Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2494: remuneration

Hearing the sound, all the beasts did not stay, and walked towards the dunes.

The dunes have been consolidated by various formations, solid like a castle, with a wide temple inside, and an old man with a white beard sits in it.

"What does a human look like?"

What makes Nie Yun strange is that this old man is different from other beasts and looks like a human.

The guys I saw after entering the boundless abyss were stranger than the others. The white beard in Hou Kong's mouth turned out to be this look, which was beyond his expectation.

"No wonder when Qiu Ape saw me just now, he didn't say anything. It turned out that the endless abyss is not all beasts and humans!"

Nie Yun was stunned.

When Qiu Ape saw his human form just now, he didn't think it was strange, nor did he think he was an outsider. Now it seems that it should be related to the white beard being a human form.

"You get the reward first, and then you will answer your questions according to the level of reward!"

Just let the crowd enter the dunes' beast.

At this moment, the white bear is like falling asleep, his eyes are slightly closed, his head is lowered, and he is motionless.


The gods and beasts all knew the rules, no nonsense, and walked to the stone platform on the side at the same time.

Shitai is more than three meters high, which is not much for a huge beast, but it is too high for Nie Yun.

The first beast to walk to Shitai, the claw of the hoof lightly stroked, a drop of blood appeared above.


The blood was shining with light, dazzling, "Hoo!", An orange light appeared, shining on the Quartet.

"Orange light, pass, sixth grade!"

The sound sounded.

Taking out the blood of the beast, his face was a joy, the huge tail shook, and he stood aside with excitement.

If it passes, it means that the beard bearer has collected the blood, and can answer the questions he wants to ask.

"That stone platform can detect the properties of blood. If you take the blood you sent before, it won't faint and cannot pass!"

Hou Kong quietly transmitted a message to Nie Yun: "As for the passing, it is divided into seven levels. According to the colors of red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and purple, red is the seventh grade, and the lowest! Purple is First-class products, the most advanced! "

"Oh!" Nie Yun nodded.

This sort is similar to the Jianxin Stone that I saw in Jianling Valley, and can be different according to the level. Automatic grading.

"Bloods of our level are basically grade six, and the strongest is no more than grade five. It is said that for so many years, blood has not appeared above grade five!"

Hou Kong continued.

"Where does this classification come from? The stronger the power of the blood master, the higher the level, or the stranger the blood, the higher the level?" Nie Yun asked.

As long as there is a classification, there is always a basis. The beasts of the infinite abyss are mixed with each other's blood, and it is impossible to base them on the degree of confusion. To grade?

"I don't know, but according to experience, it should be the type of blood veins contained in the body! Like me, the blood veins of the **** ape and lizard are contained in the body. The two blood veins are the most common seventh-grade products! The sixth-grade products just now , There should be three different blood lines in the body! "

Hou Kong thought for a moment.

"Grading according to how much blood?" Nie Yun nodded, seemingly similar to what he guessed.

"Master, are you sure there is such mixed blood?" Hou Kong asked.

When it came, it asked specifically. The young man said that there was no need to worry about remuneration. Now it was their turn to turn it in, and if it wasn't available at the moment, the trouble would be serious.

"Of course!" Nie Yun nodded.

He had previously seen Hou Kong's blood exclusively. The so-called mixed blood is the different avenues contained in the blood.

The more mixed, the more roads it contains.

The world of receiving things merges into the three thousand avenues, and many forces have been completely integrated with the blood. If he took out his blood, he would definitely pass.

Because of this. Only dare to come here.

Between one person and one beast, the front beast had already given blood, as Hou Kong said, the best of which was only the sixth grade, and there were even a few that could not pass.

Unable to pass, it is not qualified to interrogate Baixu Weng, these gods and beasts showed annoyance one by one.

Soon, lined up to Nie Yun.

A finger popped, a drop of blood was born from the body, and I was about to put it in the stone platform. My heart suddenly moved, and I turned to look at Hou Kong: "Give me a drop of blood!"

"Mine?" Hou Kong froze for a moment. "My blood has been given before. If I use it again, it won't pass ..."

"You don't need to worry, just give me!" Nie Yun waved his hand.

"Okay!" Seeing him insisting, Hou Kong didn't dare talk nonsense, a hoof claw bounced, and a drop of blood flew over.

Grasping the blood, Nie Yun bounced his fingers twice in a row, and then put it into the stone platform.

"the host……"

Hou Kong was anxious when he saw that he didn't listen to dissuasion and put blood into Shitai.

The same blood can only be used once. Otherwise, it takes a drop of blood to allow the beard to answer the question once. Even if the latter is strong, it will be exhausted.

Its blood has been sent before, and it is useless to take it up again!

This is simply a waste of opportunity!


When Hou Kong felt that it was impossible to release the light and would waste the opportunity, Shitai suddenly shone.

Yellow light!

Grade 5!


Hou Kong was startled, his eyes were about to roll to the ground.

Its blood is clearly a seventh-grade product. It almost failed to pass last time. Why did it suddenly become a fifth-grade product?

The fifth grade product is equivalent to four different blood veins in the body, and there are scarce horns in the infinite abyss.

"Fifth grade?"

"There is actually a fifth-grade blood!"

"I haven't seen this level of blood for a long time ..."

"Great, Hou Kong, a friend, I have never seen it before, I didn't expect to have this level of blood!"


Other beasts cannot believe it one by one.

The blood of grade 5 and the abyss has only a few cases for so many years. I have seen with my own eyes, they are full of shock.

Not only them, but even Bai Xuweng, who had been bowing his head before, opened his eyes and looked at Nie Yun.

"Sure enough!"

Ignoring the beast's surprised eyes ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun smiled lightly.

Just a moment ago, he made an experiment in his heart, but he did not expect it to succeed.

The three thousand avenues contained in his blood could not be easily given away, so at the last moment, asked Hou Kong for a drop.

Since the blood complex is related to the avenue, if the talent representing the avenue is incorporated into it, will it increase its level?

Thinking of this, quietly added two talents to the blood.

Sure enough, as I guessed, before it was only the blood of the seventh grade product, it was instantly upgraded to the fifth grade, and it became the champion of all beasts.

"You follow me!"

Bai Xuweng made a move in the palm of his hand, took the blood from the stone platform to the palm, then looked at Nie Yun, turned and walked towards the temple.

(To be continued.)

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