Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2558: Tear up camouflage

How about that?

This sentence is not domineering, but with unshakable firmness, all the emperors took a sigh of relief when they heard this.

Yeah, even if he is against the whole divine realm?

Can anyone kill him?

The Xuanyuan Emperor united so many of them that they are not opponents. Who can defeat?

In the realm of God, it can be said that he is invincible!

Such an invincible character, let alone a person who contends with the divine realm, even if the divine realm is destroyed, who can resist?

With this in mind, all the earth was silent.

Each one looked ugly to Emperor Xuan.

Why do you say you provoke such a horrible existence?


Emperor Xuan wanted to explain a sentence, but found that everything was pale and weak.

In front of absolute strength, everything is fake!

She secretly regretted it.

In her opinion, the teenager two years ago was just an ant. She pinched to death as much as she wanted, but now ... she became the latter!

If you had known that he had this kind of strength, you should have promised. If so, you would not only get two Emperor Divine Soldiers, countless superb divine stones, but also his help, and it would not be difficult to dominate the **** world!

What a pity ... nothing if!

Time can't come again. If you miss it, you can't redeem it!

"Come on, or we will all die here ..."

Feeling the increasing pressure brought by the Holy Mountain, many emperors knew that even if they joined forces, they would not be able to persist for a long time, and they would soon be smashed into meatloaf like Ouyang Ferris.

But ... even if I knew it, there was no way. The power of the holy mountain was so great that the space was completely locked. You ca n’t escape if you want to escape!

In other words, they are now like grasshoppers in cages. Life or death is only between Nie Yun's thoughts.

"What do you think?"

"What else can I do at this time? I shouldn't have visited this muddy water if I knew it!"

"I'm not looking for such a powerful son-in-law. What do you want to find, Xuan Chen, Dixuan, your brain was kicked by a donkey?"


Feeling that life would die at any time, many emperors no longer had the peace before them, and began to complain to each other.

Everyone is afraid of death, especially their existence at the pinnacle of the divine realm. Before death could not pose a threat to them, naturally they must maintain a superior attitude, but now ... they will die at any time. Can't help it anymore!

Looking at Di Xuan one by one is full of disgust and anger!

If it weren't for her election, how could she fall into such a passive situation?

If it wasn't for the bottomless irritation of this one in front of her, how could it be soaring, that everyone could not lift their heads?

"Shut up for me!"

The Xuanyuan Emperor shouted loudly when he heard the crowd becoming more noisy.

Hearing what he said, the crowd fell down at the same time.

Although Xuanyuan Emperor's first place in the **** world has been replaced by the young man in front of him, years of coercion still exists, which makes people dare not refute.

After yelling at the crowd, Emperor Xuanyuan looked up at the young man in the air and took a deep breath. He said, "Nie Yun, the catastrophe is about to happen in the realm of the gods ... Under the catastrophe, the emperor will not be spared, unless everyone joins hands ... The Emperor Shennong fell for this reason. You should not abandon his wish!"

"The Emperor Shennong?"

"Yes, the Emperor Shennong devoted his life to the union of the Emperor. If he saw the only heir beheaded and killed all the emperors, he would be sad even under Jiuquan!"

Xuanyuan Emperor continued.

After hearing him repeatedly asking the Emperor Shennong, Nie Yun flicked his fingers and took back the Holy Mountain.

If anyone in God's world is most grateful, it is naturally the Emperor Shennong.

Although the emperor had long since fallen, but without his legacy. I want to gain a foothold in the Divine Realm so quickly and have the strength I have now. Definitely not possible!

He also knew a little about the wishes of Emperor Shennong.

Shennong devoted his life to saving people. Really let him know that he would be sad to kill all the emperors.

"I can spare you not to die, but ... she must die!"

Taking back the sacred mountain, Nie Yun looked at Di Xuan with cold eyes.


Hearing this, Emperor Xuan scared and could not help but hide behind the Emperor Xuanyuan.

"You want to kill her for nothing wrong!" Seeing her appearance, Emperor Xuanyuan knew that she was scared by the boy in front of her, and shook her head: "However, if you think about it, she is always the master of Lingtai!

"Master, Lingtai Lingyue!"

Nie Yun was silent.

Indeed, no matter how disappointed Ling Yue was with this master, after all, Ling Yue can give her what she has today.

Beheading her today will likely create a knot in Lingtai Lingyue's heart, and it will be difficult for her to return to the past.

But don't kill her ... it's hard to dispel the hatred of my heart!

If only he was dealt with him, what caused Nie Yun's anger is ... She even wanted to kill Ling Yue!

There is no excuse for this alone!

"Yeah, no matter what, she received Lingtai Lingyue from the Goddess Peak, and taught her wholeheartedly, there is no trace of injustice! Although it is not fair to you, now you have destroyed the Goddess Peak, and the fire should be gone!" Looked up: "Why not ... how about spare her life?"

"Give her a life ... Yes! But, Xuanyuan Emperor, her true face, do you know?"

In fact, Nie Yun also knew that Di Xuan could not kill him.

She is indeed the wife's master. Without her help these years, it is almost impossible for Lingtai Lingyue to reach the peak of Kyushu!

However, capital punishment is exempt and living sin is hard to spare!

"true colors?"

The Xuanyuan Emperor stunned.

"It seems you don't know!" Nie Yun smiled coldly: "The first beauty in the **** world, such a great name! I will show you today what the she is the first beauty in the **** world!"

A little finger, a liquid, sprayed out in the volley, and fell on Emperor Xuan.

"What are you?"

Feeling the medicinal solution, Emperor Xuan was in a panic, and then he was scared with horror: "Nie Yun, I beg you, quickly take the medicinal solution, I beg you ..."

Just now Nie Yun was about to kill her ~ www.readwn.com ~ She did n’t ask for mercy, she killed the goddess peak, she did not ask for mercy, but once this liquid was on her body, she kept asking for mercy, leaving all the emperors in their place, not knowing the reason.

Even Xuanyuan Emperor was puzzled.

Zizi Zizi!

Ignoring her shout, she had to react immediately with Di Xuan's body. The original beautiful Di Xuan immediately grew countless blisters on her body.

Immediately after the torn clothes, an ugly body slowly appeared.

Emperor Xuan ... change back to the body!

The medicinal solution is exactly the opposite of what Nie Yun has researched these days, but if the emperor Xuanzhang did not force it, he would keep it and never take it out.

However, the situation has developed so far that no one can stop it. Everyone must know that the beautiful appearance of Emperor Xuan is only in disguise!

(To be continued.)

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