Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2479: Nie Yun fights back (below)


"how can that be?"

"I know about Luoxian Island. Isn't it really that they are not willing to surrender, but ..."

"I also knew about the Underground King's escape, and I doubted then that the King of the North was going out of the horse himself, why was it possible for him to escape, wouldn't this be true?"

"Look at their faces, it should be true ..."

"Fake or false is well verified, as long as His Majesty shows the time back in person, it is easy to find ..."

Uh ...

I saw countless guilts flashing from three books. The whole hall was silent and looked at each other, each of them shocked from the other's eyes.

If this is true, it is too scary!

The three great masters are simply three maggots!

No wonder the dynasty is still in turmoil these years, it turned out that they did it!

The so-called merits are all the baskets that they brought out, and then settle them!


Everyone looked at the three kings, all changed.

"His Royal Highness can find so many evidences so quickly ... this kind of strength!"

"too terrifying……"

While confirming the authenticity of the book records, others finally felt afraid.

太 The prince in front of me thought that it was easy to deal with, and he couldn't raise his head in a few words. I didn't expect that he was even more fierce and found all these evidences!

I can find the evidence of the three kings, can I also find them?

As a member of the dynasty ... who can guarantee cleanliness?

Uh ...

"Huh, I didn't expect that I wouldn't ask these years, there are so many maggots!"

Putian Great Emperor also saw the books and sank.

He is a powerful emperor. Just a glance at this thing immediately understands whether it is true or not.

He has been retreating all these years, ignoring the politics of the dynasty, but he did not expect such a large maggot in the dynasty!

If the cricket is not his majesty, the Quartet would not dare to commit crimes. By virtue of this, the maggots have always existed. The dynasty may have closed down long ago!

"There must be these in places of interest!" Yuanyang Emperor did not feel surprised, but smiled slightly: "I'm surprised, how did the little brother Nie Yun get these things! Look at these books. Should be They are all their own books, hidden in the most secret place, and obtained silently, even me, it is not easy to do it! "

"Hmm. This kid does have the ability, it seems my previous worry is unnecessary!"

Emperor Putian nodded, and his heart was very strange.

These books, with the help of his great emperor, should not be difficult to get, but Nie Yun is only in the middle of the imperial realm ... even if you have a successful imperial realm, you can't do it!

As long as Nie Yun has the fighting power of Heaven, as long as it is not revealed, Putian is also unaware.

After all, the power must be suppressed below heaven. In order to walk freely in the realm of God, otherwise, Tiandao will drop the heavenly punishment and kill it without him.

Uh ...

"You ... your blood spurts! Since the prince is talking nonsense and slandering the heroes, I can't wait for this dynasty!"

Seeing the eyes of the crowd, King Zhenbei immediately understood what they meant, and his face turned red and white, and suddenly he shouted. Turn around and walk out.

Others don't know whether the records in the book are true or not. He knows that everything is true. Once these things and the charges are confirmed. Even if he had a thousand lives, it would not be enough to kill.

While Your Majesty is not here, leaving right away is the right way.

As long as His Majesty can't take his shot, he is confident that the entire palace can stop him, almost nothing!

"Want to leave? Is it still possible? Come on. Take him down!"

I guilty of accusation, how could Nie Yun let him go and yelled.


The guards outside the imperial palace swarmed in immediately and surrounded the north king of the town.

"These people want to catch me and dream! Since the imperial dynasty doesn't want to keep me, I won't stay anymore, leave ..."

He looked at the crowd around him, and the king of Zhenbei smiled coldly, and his body jumped out, like a phantom, out of nowhere and disappeared in front of everyone.

"Stealing Heaven and Borrow?"

"This is a strength that transcends the imperial realm ..."

"I didn't expect King Zhenbei to hide so deeply ..."

"Abominable, once you let him escape, relying on his knowledge of the dynasty's secrets, there will be no peace in the Putian dynasty!"

Uh ...

Seeing the formation formed by the guards, I did not block the king of the town, let him leave immediately, and many ministers in the hall were blinded.

The north king of Qiongzhen, known as the first king, almost controlled the entire Putian dynasty, and the secrets he knew were countless. Today he let him escape. As long as the Emperor Putian did not take the arrest himself, it would be difficult to catch.

Even with these secrets as capital, other hostile emperors will save his life!

"Want to leave? Do you really think that the Dynasty is gone?"

Ignoring the anxieties of many ministers, Nie Yun smiled slightly and stretched out his hands to grasp the past.


The space in front of Xun's eyes seemed to be torn instantly. In the next moment, the king of Zhenbei who had fled without a trace, like a wrapped dumpling, fell in the middle of the hall. No matter how he struggled, he could not escape.


Many ministers were shocked again, with cold sweat on their heads.

The King of the North of Zhen just escaped so quickly, his strength has reached the limit under the heavenly path, I am afraid that the real strength has reached the life of stealing the sky!

Such a strong person, in the palm of his hand like a chicken, just grab it ... What is his strength?

Stolen days to borrow life?


Or ... Emperor Realm?

Everyone feels shortness of breath ~ www.readwn.com ~ especially those who want to oppose Nie Yun just now, their faces are pale and they can't stand.

He is fulfilling the king, who said this Nima?

Which has the strength to complete the King's Land?


The King of Zhenzhen apparently did not expect Nie Yun to have such strength, and when he looked at it, he was horrified: "What are you going to do? Do you have to restrict my freedom ..."

自由 "Freedom?" Nie Yun shook his head: "You don't need to talk to me about freedom ... for this kind of treason, there is only one end ..."

After speaking, Nie Yun was too lazy to talk nonsense to his opponent, and his fingers moved forward.

A ray of light shot at Zhenbei Wang quickly. Before he responded, he felt a hot body.


Suddenly, the fiercely-known King Zhenbei, who had reached the sky to borrow his life, was blown into a pile of minced meat, leaving no hair left.

When the evidence was found, Nie Yun would not give him a chance to argue. Instead of killing him, it would be better to kill it first.

"It's your turn ..."

With one finger, he killed the king of Zhenbei, and Nie Yun turned to look at the remaining Nanhai King and Fengjiang King.

"Ah ... Your Highness, I confess!"

"I also confess my sins and ask for forgiveness ..."

I saw that he killed the King of the North with one finger, and didn't even give him a chance to quibble. The King of the South China Sea and the King of Feng Jiang almost **** their pants, and fell to their knees and shouted.

Confession, you may still save your life, run away and not confess, but die directly!

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