Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2535: Xuan Chen's Pride

ps. Offer today's update, and by the way, get a ticket for "Starting Point" 515 Fan Festival. Each person has 8 votes, and the starting point coin is also given for voting. I beg everyone for support and appreciation!

There is no basalt fairy rattan in the emperor's adornment ring, which means that she must not be on her body. In this case, it doesn't make much sense to stay here.

"The first beauty of the gods, Di Xuan, is actually a divine beast, and the body is so ugly ..."

Sitting in the room of Bafang Pavilion, Nie Yun shook his head.

Not personally, anyone can't believe it to be true.

However, no matter what you do, as long as you marry Yingtai Lingyue, you won't come to Goddess Peak again.

"Emperor Xuan has no basalt fairy vine. Where can I find it?"

There was some worry in my heart.

The news of Emperor Putian is definitely okay. He said that only Di Xuan in the **** world had a section, then it must be only her. Now she hasn't seen all of her nugget rings, who can find the fairy vine? Is it true that you want to go to the Wraith Realm and search aimlessly?

"Brother, in fact, you don't have to find Xuanwu Xianteng, as long as Xuan Chen cannot find it, you will not lose!"

Seeing his frown frown, Nie Tongdao.

"Huh? Right!"

Nie Yun's eyes brightened.

He was right. The second game was too difficult. The only one who took over the task was Xuan Chen and himself. As long as this guy didn't get Xian Teng, he was already undefeated?

"This guy set off yesterday and see where he is!"

Yesterday, the son of Xuanchen seemed to set off for the Phantom Realm. After a day passed, I didn't know where he was.

The power of holding things in the world space instantly dissipated, and searched in the direction of the Wraith.

His strength reached the peak of the seven states, and the range covered by the power of holding things in the world space was also close to the eight states, from here to the Wraith Realm. Even if a state is not far away, you can "see" it casually.

"Huh? Why not? As usual, he doesn't have that speed ..."

Watched for a while. Nie Yun couldn't help but wonder.

Just now, he has already looked at all the passages from here to Wraith Realm. No trace of Xuan Chen's son was found.

According to the truth, time only passed about a day, even if he is no matter how fast, he can't reach the Wraith Realm!

Did you see him set off in the direction of the Wraith before?

"Strange, let me see, where did you go ..."

With a murmur, the power of holding the world space is released unreservedly.

Before, it only shrouded the passage to Wraith. At this moment centered on him, spreading in all directions.

With his control of the power of space, as long as he does not deliberately dangle in front of the emperor, no matter how it spreads, no one will find it.


The power of space spread for a while, and Nie Yun's face was eccentric.

Because he has found the trace of the son of Xuan Chen.

It's not that you have reached the Wraith Realm, but ... it's not even here!

She was still in the city of Goddess, but she found a place to hide quietly, and was drinking leisurely and unspeakably at this moment.

"Did not go? Isn't he afraid of losing?"

Nie Yun blinked, full of doubt.

It is not difficult to see from various manners that Di Xuan liked the son of Xuan Chen very much. The biggest purpose is to match Xutai Lingyue with him.

In this case, in the case of defeat in the first game, he should want to win more than himself. How could it be so laid back?

Too weird!

"Look what the **** this guy is!"

The other party would definitely have his purpose to do so, anyway, he could not get the Xuanwu Xianteng, he was not a loser, and he did not intend to go to the Wraith Realm, but watched quietly.

The power of holding things in the world space is a special force that does not belong to the divine realm. It can only be discovered when you come to the emperor. Although the son of Xuan Chen is not weak, he cannot find it.

quickly. Five days have passed.

"Nothing strange ... This guy just cultivates every day except for drinking. It doesn't seem to plan to go to the fairy vine at all ..."

Most of the ten-day appointment that Di Xuan said passed quickly. But the son of Xuan Chen didn't mean to go to the Wraith Realm at all. He was either practicing or drinking every day, and was very leisurely.

The more Nie Yun looked, the stranger it became.

However, he is not nervous. He has already won a game. This time it is a big deal that everyone didn't get the immortal rattan. At most, it was a draw.

Therefore, he stayed dry, the enemy could not move, I did not move.

"Brother Xuan Chen is so good!"

On the seventh day of quiet observation, an acquaintance came from the hidden place of Xuan Chen.

It was Mo Xiang, the son of Qiankun Pavilion, who had met at the Wushu test station!

Mo Xiang somehow heard the news that Xuan Chen was hiding here without going to the Wraith Realm, and flew over quietly.

Just by walking directly into the room, we can see that the relationship between the two is good.

"You are here, just sit down and drink with me!"

Xuan Chen's son laughed.

"Drinking? That Nie Yun has gone to Wonderland long ago. You still drink leisurely. Do you really want to lose the game?"

Mo Xiang looked strangely.

"Lose?" Xuan Chen smiled slightly, his face full of confidence: "Do you think I will lose?"

"He went to the Wraith Realm and retrieved the fairy vine. You will definitely lose!"

Seeing him so confident, Mo Xiang was a little strange.

Although the basalt fairy vine is difficult to obtain, the other party at least tries harder, what if it succeeds?

"Xuanwu fairy vine that the Emperor Realm can't get, do you think he can get it? It's nothing to go to!" Xuan Chen's son drank the glass of wine and didn't care.

"Even if you can't get the fairy vine ... You are just like him, but you have a draw. Don't forget, he has already won a game. Even this draw is better than your odds!"

Mo Xiang didn't know what his friend thought.

If you switch to Nie Yunqing drinking alcohol, you can understand that after all, it is impossible to predict whether you can get fairy vines or not if you go to the Wraith Realm. Under such uncertain circumstances, you have won a round anyway, so there is no need to take risks.

But ... you lost, you're idle here ... what?

"Oh, who said a tie?"

Xuan Chen's eyelids lifted.

"Oh? So, Brother Xuan Chen, have you won?"

Mo Xiang couldn't hear anything more stupid, his eyes flickered.

Nie Yun, observing all of this in the power of the world space, was also confused.

Where does this guy come from?

"That's natural!"

Xuan Chen's son laughed again, his wrist turned, and a short vine appeared on the palm, exuding a mighty might.

This vine is full of turquoise green ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is placed there just like it can cut the space, giving people a sense of tearing.

"Is this ... Xuanwu Xianteng?"

Mo Xiang's eyes brightened.

The son of Xuan Chen in front of him was so confident, and he took out this thing ... What isn't it?

But ... didn't he go to Wraith? How can there be fairy vines?

"Yes, it's Fairy!"

Xuan Chen is full of pride.

"Xianteng? This is Xuanwu Xianteng? Dixuan doesn't have it, but he has it.

Nie Yun was stunned first, then ecstatic.

[515 is coming soon, I hope to continue to hit the 515 red envelope list, and by the day of May 15, the red envelope rain will give back to readers and publicity works. One piece is also love, it must be better! ] (To be continued.)

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