has no feelings. It regards all things as ruminant dogs and only works according to the rules. Duobo and others sealed the Yanhuang Hall. According to Nie Yun's control of the Yanhuang Hall now, he must be free from this. The temple has become their spoils, and they agree to sacrifice!

If the sacrifice is successful, Yanhuang Hall will be taken away by heaven. Disintegrate completely.

Although the Emperor's Realm was disengaged from Heaven by the Emperor Realm, the Emperor's Realm could not compete with the Emperor of Heaven without the drive of the Emperor Realm.

"Your Highness, can you still move Yanhuang Hall now?"

Yun Rou looked slightly towards Nie Yun's avatar on one side.

"No!" Double shook his head.

The strength of the avatar is only stealing the sky and borrowing life, and after consuming five fusion roads, the strength is weaker, and it is naturally impossible to move the Yanhuang Hall that has been sealed by the five great Taoists.

"What to do? Do we have to watch Yanhuang Hall be sacrificed? Wipe away by heaven?"

Ye Tao was also anxious.

"Unless we rush out and fight against each other, but they are now five heavenly strong men, and the sacrifice leads to heaven, I am afraid they are not opponents at all!"

Prince Ruxia's face was ashamed.

I did not expect to persist for so many days. Seeing that Wanjie Dongtian was about to be reopened, it turned out to be this case!

Suddenly, the entire Yanhuang Temple was dead.

"Oh, don't worry!"

Just when everyone thought there was no hope. A laughter sounded.

Hearing this voice, the crowd froze and hurriedly looked around, and saw another Nie Yun appear not far away.

"His Royal Highness"

Everyone was stunned to see him appear.

Nie Yun left a clone, and the deity quietly devoured the heart of the world. No one knows, these people also don't know that he has a clone with the same strength as the deity.

"This is my clone!"

Seeing the strangeness of the crowd, as soon as Nie Yun's body was shaking, his avatar was integrated into the body, and the exquisite pearl tower and the ice blade were also caught by his palm.


Everyone was taken aback.

Having been together for more than twenty days, fighting together and competing against the four heavenly powers together, I did not expect this guy to be just a clone.

"Let's solve the situation now!"

Knowing that it was difficult to explain, Nie Yun didn't say much anymore. Through Yanhuang Hall, he looked at the black hole vortex floating in the air.

"If His Royal Highness reaches heaven, the control of Yanhuang Palace will increase a lot, and maybe he can get rid of the current situation, but what should he do now?"

Prince Ruxia shook his head.

Although he has reached the strength of heaven, he can still see the strength of Nie Yun. In his eyes, he has just broken through. It was only in the early days of the imperial realm.

When Nie Yun reaches the heavenly state, his control over the Yanhuang Temple will increase a lot, and it is possible to compete for control of the five heavenly strong men, but only by stealing the sky to borrow his life, it is impossible to complete.

"Tiandaojing? Although I haven't reached it, I still have this strength!"

Nie Yun smiled. As soon as the spirit moved, a huge force spread out and immediately enveloped the Yanhuang Temple.

Condensing the perfect realm, breaking through to the early days of the imperial realm, although he did not reach the heavenly realm, he possessed the fighting power of the heavenly realm, and was already comparable to a state-level powerhouse.


The forces were released, and Nie Yun immediately felt that he had greater control over Yan Huang Dian.

Former Yan Huang Dian, it seems to him that the baby is holding a sledgehammer and has more than enough power. With the surge in strength at this moment, the baby has reached the level of five or six years old ~ www.readwn.com ~ Although there is still some swinging the hammer Barely, but able to move it easily!

"You want to sacrifice Yanhuang Hall, you think too much!"

Feeling the control of Yan Huang Dian, Nie Yun smiled slightly and raised eyebrows.


Yan Huang Dian, who was imprisoned by the Five Great Heavenly Powers, under his control, violently roared, followed by a slight shock, and tore off the seals left by the five.

Although the seals left by the Five Great Heavenly Powers are strong, at this moment Nie Yun also has the strength not weaker than them, plus the control of Yanhuang Temple, it is easy to break the seal.


Yan Huang Dian gradually narrowed, and the next moment, disappeared in front of Dobo and others.

(To be continued.)

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