Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2496: You Star

The sacred mountain was sitting on the back of Hou Kong in the depths of the infinite abyss, and flew for more than ten days before he saw countless beasts moving forward.

A tall giant mountain in the void, suspended quietly.

This mountain is larger than a planet, with a height of 10 million kilometers and a width of 10 million kilometers. It is quietly suspended in the air, and the surrounding space and time are constantly annihilating under the powerful force.

Countless gods and beasts flew quietly in front of the holy mountain, motionless, and their eyes were full of respect.

"This is the holy mountain!"

Hou Kong stopped and was not flying forward.

Nie Yun looked in the direction of the sacred mountain. This mountain gave a strong sense of shock, and this feeling even surpassed the Yanhuang Temple.

Yan Huang Dian is regarded as one of the top ranks in the Emperor's Realm, and there is no such sacred mountain momentum.

It seems that if this thing is really a magical soldier, the level is definitely not low, far beyond the Yan Huangdian!

It's just ... Is there anything more than Divine Realm in Divine Realm?

Nie Yun shook his head.

Regardless of the level of the holy mountain, it is not something he can think about now. He can come here, and there must be countless great emperors from the **** world. The holy mountain has been standing here, indicating that the power of the emperor is helpless.

Bai Xuweng said that the holy mountain can kill the emperor's realm, which means that he must have killed it before. He did not intend to touch such a dangerous thing.

Ignoring the sacred mountain, Nie Yun looked at the many beasts flying in front of the mountain.

Just like what you saw at Baixu Weng, one by one weird and strange.

Like Hou Kong said, these beasts are all mixed blood, and completely different from normal mixed, giving people a strange and strange feeling.

"Go and ask me if you've seen this person!"

With a flick of the finger, the breath of the fairy Fairy appeared and handed it to Hou Kong, Nie Yun commanded.

The purpose of coming here is to find someone to inquire and see so many gods and beasts at the moment. May be able to detect the news.


Hou Kongfei went out.

They are all mixed-blooded beasts. It is not difficult to find out the news, but there are too many beasts. It took five full days to fly back.

There was another **** beast behind him.

"Chuan Xu said I've seen it!"

Hou Kong said.

"This friend. That's a little bit of kindness. Don't hesitate!"

With a stroke of Nie Yun's palm, hundreds of superb **** stones fell into the palm of the opponent.

You can't be stingy when you ask for it.

The beast called Chuan Xu had a reluctance on his face and saw the young man in front of him so generous. Immediately smiled.

Hundreds of superb **** stones, even if it is a strong Taoist, it is a lot of wealth.

"Brother Chuan Xu, I don't know when and where you met this person?"

When the other party accepted the gift, Nie Yun asked with a smile.

"About fifty days ago, I saw it on Youyou, not far from here!"

Chuan Xu Road.

"You star?"

"In that direction, it is only tens of millions of kilometers from here, not too far away. There is a [Xuantian tablet] on the planet. I heard that it was left by a strong man in ancient times. Got it, but never heard of someone succeeding! "

Chuan Xu pointed his way.

"Ten millions of kilometers, not too far!"

Nie Yun breathed a sigh of relief, wondering at the same time.

Fifty days ago, he had just entered the infinite abyss, and the blue fairy had only entered a few days.

Coming here to fly non-stop, it took fifty days, and she could arrive in a few days ... really fake?

But whether it's true or not. Since there is news, always go and see.

"Let's go and see!"

Having determined the location, Nie Yun and Hou Kong continued to fly away.

Tens of millions of kilometers. For the heavenly powerhouse, it only takes dozens of breaths, not a long time, and she really saw a huge planet appear in front of her eyes.

You are here!

Falling above the planet, one person and one beast quickly found the Xuantian Monument in Chuanxu's mouth.

It is a huge stele, thousands of feet tall. It was densely written with some text.

These words, Nie Yun have never seen, neither in the ancient times nor the present, but they contain the truth of the road, let people see it at first glance, it will be difficult to extricate themselves.

"Look for!"

Looking at the text on the tablet inadvertently, when the spirit moved, the power of holding the world space spread, covering the entire planet.

Chuan Xu said she had seen her here, maybe she didn't leave.


The power of holding things in the world envelopes the entire planet, and everything on the planet is in the eyes, but Nie Yun frowned quickly.

There is a lot of life on the surface of the planet, but there is no trace of blue fairy.

Did Chuan Xu misread that she had never been here?

"Follow the gas, probe!"

With a flick of your finger, the air of tracing appeared in the palm of your hand.

Before, the boundless abyss was too large, limited strength, and the tracking spirit could not be found. At this moment, there is only a range of a planet. As long as the blue fairy has appeared here or passed by, it will definitely be found!

Of course, if it is just passing by, the time should not be too long, and the effect will not be more than three days.

Nie Yun is just trying it with hope now, can't be sure, can't be sure.


The trailing air fluttered around in the air, suddenly turned slightly, and flew straight into the distance.

"Sure enough, it's been here for three days!"

Nie Yun's eyes brightened, and he squeezed his shortness of breath, and ran out immediately after the air of tracking.

After a while, the stalking stopped.


Seeing where the trailing air stopped, Nie Yun froze. There was a smooth ground in front of him without any trace.

If the tracking spirit is not wrong, the blue fairy must have been here for three days, and then ... disappeared out of thin air!

"Disappear out of thin air?"

Nie Yun shook his head.

The opponent is just a perfect imperial realm, and there is no perfect realm. It is impossible to teleport away, and naturally it will not disappear out of thin air!

Although the empty rune also has the same effect, it is impossible to use the blue fairy when there are no traces of fighting on the ground. Besides, this thing is precious and unusual. At first, there were only two princes of Ruxia. Although the blue fairy was not weak, regardless of his life or status Much worse than the latter, the chance of having this thing is very low.

After all, if anything, it was so miserable by Nanhua Lao Xian at first ~ www.readwn.com ~ It has been used for a long time.

"Can't teleport, there is no space break, is there any powerful formation here?"

When my heart moved, I thought of the last possibility.

In addition to teleporting and turning to space, there is another possibility that is matrix.

The powerful formation method can also transfer people away instantly without leaving any traces.

"Even if there is a formation, it is estimated to be underground!"

After looking around for a while, Nie Yun focused his attention below the ground.

He has explored the surrounding environment, if there is a matrix, I am afraid it is only below.

However, no matter where, since the Fairy Fairy appeared three days ago, even if she digs the ground three feet, she must be found out!

(To be continued.)

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