Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2553: Smelly mother-in-law


Before Di Xuan's words were finished, I saw Nie Yun beckoning. The sky was like a heavy rain. Pieces of superb stones fell from the sky, and the whole hall was instantly filled with millions.

"This this……"

"Can he really take it out?"

"Not really ..."

"I thought it was fake at first, but he really took it out ..."

Everyone was stammered when they saw the superb divine stones stacked in the hall.

Just now, many people have the same idea as Di Xuan, thinking that this gift list is false. Therefore, they have no idea that they can really come up with so many superb **** stones.

There are so many superb **** stones in the **** world? Even if there is ... why did it all come to him alone?

How big is this treasure?

"This time ... should be all right?"

The palm was scratched again, and the superb **** stone was taken into the world of objects, and Nie Yun looked up and looked forward.

In the promotion of the world of things, he has the ability to condense the best divine stones. These days, he has collected countless lower-quality divine stones, plus the aura he absorbed. In addition to improving his strength, the rest are all condensed into this, let alone five million Even if there are 10 million or 100 million, they can be easily taken out.

If you are not afraid of being too shocking, you will definitely come up with more.

More **** stones are just a bunch of auras. Compared with Lingtai Lingyue, it is nothing at all.

"Sure enough there are so many superb stones!"

"Before I thought that Haotianlou was the richest. Now it seems that compared with this boy Nie Yun, it is almost poor!"

"Two imperial **** soldiers, five million superb **** stones ... how willing to send them out ..."

"Don't think about it, even if the first one can't be done. It's a short check, and I will definitely choose him based on these two!"

"Yeah. Two emperor soldiers and five million superb **** stones. Either of these two is more important than an emperor! Besides, even if Lingtai Lingyue becomes an emperor, they must marry and belong to others. These things really stay on the Goddess Peak! "

"As long as you are not stupid, you must choose Nie Yun, and Xuan Chen has no hope!"


Seeing the young man in front of him has so many superb **** stones. All the emperors smiled bitterly at the same time.

The gift list was so scary that they couldn't even imagine it.

"Nie Yun, I have a daughter. Do you want to ..."

An emperor suddenly spoke.

"Your daughter? It's all seventy and eighty. Who cares about it ... and it's your gene that might scare people to death!"

Another emperor continued.


The others laughed when they heard a quarrel.

Although he knew it was a joke, the big brothers in one side could say so, which shows the shock brought by Nie Yun's gift.

"Thank you for your kindness, I will only marry Lingtai Lingyue. No one else likes it!"

Nie Yun said lightly.

"Ah, it's a shame!"

Everyone sighed when he said such a refusal.

This gift list is really too big. They ca n’t refuse to be older, but unfortunately, this teenager only likes Lingtai Lingyue, otherwise, he must be held in his hands.

It now seems that Putian has vision!

At first, a small person who had never heard of it was the Emperor of the Putian Dynasty. Everyone thought that this guy was crazy. Now it seems that he did it wisely!

This opportunity. This courage is not comparable to ordinary people!

Compare with him. The so-called talents before were all weak.

"Master Dixuan. My gift list is open. If you ask me to marry Lingtai Lingyue, I will send the items on the second and third articles directly to Goddess Peak in front of so many emperors. Never return! "

Nie Yun looked at Emperor Xuandao.

After hearing what he said, Di Xuan looked coldly, and after a long time, this jade lips lightened: "I said, the gift on the gift list, I only think of the heart, not the precious! Although the gift list is valuable, even more than the sum of many sons, but ... you have a problem with your attitude. Is this a mockery of my goddess Peak without the Emperor Realm?

"Don't think that if you have some opportunities, you will be lawless and domineering!"

"To tell you the truth, My Goddess Peak is not where you show off your wealth! You also don't like this kind of rhetoric, random people!"

"In my eyes, although you have a large amount of wealth, you can be frivolous, and arrogant and rude, and you have enemies everywhere, let alone the other. As soon as this wealth is revealed, you can keep it with your current strength? "

"The wealth that can't be saved is nothing! I worry about whether I will be robbed or killed all day. This alone ... I can't marry Lingtai Lingyue to you!"

Emperor Xuan said these words in succession and waved his hand: "Well, I now announce that I like the gift of Son Xuan Chen the most. He is the most suitable husband for my goddess Peak to choose for Lingtai Lingyue!"

"Ah ... is it me?"

Xuan Chen's son apparently did not expect Nie Yun to take out so many treasures, and chose him, and jumped up in excitement, then turned to look at Nie Yun, indescribably mad and excited: "Haha, I said Then, why did you fight with me, and now you see it? What use is it to bring out more things? In the end, I still won? "

"It was him who won? Are you sure?"

Unexpectedly, in the end, Emperor Xuan chose Xuanchen. Not only that, but he also put on many big hats. Nie Yun couldn't help but smiled angrily, coldly against the woman on the throne, his eyes became colder and colder.

"Yes! Xuan Chen is the person I choose best for Yantai Lingyue. You ... don't deserve it!"

Emperor Xuan coldly.

"very good!"

Nie Yun's body slowly suspended, and his cold eyes became dull: "Three games, I won two consecutive games, you do not choose me! Take out such a valuable gift, you also do not choose me!"

"I know why!"

"In the Red River, when you took Lingtai Lingyue ~ www.readwn.com ~ said to me, as long as I reach the Goddess Peak, I will kill me because I don't deserve her!"

"Unfortunately, I have disappointed you. I came to Goddess Peak, and as the Emperor of Putian Dynasty! You dare not kill me!"

"Just because you dare not kill, you feel that your dignity has been lost, and you have no prestige, so you are blocking everything!"

"For the sake of smashing the moon, I have always endured, and always obeyed you ... I seem to be wrong!"

"A dog is always a dog. Even if it is given to a bone, it will bite, it will!"

"Sister-in-law, since you don't want a face, I won't be accompanied!"

Nie Yun smiled coldly, like a **** in the battlefield, suspended in the air with a majesty that people dare not look straight at: "I will take Lingtai Lingyue today. I see how can you treat me?"

ps: The twenty-fifth volume of stench is over.

Tomorrow will start the last volume of this book [Eternal], which has been serialized for more than three years. The endless Dantian is finally coming to an end. (To be continued.)

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