Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2542: Visit of the emperor of the pagoda

"We still have a chance?"


"The most satisfied, who became the son-in-law of Goddess Peak?"

When everyone heard this, they were surprised for a moment, then almost jumped up in excitement.

I thought that Nie Yun in front of me won the championship. I don't have to continue to be a candidate for the internal selection. I did not expect such a turn!

Not to mention that Lingtai Lingyue is the first beauty in the world, just to say that she is the master of the goddess of the peak, once you marry an alliance involving two major forces ... just like this, the congratulations received are enough for him to impact the kingdom of emperor!

It is precisely because of this opportunity that all talents come to us tirelessly, hoping to win the favor of the beauty.

I was thinking of losing the opportunity, and now sending a gift list, it is possible to hold the beauty again, and everyone will definitely strive for it.

"Di Xuan ..."

Nie Yun's face was low.

The eyes were as if trying to kill.

He could clearly feel that the other party was doing it because of him!

If it is the son of Xuan Chen who won the two competitions, don't think about it, the so-called congratulatory gift below is definitely not there, and it will directly announce the ownership of Lingtai Lingyue.

Now, with this in mind, I undoubtedly want to obliterate the merit of winning the championship twice in a row.

"Di Xuan, I hope you know, if you don't, I don't mind exposing your true face to the realm of God, and I don't mind leveling your goddess peak!"

With his fists clenched, Nie Yunqiang suppressed the anger in his heart and looked up at the Emperor Xuan in front of him: "I wonder if the gift sheet said by Master Emperor Xuan is valuable or not? Is it more expensive, the more satisfied?"

Hearing Nie Yun's questioning, others also looked at it with curiosity.

There is no exact standard for the so-called satisfaction, and the precious things in others' eyes may be worthless in her eyes, knowing her preferences in advance. Good to prepare items.

"Of course not the more expensive the better! It is the intention! Whoever gift is the most attentive and sincere, and who will be the son-in-law of My Goddess Peak. It does n’t matter if his gift is worthless!

Emperor Xuandao.

"That's it. Go back and get ready next time. Goodbye!"

Asked what the other party meant, Nie Yun stopped saying more and turned around.

If it wasn't for taking care of Lingtai Lingyue's face and returning her kindness, I'd be afraid to turn her face.

Returning to the Bafang Pavilion, he told things about Nie Tong, and Nie Tong's face turned red. Had it not been for him to stop, I would have rushed directly to the Goddess Peak to find Emperor Xuan's account.

"Forget it, look at the situation three days later. If the other party is interesting, connect to Lingtai Lingyue, we will go back to the dynasty, not interesting ... our brothers will make trouble on Goddess Peak!"

Nie Yun's eyes narrowed.

"Good!" Nie Tong nodded.

Nie Tong has always been the Lord who is not afraid of the sky, and his brother is the first to look forward, as long as the brother speaks. He won't back away even if he breaks the sky.

"Then look at what gifts to give!"

The two brothers negotiated and Nie Yun was lost in thought.

It is better not to fall out. After all, it involves Lingtai Lingyue. The two forces ... are not very good-looking.

In order to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to prepare gifts in advance to make Di Xuan satisfied.

"Just that!"

After thinking about it for a long time, Nie Yun's eyes brightened.

"This should be my greatest sincerity, even if I don't care about this ... I'm afraid she doesn't want a gift, but a fist!"

After finalizing the gift, Nie Yun didn't think about it any more, and his body re-entered the world of things. Investigate the opposite of pool water.

Two days later.

With a loud laugh, Nie Yun appeared again in the Bafang Pavilion.

After two days of research. The medicine opposite to the pond water was finally successfully researched, and the medicine was also refined.

Two days of restless research. His understanding of medical practice has made great progress again.

"Brother, someone is looking for you. It's been a long time!"

Seeing him out, Nie Tong came over.

"Find me?"

Nie Yun was surprised, and the power of holding the world space spread out immediately, and then he saw a familiar figure in the living room in front of him.

"God Emperor?"

In front of me is an acquaintance. Before, he had a relationship in the Imperial Mansion of Yuanyang. The other party also sent his exquisite pearl tower, which is a magical weapon of heaven, to save his life many times.

Can be said to be his benefactor.

At the beginning, the strength was weak. If it was not the exquisite pearl tower, it might have been killed several times, not to mention others, it may not be able to survive in the sword spirit valley.

Emperor Shenta is one of the nine emperors of the Putian Dynasty. What did he go to the Goddess Peak?

Doesn't it mean that the Great Emperor cannot come without a special rune?

"I'll see you as soon as he arrives. I know my brother is retreating. I'm not disturbing!"

Nie Tongdao.

"Uh ... you should call me earlier ..." Nie Yun shook his head.

Let those who have kindness wait for a long time, and feel a little unhappy.

However, he also knew what Nie Tong meant. An unknown emperor came to him and did not get his own answer. Nie Tong would certainly not let go.

Although God Tower Emperor is not weak, it is still far worse than Nie Tong at the moment.

Even if the emperor Yuanyang compares with it, I am afraid it is slightly worse.

Nie Tong stopped him, and even if he wanted to see himself again, he would never see it.

"Some things are closed, and emperor is neglected, please forgive me!"

Thinking about what happened, Nie Yun hurriedly came to the hall and looked at the Emperor Shenta in a whisper and pleaded guilty.

"No need to!"

Seeing him coming out, the Emperor of the God Tower waved his hand.

"I don't know what the emperor is looking for?" Nie Yun asked.

The Emperor Realm came to find himself, something must be wrong.

"Did Yuanyang contact you?"

The Emperor of the Tower asked.

"Emperor Yuanyang? He didn't contact me? What's wrong?"

Nie Yun looked strangely.

You can find Emperor Yuanyang and just send him a message. What are you looking for?

"I didn't contact you? Where did he go?" The emperor of God Tower frowned.

"I saw him a few days ago, not in the Imperial City?"

A few days ago, Nie Yun also specifically asked him about Xuanwu Xianteng. At that time, he was still in the Emperor's Mansion. Why is he missing now?

"The day before yesterday, I said something was going out ~ www.readwn.com ~ and asked me to take care of Yao Shuang, but it disappeared and I couldn't get in touch!" Said Emperor Shenta.

"Can't connect?" Nie Yun laughed: "The emperor Yuanyang is strong, the whole **** world can not hurt him very much, there should be no problems, don't worry, just ... you just asked me to ask this ? "

Wanting to find Emperor Yuanyang, would n’t it be better to ask the Emperor Putian, he is just a little person in the heavens, and made a special trip to ask about this, and found the wrong person!

"Not specifically asking you about this, but ... Nie Yaoshuang had a problem! When Yuan Yang left, he told me that she would find you as soon as she had a problem. You are a descendant of Shennong, there must be a way!"

God Tower Emperor Road.

"Something went wrong? What happened?"

Nie Yun raised an eyebrow.

Has Yao Shuang's soul been stabilized? How did it happen?

(To be continued.)

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