Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2548: A visitor came (below)

"Oh, don't be nervous, two little friends, I just pass by here, come and see the two!" The middle-aged man smiled when he saw the two brothers as close enemies.

"Look at us?" Nie Yun stared at him closely. "We never knew each other. Come to see us. Where do we start?"

He confirmed that he didn't know the other party, but the other party said that he would come to see him. If there was no purpose, he would not believe it.

"You don't know me. I have heard of two great names long ago. His Majesty Nie Yun's heroes have passed away, and Shennong passed on the medical skills. As for this little brother, he broke through at a young age to become the Emperor of Kendo. No. I admire it! "

Middle-aged humane.

"Who the **** are you?" Nie Yun narrowed his eyes.

Nie Tong hides and repairs that in the Bafang Pavilion, even the owner and Emperor Xuan didn't know he was a Emperor of the Realm of the Emperor. The middle-aged man in front of him said it right away, so how could he not be alert?

"I have no malicious intentions! It is just ... I was favored by the Emperor Shennong that year. I want to come and see his descendants, and make a good destiny by the way!"

Seeing the appearance of the two, middle-aged people knew that it was impossible to convince people without saying what convinced them, and shook their heads.

"Has the favor of the Emperor Shennong?"

Nie Yun's pupils shrank.

He now has a certain understanding of the Divine Realm. The Emperor Shennong was a character of the previous era and disappeared as early as billions of years ago. After receiving his favor, wouldn't it indicate that the person in front of him has a life span of more than one era and can't live longer? Billions of years?

"It existed in the last era, and even Nie Tong couldn't see the strength ... Could it ..."

An idea came to Nie Yun's mind, but at the same time he felt strange.

Just guessed that he might be the one who wanted to kill himself, and ran over now, isn't he ...?

"I did not expect that Xuanyuan Emperor came to me in person for a nameless pawn, which really surprised Nie Yun!"

Strange in my heart. Nie Yun still spoke a few lines.

He was able to come to the Bafang Pavilion and was discovered before. Nie Tong could not see the breath and felt terrible. He lived so long again ... Except for Xuanyuan Emperor, he really couldn't remember anyone else.

"What? The Emperor Xuanyuan? You are the Emperor Xuanyuan?" I heard what my brother said. As soon as Nie Tong's pupils shrank and her wrists moved, Lu Xijian appeared in the palm of her hand.

The first person in the **** world, if he really wants to kill his brother, he can't stop it, he can only prepare in advance.

"Haha, Your Majesty is really smart, you can see my identity so soon!" The middle-aged man smiled slightly. Without concealing it, he came to the room in two steps and sat down.

"The Emperor is polite, can have such strength, and knows the Emperor Shennong. I can't think of anyone other than the first person in the **** world!" Confirming the identity of the other party, Nie Yun knew that he would really do it, and he couldn't stop it. Nie Tong took back the sword. Followed into the room.

The opponent's strength, I really want to kill myself, I must have started. Rather than worrying about letting go.

"Yeah!" Seeing him recognize himself so quickly, and no longer nervous about himself, Emperor Xuanyuan nodded: "No wonder he can win twice in a row, and even Xuanchen eats 瘪, it is extraordinary!"

"Good luck!" Nie Yundao.

Xuan Chen's son is the descendant and disciple in front of him. He was repeatedly suppressed by himself. He did not believe that the other party really praised himself.

"You don't have to think much about it. I was invited by Di Xuan to participate in the final testimony of Goddess Peak. Passing by here, I remembered the kindness of the Emperor Shennong at that time, and came to see his descendants!"

Knowing your arrival is a bit abrupt. It is inevitable that the Xuanyuan Emperor smiled generously: "See you now. I finally know that the Emperor Shennong is indeed the Emperor Shennong, and his vision is powerful. The descendants selected after a full era are still much stronger than my descendants. ! "

"The Emperor is polite!" Nie Yundao.

"I'm just talking about things, I'm not polite!" Xuanyuan the Great continued: "Although I really hope that Xuan Chen will win the final victory, but the comparison is just comparison, there is nothing I dare not admit, and I will not rely on your strength to trouble you!"

"Thank you for your understanding!" I didn't expect this person to be so direct. Nie Yun was relieved, and at the same time he had a good impression on Xuanyuan's heart.

The first person in the divine world, no one can match his strength, and ran away to look at himself, without the slightest fear, for fear of producing a mustache, saying this deliberately ... I have to say that this person does have personality charm.

"If it wasn't for the Emperor Shennong's shot at that time, I'm afraid I'm dead. This Dilu Bodhi is an item I get occasionally, so I will give you a gift!"

Emperor Xuanyuan shook his head and turned his wrist. A lotus-like thing appeared in the palm of his hand and flew towards Nie Yun slowly.

"Spirit Bodhi?" He reached out and grabbed, Nie Yun looked at the palm of his face strangely.

Although it is not big, it carries a powerful force that seems even more pure and thick than Tiandaohua.

"This thing is too expensive, I can't help but I'm embarrassed to accept it ..." Nie Yun passed it on again.

Although I don't know this thing, just from the energy point of view, I know that it is not simple and the value is no less than that of an imperial realm.

"It's just something outside of it. Compared with life, no matter how precious it is, it's like imagination!" Emperor Xuanyuan waved his hand and didn't care.

"This ..." Nie Yun hesitated.

"No need to evade, this thing is the same for the whole divine world. One has been given to the disciple of Dixuan, hold it!"

Seeing his expression, Xuanyuan Emperor smiled.

"Thank the Emperor for his kind words!" I heard that Lingtai Lingyue had also received one. Nie Yun was not quitting, but he took it and put it away.

"You're welcome. I came here this time to look at the deceased, to send some gifts, to talk about my heart, now that I see it, it's time to go back!" Xuanyuan Emperor stood up.

"The emperor walk slowly!"

Nie Yun stood up.

"No need to send it!" He waved his hand, and Xuanyuan Emperor's body flashed, and he had already appeared outside the hall: "Yes ~ www.readwn.com ~ If there is news from Putian, tell me!"

The voice was over, and people had disappeared.

"The news of Emperor Putian? Didn't Xuanyuan Emperor know?" Nie Yun frowned.

From the mouth of Emperor Shenta, he knew that Emperor Putian and Emperor Yuanyang went out together, and could not be contacted anyway.

If only one Yuanyang emperor is down, plus Putian, the two together won't be able to win together with Xuanyuan Emperor. Even if they can't fight, it's definitely not a problem to escape and pass the message together. Is it true or false?

The two gods' top emperors lost news at the same time ... could not be reached, what happened?

"Brother ... is he really Xuanyuan Emperor? I just came here to give you something?"

It is speculating that Nie Tong came over, confused.

ps: Hematemesis. In the morning, the codeword was powered off, and all the manuscripts were thrown into the computer. There was no way to go to the Internet cafe to codeword. . . Crying. . . (To be continued.)

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