Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2564: Huantai Crossing Thunder

"True city?"

"The real and virtual battlefield has the corpse of the emperor and the emperor. For the practitioners, it is absolutely a treasure! Therefore, in order to prevent other forces from monopolizing, the nine forces joined forces to build this real and virtual world. city!"

Huantai Lingyue did not know when he saw him, and explained: "As long as the nine forces reach the strongest in the heavenly realm, they can all enter it to cultivate and look for opportunities! In fact, most of the strongest in the whole heavenly world have also entered there. It ’s like Leng Yu, the self-disciplined disciple of Putian, who you have never seen before, in fact, he has been practicing in Zhenxu City! Even I stayed there for a while! "

"So it is!"

Nie Yun suddenly realized. Read books www · 1kanshu · cc

Before he was promoted to Tiandao, he had not even heard of the Tiandao strongman, and was very curious. Where did the cold feather emerge from, now I understand that there is still a real virtual city!

Almost all of the heavenly powers of the nine forces are here!

"Zhengxu City stands in the middle of the Zhenxu Realm and has a special transmission channel. The largest auction city in there is often the carcass of Emperor Beast and even the Emperor. Of course, these corpses are incomplete and incomplete! It ’s not very useful to others, it ’s very useful to the perfect realm that you can hold everything! ”

Yantai Lingyue continued

Not to mention the incomplete body of the Emperor, even if it is complete, it is not very useful to ordinary practitioners, because the power contained in it is too strong to be made into puppets. Yikanshu · 1kanshu · cc

But for Nie Yun, it is completely different, whether it is complete or incomplete, as long as it contains energy, it can become his own cultivation!


Knowing this, Nie Yun nodded.

Because Emperor Xuan. Almost offended all the forces of the divine realm, and I can use the holy mountain all the time. The key thing will be stared at by the heavens. Therefore, our own strength is still very important!

Only his own strength broke through the emperor's realm. Can be considered a real tour of the gods, no one dares to stop!

"However, before you set off, you must enter the Divine Realm. Can your current strength prevent the catastrophe of the Divine Realm?"

Nie Yun came over.

Huantai Lingyue broke through in the world of things, and he sheltered him. There was no catastrophe, but once he entered the realm of God, such a powerful force. It will inevitably be discovered by the heavenly ways of the divine realm. Like the holy mountain, it will definitely bring a catastrophe!

Only after carrying this catastrophe can we become the great emperor recognized by the heavens of the **** world, swim in the **** world without being attacked.

In his opinion, Lingtai Lingyue just broke through, it is best to consolidate for a while before going out. This practice can also consolidate some, and have greater confidence in resisting the holocaust!

"Relax. I read 1k to ans to watch hu · cc. If I encounter a catastrophe just after breaking through, I may have a hard time resisting it, but now, the internal power has completely transformed into the power of the emperor, and the level of life has completely transformed. Encountered a catastrophe. The problem will not be too big! "

Yantai Lingyue laughed.

"Well then, go out!"

Knowing that she is calm by nature, since she said that, she must have full confidence, Nie Yun smiled. When the spirit moved, the two appeared at the same time from the world of things, and returned to the endless abyss.

"This is our place. We can't attract thunder, let's go out!"

Just entering the endless abyss, Lingtai Lingyue suddenly felt a heavy pressure coming.

She knew that even if she hid in the abyss and broke the heavens, she was still discovered by the divine realm. Rather than go robbery here, it would be better to go out and find a place without people.


The figure flickered, Lingtai Lingyue, Nie Yun and Nie Tong appeared at the same time above a huge ocean.

This place does not belong to any side of the divine realm, and there is no life. It is best to cross here.


As soon as the three figures appeared, the sky was suddenly overcast, and numerous lightning bolts gathered from all sides.

"Lingyue sister-in-law has been promoted to emperor?"

Nie Tong was surprised to see Lingtai Lingyue's strength at this moment.

She hadn't entered the world of things before, and didn't know about her breakthrough.


Nie Yun nodded.

"But ... how did it happen?"

Nie Tong couldn't believe it.

Others broke through from the peak of Kyushu and became the emperor against the thunder. During this period, it was easy to fall.

But in front of him, Lingtai Lingyue sister-in-law gave him a sense of danger.

Obviously, the emperor has already been achieved, but he did not compete with the thunder.

"It's the world of things ..."

Regarding Nie Tong, Nie Yun did not conceal it at all, and explained the situation that had been guessed by Lingyue in the past, and then explained in detail the situation of the breakthrough.

"It turns out ... I knew it was so simple. I should have made a breakthrough in the world of things, and almost didn't carry it in the world of God!"

Nie Tongdao.


Nie Yun was slobbered. Fortunately, you broke through in the realm of God. If you broke through in the world of things at that time, the strength at that time was far less than now. I am afraid that your breakthrough was successful and I am almost finished ...

With the experience of Yantai Lingyue breakthrough, he secretly resolved that he would not let other people make breakthroughs in the world of things!

Otherwise, it must be absorbed.


During the conversation between the two brothers, the dark clouds in the sky became stronger and stronger. Lingtai Lingyue stood under the dark clouds without any pressure, but a faint smile.


Waiting for Thunder Cloud to accumulate strength, the space not far away distorted a few times again, and several emperors suddenly appeared.

Obviously, someone broke through the emperor's realm, shook them, and came over to take a look.

I came here and wanted to say a few words. When I saw Nie Tong and Nie Yun on one side, they were all dumb.

Although it was only about half a day since the departure of the Goddess Peak, this young man's horror has been heard in all the hearts of the emperors.

Among those who do not wait to offend, I am afraid he has risen to the first place, far exceeding the Emperor Xuanyuan.


There was another twist of space, and two familiar figures appeared.

It was Xuanyuan Emperor and Emperor Xuan.

At this moment, Emperor Xuan has restored her beautiful appearance. It should be that Xuanyuan Emperor has used some means ~ www.readwn.com ~ Woohoo!

"Yes ... Lingtai Lingyue!"

"Really broke?"

"Nie Yun said before that she could make a breakthrough in half a year. I still think it is bragging. Now it seems that it is true!"

"Break through to the imperial realm in less than a day ... How did he do it?"

"It can crush so many of us, and I didn't believe it before. I can accept as many miracles as people who can make such miracles!"

Immediately after that, several other emperors appeared. It was the helmsmen of several forces who had dedicated themselves to being beaten by Nie Yun at the Goddess Peak.

They appeared, and they saw the breakthrough figures clearly, all of them were weird, and they all felt crazy.

(To be continued.)

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