Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2550: The last gift (below)

With Xuan Chen's mischief, no one came to bother.

Others also saw the situation, knowing that this Nie Yun may be in a bad mood and unwilling to touch the mold.

Nie Yun happened to be leisurely, standing quietly in the middle of the hall, motionless.

I don't know how long it has been before, I feel the space in front of me fluctuate.

Opened his eyes slowly.


A figure suddenly appeared on the throne in front, Qian Yingyu, it was Emperor Xuan!

I have to say that Di Xuan is indeed beautiful, with a long and slender body, a pretty waist with a grip, and a three thousand blue silk waterfall flowing down. The chest is round and plump, and the skin is white as snow. No matter where you look from the body, it is perfect No disadvantages.

However, Nie Yun saw her true body firsthand, knowing that the dirty body under this beautiful appearance, instead of feeling amazing, she felt nauseous.

"Is it true that Dao Zun sees her true body, and then it is disgusting to lose hope for a woman? Three vomits?"

Not without malicious thoughts in my heart.

Nie Yun can hardly imagine how he would feel if the Xuanyuan Emperor and Qingdao Daozun knew that the first beauty of the gods who swims with them would be ugly.

call! call!

My heart was thinking wildly, the space in front of me was fluctuating again, and several figures appeared on the throne.

Nie Yun looked up, and saw these people, each strength is like a sea, and there is no end to it.

No need to guess, they are all Emperor Realms, and they all rank high among Emperor Realms.

"Should be the first person of the nine forces!"

The goddess peaks, and the whole world of the gods is full of excitement. All the talents of the nine major forces have come to participate. Today, as the final choice, naturally also invite the emperors of other forces.

Soon, the eight forces of Qiankun Pavilion, Langya Cave, Haotian Tower, Xuanji Hall, Shenbing City, Goddess Peak, Chixiao Mountain, and Infinity Sea all took their seats. Only the seats in Putianling were empty.

Nie Yun looked around for a week and found that there were still a few people who knew it.

Emperor Xuan needless to say, the middle-aged man he met before was indeed Xuanyuan Emperor. At this moment, he was sitting on the throne next to Emperor Xuan and saw himself coming over. Smile slightly.

Another one is Ouyang Ferris in Shenbing City. Because Nie Tong beheaded and killed the Emperor Longyang, he seemed to have an opinion on himself.

It seems that if it was not at the Goddess Peak, he would have rushed down and killed himself.

"The first person in the Nine Great Powers of the Divine Realm also represents the highest combat effectiveness of the entire Divine Realm!"

See the rest I didn't know. Nie Yun felt quietly in his heart.

The eight sitting in front of it represent the pattern of the divine realm, and also represent the highest combat effectiveness of the entire divine realm.

No wonder Emperor Xuanyuan wanted to come here to remind himself that it would not be a good choice to make trouble in front of so many people.

Seeing many emperors, Nie Yun was shocked, and others were equally shocked.

Mo Xiang, Wu Chen and others looked forward with admiration.

Cultivation to heaven and the state, the biggest hope is to break through the last layer of trance, these people, not only have broken through. It is the best among them, and the highest peak exists, which is the object of good men's efforts. See with your own eyes, how can you not be excited?

"The Emperor Putian should have gone to a dangerous place and could not be contacted for the time being, just a few of us! Now that we have arrived, let's start!"

Seeing everyone seated, Di Xuan looked around for a week and said.

Her voice is extremely magnetic, like the sound of heaven, and it is addictive.

In terms of sound alone. Even if the wonderful fairy is worse than one, it is far worse.

"The goddess peak is selected. We are only guests, and guests follow the host. Emperor Xuan is in charge!" Said an emperor with a smile.

"Yeah, you don't need to be polite, you host it!"

"I'm here today to see if my apprentice has a chance and how to choose in the end, it depends on Di Xuan's decision!"


The other emperors all spoke.

This is the site of the Goddess Peak, and the ultimate choice is also in them. Even if the other emperor is the man who controls the party, it is hard to say much.

"All right, let's start now!"

Emperor Xuan smiled and nodded, looking around for a week: "On the temple are standing the most famous young talents in the world of God. To be honest, I like every one, and I want them to be the son-in-law of our goddess peak!"

"Okay, as long as you have so many female disciples like Yantai Lingyue, we will be happy!"

"It's a bit greedy, and it's all left, why don't we succeed without anyone?"

"Haha, you're thinking wrong, Di Xuan is a female disciple, of course, to marry, not because we have no successors, but she lost ..."

"This is ..."


Hearing Di Xuan's joke, others laughed at the same time.

Many emperors seemed a little embarrassed at first. As soon as this word came out, the embarrassment was immediately eliminated.

I have to say that Emperor Xuan not only has strong strength, but also masters people's psychology.

"Oh, although I said so, it's a pity that I only have one disciple, and I can only choose one for her!"

Seeing everyone active, Emperor Xuan smiled slightly: "So, I can only endure pain and love. From these talents, choose the most suitable one!"

"Suitable? Isn't it the best?"

An emperor asked with a smile.

"Of course not!" Di Xuan smiled: "This is suitable, not the best, the strongest! If you want to choose the strongest, you might as well find an emperor! Based on the situation of my disciples and my goddess Feng Backing it up, the Emperor Realm might be vying to marry him! "

"That's true!"

"I've seen you as a disciple, and you really dominate the country. Compared with Emperor Xuan, you are no worse!"

"Not to mention other people, if she is willing to find the Emperor Realm, I'm afraid I will sign up! To tell the truth, I am so tempted by such women!"

"Old monster, hello, I think as long as you are a woman, you will be tempted, the old guy who doesn't change her color, I don't know you yet?"

"Ahem ~ www.readwn.com ~ Don't say it if you know ..."


Many emperors also laughed.

Hearing these conversations, Nie Yun and others also smiled.

It seems that the dominant power is not so serious at this moment.

"This fit means that it meets my requirements and the requirements of my disciples! My apprentice, what kind of husband I want, I naturally know the master!"

Di Xuan interrupted the discussion and continued.

"In fact, I have passed the first two assessments, and I already have a suitable candidate in my heart, but I still have to look at this final gift!"

"There is no shortage of gifts for our Goddess Peak. Let them send them gifts to see if he wants to marry Lingtai Lingyue at any cost, so that he can prove his intentions!"

(To be continued.)

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