Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2567: Zhou Luoyu


There was a twist in the space somewhere in Divine Realm, and two figures suddenly appeared.

It was Nie Yun and Lingtai Lingyue.

Lian Yuege was established in the past and needed to deal with a lot of things, so Nie Tong stayed there, and he and Lingtai Lingyue came here in a teleport.

Divine Realm Kyushu ten places, one of the ten places Zhou Luoyu.

"Aren't you going to the real world? Why did you come to Zhou Luoyu?"

Zhou Luoyu is located on the middle line between Kyushu and the Infinity Sea. It is an independent island. It is one of the ten places. Nie Yun has seen the information. Because of its special geographical location, it has become a trading port between Kyushu and the ten places. It is extremely prosperous. .

It is one of the most prosperous cities in the entire **** world.

Because of this, the nine major forces and the ten places are under the joint protection. People in the ten states of Kyushu can live in peace here, there is no separation of forces, and it is a pure place of trade.

"The Luo market in front actually hides the entrance to the real world!"

Huanting Lingyue pointed forward.

"The entrance to the real world is hidden in ... Luo Ji Market?"

Nie Yun froze.

He is not like Lingtai Lingyue. When he came to the kingdom of God, he had a special guidance from the emperor, and he relied on step by step. The four major places in the kingdom of God, although he knew the name and location, did not know.

The real world has been heard for a long time, and it is the first time that I heard that the entrance is in the bustling Luoji market.

"I knew for the first time that it looks similar to yours now. Such a dangerous and dangerous place is actually under such a bustling city. I ca n’t believe it without coming here in person!"

Yantai Lingyue nodded.

When she first learned the news, she was not much better than Nie Yun and was speechless in shock.

"However, this is the only place in the Divine Realm. It is not the place where the nine major forces are native, and there is no need to worry about the genius being killed. Establishing a transfer point here is indeed the best choice!"

Yantai Lingyue continued.


Nie Yun nodded in agreement.

The nine great forces of the Divine Realm seem safe and sound, but in fact the waves are rough. All sorts of small tricks keep coming.

Hearing that a certain force has an extra superpower, in order to avoid the emergence of a superpower. If you don't make it, you will come out and obliterate.

Zhou Luoyu, the world of Zhou Luo, although not in the homeland of the major forces, is considered by many forces to be inaccessible. Geniuses are sent here without any danger.

"Check it out!"

When they came to the place, the two did not need to continue teleporting and flew down from the air. Go straight towards the city.

It is indeed a famous and prosperous city in the world of God. Even if the imperial city of Putian is compared with one, it is not a star.

"Go and exchange some lower-grade **** stones first. If you say, Zhenxu City Superb God Stones are also hard currency and may be useful at that time!"

After walking in the street for a while, Nie Yun smiled and walked into a commercial bank.

Soon, walked out of business.

"Go and see next!"

Get out of one firm and come to another, each one. It will cause the chicken to jump inside and panic.

Not long, he went all over the entire Luo Ji market. The Xiapin Shenshi is piled up like a huge mountain as imagined.

Redeeming the superb **** stone for the superb **** stone, this good thing is almost no different from falling pie in the sky, which firm is not willing?

In less than a day, Nie Yun got more inferior **** stones than the goddess peak black market. If he can now break through the ten states, rely on these auras. You can easily reach the top.

"You make money like this, it's almost the same as grabbing!"

Know that Nie Yun used the world of holding things to gather the best gods. Yantai Lingyue laughed.

She was right, Nie Yun was just grabbing. But others grabbed it willingly.

Having a perfect realm is like having a finger that turns a stone into gold, buying a stone with gold bars, and then transforming the stone into a gold bar ... The more wealth accumulates, Haotianlou once claimed to be the first financial power of the God Realm, compared with him Simply weak burst!

No matter how rich you are, you also need to make a little bit of money ... But people will make money by themselves.

"Quickly enter the real world!"

Nie Yun smiled and didn't say much.

The entrance to the real world is a huge teleportation array, located just below the most prosperous market in Luo Ji.

Finding the place, the two came to the entrance.

"The market is heavy, and random entry is not allowed!"

As soon as he arrived, several guards in charge of guarding the formation jumped out.

"Steal the sky to borrow life ..."

Seeing these guards, Nie Yun couldn't help making a mistake and drew air conditioning.

I didn't expect these guards, one by one, they all stole their lives!

It is indeed the entrance to the real world, and the specifications are too high.

"Goddess Peak Rongtai Lingyue!"

As soon as Lingtai's wrist was flipped, a token appeared on the palm of the hand, with the word "True Void" written on it, with a strong breath of the emperor.

This thing is a voucher for entering the virtual city. Without this, the other party will ignore you.

"Originally Shaofeng Master! Come in!"

Several guards recognized the identity of Yantai Lingyue and hurriedly respected.

Nie Yun wiped out the goddess peak and completely changed the face of Emperor Xuan, and spread it only among the powerful emperors. The ordinary people have not yet known these things.

"Who is this……"

Recognized Lingtai Lingyue and looked at Nie Yun.

"he is……"

Xuanting Ling Yue was about to introduce, and when Nie Yun flipped her wrist, she also took out a token, exactly like her.

"Putian Nie Yun!"

"Putian Nie Yun? It was His Majesty that turned out to be disrespectful!"

After checking the token, several guards quickly gave way.

It has been months since Nie Yun became the emperor of the Putian dynasty, and the news has already passed to them, no secret.

After passing the test, the two walked into the aisle and walked straight ahead.

The teleportation array is located deep in the ground, and is arranged by many emperors. It takes a long time to walk.

"Don't you just know the real virtual world? How could there be an identity card for the real virtual city?"

Lingtai Lingyue looked strange.

He just said that the real world had never heard of it before, and now he took out a sign representing his identity, and the difference between words and actions was too fast!

"Oh ~ www.readwn.com ~ I just saw you come up with a sign. I was curious for a while and copied it. I didn't expect these people to see it!"

Nie Yun smiled.


Only then did Lingtai Lingyue think about it, the world of Nawu also had this abnormal function, and smiled again.

"I see. You wouldn't copy the Xuanwu fairy vine before ..."

I was afraid that Nie Yun would venture into the Wraith Realm, and he did not hesitate to turn his face with Emperor Xuan, and at this moment I realized that Nie Yun did not go to the Wraith Realm at all, but directly used the basaltic fairy vine in the hands of Xuan Chen's son to copy the gourd and make a copy More than one!

"It is indeed the most powerful emperor of the **** world ... you guessed the problem in a second!"

Nie Yun laughed.

"Let's make a badass!" Lingtai Lingyue of Yantai, between them, saw a huge teleportation array appearing in front of them.

(To be continued.)

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