Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2476: Nie Yun Shang Dynasty (middle)

During the dialogue between Emperor Putian and Emperor Yuanyang, Nie Yun didn't know it, but sat on the bed and breathed a sigh of relief.

Quietly tempted just now, but the result was discovered. Thanks to him, he retreated fast, otherwise, once caught, things in the world of things will definitely be exposed.

"If I didn't get so close, the Emperor Putian wouldn't find it, wouldn't it indicate that as long as it can't be provoked, it would be difficult for even the Emperor to discover the power of my world?"

Nie Yun's eyes lit up.

Although he was discovered just now, he was still ecstatic.

If it wasn't for him to be too close, even Potian the Great wouldn't be able to find it. Wouldn't it indicate that even the Great King could hardly find the power of the world space?

"I created the world of things, and it contains laws and powers that are different from the divine realm ..."

The space-time law of the world of things is completely different from the divine realm. It belongs to him. The other emperors are accustomed to the rules of the divine realm. Without paying attention, it may be impossible to find out!

"In this case, it is great to sneak and hide!"

Nie Yun rejoiced.

Wherever the power of the world space can be spread, he can instantly teleport past it!

I just tested it. If you do n’t take the initiative, it will be very difficult for the Emperor Realm to find it. Would n’t it indicate that you can easily hide near the Emperor Realm?

"Of course, it's better not to experiment. Once the teleportation will cause space fluctuations, it will be found ... I don't know how to die!"

Although it seems feasible, Nie Yun has not taken the initiative to do such a thing.

The Emperor Realm can surpass Heaven, and many methods are not yet capable of being countered by him.

"No matter what, try how far it can spread!"

Without thinking about it, Nie Yun controlled the outward spread of the power of holding things in the world space.

There are many emperors in Yunzhou City, and this time he avoided the residences and areas of these people.

"Sword Spirit Mountain ..."

Soon, accompanied by the power of holding world space. Nie Yun's sight returned to Jianling Mountain.

It took me nearly a month to get there, and now I really want to come back ... with one breath!

"carry on!"

Crossed Jianling Mountain and continued to spread outward.

He already felt it. Arrived here, far from reaching the limit.

"This is ... the border of Yunzhou City. Yunmeng Mountain?"

Soon, Nie Yun's idea came to a towering high mountain. Although he has been here from the future, by studying the geography of the Divine Realm, he immediately understood that the power of holding the world space has arrived at the border of Yunzhou City.


Still not to the limit, continue to spread forward.

The terrain in front of me was constantly changing, and Nie Yun seemed to leap in the realm of the gods.

I wonder how long it has been flying. Stopped, at this moment, finally reached the limit, the idea also appeared in the vast ocean.

"It's close to the three states!"

Nie Yun was happy.

Just tested, the power of holding things in the world space can easily spread the distance between two states close to three states!

"It seems to be related to strength!"

Soon, Nie Yun understood.

His current strength is the peak of the state of two states, and the world of things can also spread between the two states close to the three states, which means that the distance and strength of the world of things can match.

With the increase in strength, the scope of the shroud will certainly be wider.

"Huh? Miss Bier? Why did she come to Yunzhou City? Did she find her father?"

Withdrawal of consciousness. Suddenly his eyes moved and Nie Yun saw a familiar figure.

Miss Bier of Vulcan Sect, disciple of Fairy Fairy. Daughter of General Zhixuan.

I met them shortly after I came to Divine Realm, and the relationship is not bad.

She is a disciple of Vulcan Sect. How come to Yunzhou City?

However, Nie Yun didn't wonder how long, after all, Miss Bier was a disciple of General Zhiyi, and it was normal for him to come to him.

"She's here. I can just ask the whereabouts of Fairy Fairy, and by the way help her cure the fire and poison in her body!"

To say that the person he most does not want to see, Fairy Fairy is definitely the first to bear it ... At that time, they were like that. Although he is passive, the other party is a woman after all. And still a virgin ...

But he also knows that many things can't be done without wanting to see them. I owe what I owe. The fire poison in the blue fairy's body. I promised myself, but I have n’t been treated. Now my strength has reached this level, so it ’s okay to see.

In short, I will see you sooner or later. Instead of tangling, it's better to talk and see what the other party thinks.

"His Royal Highness, Your Majesty told you to go and do the Supreme Court!"

I was thinking about telling the old with my deceased, and then I heard a voice outside.

It was the little **** who had brought him just now.

Don't look at it as a little eunuch. He doesn't have much status in the palace, but his strength has reached the peak of the imperial realm. When he walks outside, he is a first-class master.


Hearing the shout, Nie Yun knew that it was not the time to talk about the old, and stood up and walked out of the room.

Gan Hedian, the most splendid palace in the Royal Palace of Yunzhou City, all the ministers are here. Nie Yun, as a prince, naturally wants to discuss politics here.

Gan Hedian is now full of people. Almost all who can be here can be powerful.

"Your Majesty has established the prince like this ... Is it too childish?"

"Even if it is His Majesty's biological son, how can he convince the public if he has no military merits and no strength?"

"The successor of the Emperor Shennong has a lot of influence and is not enough to become a prince directly.

"I heard that his strength is just to complete the kingdom, this strength is not even as good as a servant. Being a prince, it's almost childish!"

"How did Your Majesty plan? No matter what, we must persuade today that the foundation of the Putian Dynasty will not be destroyed for billions of years!"

"Putian Dynasty, as one of the nine forces, how could a Huangkou child be emperor?"


There was much discussion in the hall.

The Putian dynasty is one of the nine major forces. A huge force exists, and the ruler is extremely critical.

Nie Yun came to Yunzhou City for less than a year.

How could it be possible to mobilize the entire empire so that they would still stand in the forest of the nine major powers, even without their ministers admiring them?

It's ridiculous!

"This time, Your Majesty ~ www.readwn.com ~ Your Majesty will not come. I have explained that everything is fully presided over by the Prince. Please also be quiet!"

A **** stood up, said.

"What? Your Majesty can't come?"

"Why doesn't your Majesty come?"

"Your Majesty is for the Crown Prince to try to govern ... But it is not so easy without His Majesty!"

"It's not easy, no strength, no one is convinced, I'm going to see today ... How is our Crown Prince doing politics today!"

"Hey, I watched a good show. Your Majesty can't come. I'm afraid I want to see what the Prince's ability is. If it doesn't work, it will be replaced!"

After hearing the eunuch's words, everyone laughed, one by one, looking out of the hall with a provocative taste. (To be continued.)

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