Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2501: Yan Huang Dian's induction

"Thank you!"

The beast bowed its head respectfully.

"This is 10,000 superb **** stones, which may be helpful to your cultivation. Even if it doesn't help, you can give it to the younger generation!"

After giving the cheats, Nie Yun threw out 10,000 superb **** stones again.

Although these things are of great value, they are far worse than Hanbingdao and Fengshenjue.


Seeing ten thousand superb **** stones, the face of God (beast excited flushed, only grateful eyes remained.

Even if it is a strong man in the three states, it is also a great wealth.

"Well, wait for the Holy Light with Hou Kong, I'll go to the Holy Mountain now!"

Giving away what could be given was regarded as the kindness of the Frozen Emperor. Nie Yun's spirit moved and he released it from the world of things. He explained that he flew straight to the holy mountain.

The sacred mountain stands tall, standing in front of it like an insignificant ant.

Knowing that time is not waiting for people, Nie Yun didn't hesitate too much, came to the holy mountain in a short time, looked up at the high mountains in front of him, took a deep breath, and shouted out loudly: "Under Nie Yun, willing to go to the holy mountain! "

"Climbing the holy mountain?"

"Someone is going to the Holy Mountain!"

Nie Yun's voice sounded loudly, ringing all over the place. Many of the beasts waiting in front of the sacred mountain heard it, one by one in horror.

Climbing the sacred mountain is full of crises. If you ca n’t manage it, you will fall. Unless you ca n’t control the conflict of strength in your body, you have to rush. The holy light is about to appear at this moment.

are you crazy?

"Hou Kong, your friend ... can't you suppress the strength in your body? You can't see it ..."

The Great Blood Beast of the Ice Emperor also heard this voice. Knowing that once the sound comes out, it can't be restored. Looked puzzled at Hou Kong.

It really can't figure out why this teenager should be so reckless.

Even if there is a conflict in internal power. It will not die in a short time, as long as the Holy Light comes, all conflicts are almost dissipated, there is no need to venture into the Holy Mountain at this moment!

Moreover, just now I fought against the other side. In the early stage of the three states, I was unable to fight against the peaks of the three states.

"It's to save people! His friend can't control the strength in his body and has fallen into a coma!"

Hou Kongdao.

He did not know the specific situation of the fairy Fairy, but only knew that he could not suppress the energy coma. The help of Holy Light is urgently needed.

"For a friend?"

The beast's face turned positive.

He broke into the sacred mountain because he could not help himself, did not resolve the conflict, and soon died. The other party put himself in danger for his friends. This mind was far from his ability to compare.

"Your friend ... worth it! Make sure you get along well in the future!"

After a long time, I couldn't help but sigh.

A person who is not afraid of death for his friends, and is reckless. Whoever is his friend is a lucky one.



Regardless of the shock of many gods and beasts, after Nie Yun shouted, less than three breaths, a magnificent force shrouded in the holy mountain. In front of this power, he felt like an insignificant dust.

The body twisted under the light, and disappeared from the spot instantly.

The next moment appeared in a large hall.

Nie Yun looked around for a week.

The lobby is large. I don't know how deep it is, there is an altar in front of it. A special force shrouded above it, unable to see what was there.

"Is this the Holy Mountain?"

Watched for a while. Found that there was nothing but the altar, Nie Yun was full of doubts.

The space here gives him a deep pressure, which is even more terrifying than the divine realm.

In Divine Realm, his power to hold things in the world space can instantly disperse the land of the three states, the infinite abyss, can disperse one million kilometers, and here, as if suppressed into the body, can only be distributed to tens of meters The place.

If he can suppress his power so much, even the great emperor can hardly do it!


I was about to walk to the altar and see what was going on. Suddenly there was a throbbing movement in my body.

"Shen Nong Baicao Jing and Yan Huang Dian? What's wrong?"

What throbbed in the body were the Shennong Baicao Jing and Yanhuang Hall. These two things left by the Emperor Shennong jumped for no reason, as if there was something in the dark hall to attract them.

"It never happened! Is there anything left by Emperor Shennong in the Holy Mountain?"

Nie Yun was strange.

He had never encountered such a situation.

The Shennong Baicao Jing and Yanhuang Hall are the top things left by the Emperor Shennong. They contain the power of the emperor's realm. According to the truth, they can cause them to throb.

However, no matter what it is, there is no time to look for it now. The urgent task is to pass the test of the Holy Mountain and find a way to save the fairy Fairy.

"Here is this altar. The assessment content is definitely here!"

Knowing the importance of the matter, Nie Yun suppressed the restlessness of Yanhuang Hall and Shennong Baicao Jing, raised his feet and walked towards the altar in front of him.

A soft light radiates from the top of the altar, giving a comfortable feeling. As soon as you walk in, a thought explodes in your head.

"The first pass assessment!"

"There are two drops of blood on the altar in front of you. You can't use your strength to integrate into your body. You can withstand the violent power in it, enter the next level, you can't bear it ... death!"

The idea is not subject to words, and the content of the assessment is clearly transmitted.

"Fusion blood?"

Nie Yun looked forward with a strange look, and sure enough he saw two drops of golden blood on the altar, suspended quietly above the sky, releasing a strong pressure.

Each of these two drops of blood contains the charm of the avenue. At first glance, it gives a sense of the avenue.

"I'm afraid ... the blood left by the Emperor Realm is so powerful!"

Nie Yun's pupils shrank.

A drop of blood has such a huge power, I am afraid that only Emperor Realm can possess it.

Integrating imperial blood?

Nie Yun couldn't help pulling his skin.

No wonder the beasts say that it is difficult to climb the sacred mountain. To be honest, this is too difficult!

What kind of power is the blood of Emperor Realm ~ www.readwn.com ~ Think about the old man who saw the sword spirit valley at the beginning, and know that a drop of blood can easily be transformed into a heavenly power!

There is a powerful avenue power in the blood, so that people can not use their internal strength to integrate into the body. Isn't this to death?

Once the two avenues conflict, the physical body of the Emperor Realm can't carry it!

The Fairy Fairy is still unconscious, isn't it caused by the conflict between the two avenues?

"You dare not break through the first level, how can you save the blue fairy!"

Knowing that it was very dangerous, Nie Yun thought of the blue fairy in a coma, gnashed his teeth and walked forward, stroked his palm to the altar, and two golden bloods immediately moved close to his fingers and merged into his body.


As soon as the blood entered the body, the huge force suddenly tore the whole body, and severe pain swept through.

(To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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