Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2482: Trap area

Who is the Fairy Fairy? It is comparable to Emperor Xuan ’s peerless beauty. She is so tall. She is looking for an acquaintance, and everyone is crazy.

However, it didn't take long for the news to come out, and everyone who was eager to try before, went out at the same time.

It's not that they don't want to be favored by beauties, but ... a super power speaks.

A trapping demon in the trapping zone of one of the ten places!

The trapped demon controls one of the ten places, showing strength.

It is said that although it has not reached the emperor's realm, it is almost the same.

He said that Fairy Fairy was his woman, and no one dared to make an idea.

Later, he even came to Vulcan Sect in person to ask for marriage.

Although the Vulcan Sect was established by the Emperor Realm, the Vulcan Emperor had already traveled far and wondered where he had gone. Without the Emperor to be a true Sect, how to counteract his strength can only agree.

Besides, there is the elder elder in the middle, who once married, can also greatly increase the status of Vulcan Sect, the senior level of Vulcan Sect may not want it!

"The marriage was settled like this, my Master naturally disapproved. Who knows ... the trapping demon directly took her away, and imprisoned Xiuwei, and brought it to the trapped area ... It was said that it was three months later. Marriage, it's almost time now ... "

Miss Belle sobbed.

She rushed here from Vulcan Sect all the way. Even if she took the teleportation array, it took a lot of time. After careful calculation, it was almost three months.

"His Royal Highness must rescue my master. Now I can't think of anyone else who can save her except you ..."

Miss Bier cried pear blossoms with rain.

She is low in strength, even if she is strong, she cannot be an opponent of the super strong like the trapped demon. She does not rely on Zongmen. After thinking about it, only this teenager who has repeatedly created miracles can help her.

Therefore. Not afraid of hardships, come here.

"Trapped in the air? Trap in the air?"

Nie Yun's face was ugly.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Fairy Fairy was already his woman. This guy dared to touch his woman, he was almost dead!

"His Royal Highness. The trapped area is located in ten places, close to the boundless sea, which is a relatively sensitive area. Moreover, the trapped demon seems to be ... a descendant of the ascension emperor of the boundless sea. If the dynasty sends people to pass, I am afraid ...... It is easy to cause contradictions with the Ascension! "

After hearing these things, Ye Tao frowned.

He is a duke. I know very well the distribution of the nine major forces and the situation among the forces.

The trapped area is close to the boundless sea, and the area is far from the Putian Dynasty. It is difficult to send troops. More importantly, the trapped demon is the descendant of an ascension emperor in the boundless sea. He really wants to move him. It is easy to cause war between the two major forces.

"A descendant of the Ascension Emperor? Who?"

For the first time, Nie Yun heard the name of the trapped demon, and naturally did not know that this guy still had such a background.

No wonder he can manage a domain without reaching the emperor level, and is so arrogant. No one dares to say anything.

"It seems like ... the boundless sea Canglu emperor!"

Ye Tao said.

"The Great Emperor of Canglu? The Fourth Great Emperor of the Borderless Sea?" Nie Yun frowned.

There are more than a dozen great emperors in the boundless sea. The number one is naturally the great emperor Xuanyuan and Yao Xuan that Nie Yun knew. Can only be ranked fifth.

This Canglu emperor ranks higher than him, which shows that he is stronger than Yao Xuan.

"It doesn't matter which descendant of the emperor he is, I'll fix it!"

Nie Yun stood up.

"His Royal Highness, will you go in person? Then ... what about the dynasty?" Ye Tao was startled when he saw his actions.

His Royal Highness has just stabilized the situation, and once he leaves, it will mess up again.


Nie Yun frowned.

He was right, he is now His Royal Highness. Just stabilize the game if you leave at this time. The hearts of those who have just been soothed will surely rise again.

But I didn't go by myself, so I was a little bit relieved. Regardless of the strength of the trapped demon, let alone say that the distance from Yunzhou City to the trapped space is no less than the land of three states, and the daylily is also cold.


The spirit moved and Sanqing exerted himself, and appeared in front of everyone.

When I was in Wanjie Dongtian, I was able to take back the avatar. At this moment, I was born again. I used the same strength as the deity, the peak of the two states!

"I'll leave the avatar here and sit down!"

The peak of the two states is the same, and the strength is not much different from that of the deity. Staying here can completely cope with the situation of the court and not cause confusion.

Of course, although the strength of the avatar is also in the state of two states, because there is no world to receive objects, it cannot exert its space power, nor can it teleport.

"Sir, let me be with you ..."

Without worry, Ye Tao was relieved and busy.

"No, you are here to help the prince to maintain the stability of the dynasty! Although your strength is not weak now, you are really in danger and you cannot help!"

Nie Yun shook his head and refused.

Although Ye Tao is already a strong man in the heavens, he can't do anything when he encounters a danger he can't handle.

Rather than take it with you.

"Yes!" Ye Tao showed disappointment, but nodded again, no more to say.

"General Zhiyu, your strength is not good, just don't follow us. I will now receive you somewhere and send you a great fortune! Maybe when you come out, you will have the strength to exceed the limit!"

Nie Yun glanced at Zhi Zhi.

This general has brought a lot of help since he came to the Divine Realm, and now he can help him improve his cultivation, naturally he will not hesitate.

"It all depends on His Highness!" General Zhi Zhi nodded quickly.


As soon as Nie Yun's spirit moved, he immediately put it into the world of objects and said, "Boom!" With the sound of his place, time accelerated hundreds of millions of times.


A few drops of the blood of the fissure beast emerged out of thin air and entered his body along the aisle.

"Thank Your Highness!"

Feeling the purity of this power, General Zhi Zhi understood that Nie Yun wanted him to quickly improve his strength, and immediately stopped thinking about it, closed his eyes, and worked hard to cultivate.

"Miss Bier, it's not too late, let's go!"

Leave a copy ~ www.readwn.com ~ Arrange General Zhi Zhi, Nie Yun will not say more.


Miss Bier also knew that it was not too late to rescue Master, and stood up and walked out: "If we hurry up, we might be able to hurry back to the boundless sea area before the teleportation array closes!"

"Transfer array? No need!"

When she heard that she was going to use the teleportation array, Nie Yun smiled, came to her, and pulled her palm: "Don't resist, don't move around!"

After speaking, the next moment appeared at the Yunzhou border.

The Fairy Fairy has an accident and must be rushed through in the fastest way. His current identity is definitely very simple to ride a teleportation array, but no matter how fast the teleportation array is, it is not as good as teleportation.

The distance from the trapped area is just the land of the three states. With his current ability, he can reach it by teleporting at most twice.

(To be continued.)

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