Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2570: Buy corpse of Emperor beast (1)

One hundred thousand superb **** stones, even if they have been in Baixianglou for so many years, it is not so easy to take them out, just send them out just to see the previous one?

The shopkeeper swallowed and wiped the cold sweat on his head.

To be honest, he still didn't believe it.

It's not that you don't believe that someone will spend so much money, but ... you don't believe that someone will carry so many superb stones with you!


Before he thought about this, he felt a trembling in his eyes, and a pile of superb stones fell in front of him.


The shopboy frightened back a few steps and was turned over by a table and turned over.

The mighty three-state powerhouse would fall, which shows that the shock in my heart is beyond the expectation that the psychological can bear.

"what is that?"

"Superb God Stone?"

"There should be tens of thousands of superb **** stones!"

"Full 100,000 pieces! Take out 100,000 pieces directly. What is this to buy?"


Not only was Xiao Er in the shop scared stupid, everyone in Bai Xiang Lou also looked at each other, scared to speech.

One hundred thousand superb **** stones ... To be honest, countless people will never see so much wealth in their lifetime!

Even the heavenly strong will feel small in the face of such wealth.

"This is the 100,000 Need for God Stone, you can take it to your shopkeeper now, and say that this is a meeting ceremony. My purpose is very simple, to talk to him about business!" Nie Yundan said.

"This this……"

The shop's second man froze for a moment: "Okay, I'm still bothering you to put away the superb **** stone. I'll tell the shopkeeper now, but ... if he can't see you, it doesn't depend on me ..."


Nie Yun waved his hand and waved his palm. The superb divine stone on the ground reclaims the world of things.

Sometimes money is more effective than talking.

"Did you hear that? He said ... Give 100,000 Superb God Stone just to see the shopkeeper's side?"

"Meet the 100,000 Need for God Stone? Which prodigal is this?"

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, as if I could have low status?

"This is ..."


Hearing the conversation, everyone shook again.

One Hundred Thousand Needs God Stone. Countless people do n’t dare to imagine that the wealth is brought out just to see the other shopkeeper ... Is this guy's brain ill?

There were also a few greedy eyes in the crowd.

Although I know that I can take out so much money, my identity is definitely not simple, but ... Once I succeed, I will be rich overnight. As long as there are enough benefits, countless people can take risks.

Looking at these eyes, Nie Yun looked indifferent. Don't care at all.

The sacred mountain is in hand, the invincible world is invincible, no matter who comes to snatch, it is useless!

Besides, even without the holy mountain, relying on the strength of Lingtai Lingyue, who dares to make an idea, only to find death, Emperor Xuanyuan will not do it!


Baixiang Tower spread inward to a large hall in the courtyard.

A middle-aged man sits side by side, and two youths sit at the bottom.

"Xiu Yan Treasurer. You should know my identity. The purpose of this visit is simple, to buy the corpse of Emperor Beast. One of the fifty thousand superb **** stones!" The young man in front waved his hand with pride: "I It has been calculated that an Emperor Beast can make about 50 pieces of meat. Even if one piece of meat is bought very well, it is only about 1,000 yuan of superb **** stones. I will give you 50,000 directly, which is a very high price! "

"Oh, this is indeed a good price. But ..." Xiu Yan the shopkeeper waved his hand: "I don't have many corpses of Emperor Beasts, if they are all sold to you. It doesn't matter if Baixianglou's reputation is broken, it will take time Going out of business. Anyway, I won't kill chickens for eggs! "

"Kill the chicken and get the eggs? It seems that the shopkeeper thinks that the money is not enough!"

The young man's eyelids rolled over, and his finger knocked on the table: "One corpse of the emperor beast, sixty thousand superb **** stones! I want ten heads directly, which is six hundred thousand superb **** stones!"

"Ten heads?" Xiu Yan shopkeeper's eyes startled.

"Yes, 600,000 superb **** stones, I can guarantee that the whole **** world, except for us Haotianlou, can take it out, no one can do it! If you think about it, if you miss this village, there will be no shop!"

Youth confident road.

No wonder he is confident. If he wants to say wealth, Haotianlou is the best in the world. All the **** stones circulating in the divine realm come from their hands. Such a huge sum of 600,000 superb **** stones, except for them, the other eight forces in the divine world Can't take it out!

Even the boundless sea with the first Xuanyuan Emperor of the Divine Realm will not work!

"This ... this ... I think about it!"

Hearing the 600,000 huge sum, Xiu Yan's breather quickly.

Although many dishes of his Baixianglou are expensive, those who can eat them don't know how many years can encounter one. In addition to various costs, in fact, they have not earned as much as imagined, more than 600,000 yuan. Even if he worked hard until he died, I'm afraid he won't make money!

"Treasurer, Treasurer, someone said they want to talk to you about a big business!"

Just then, the door of the room "squeaked!" Opened, and the figure of the shop rushed in.

"Get out and don't see me busy?"

Xiu Yan raised his eyebrows, and scolded.


"No, but get out. What I'm talking about is big business. It's a delay for me. I can't afford you ten lives!"

The motto hummed.

"Yes ... but, the guests from outside took out the 100,000 superb **** stones, and said that as long as you see him, all these **** stones will belong to you ..." the shop's second gritted teeth.

"You want to see me when you have a hundred thousand **** stones? You won't blow him away ..." the Xiuyan shopkeeper snorted and suddenly realized something, eyes widened: "What are you talking about? One hundred thousand ... **** stones?"


The shop little nodded again and again.

"One hundred thousand Need for God Stone ... as long as I see him, give it all to me?"

The treasurer swallowed saliva.

"Yes!" Xiao Er agreed quickly.

"This ..." Xiu Yan's shopkeeper still didn't believe it: "He really has so many superb **** stones, isn't he a female sexist?"

"He took out 100,000 superb **** stones in front of me ... and just let me bring it to you ~ www.readwn.com ~ except ... I'm afraid to take it!"

Shop small second.

"This ..." Xiu Yan's shopkeeper was tangled, and after a moment: "Invite him!"


Dian Xiaoer promised to go out.

"Slow ... Xiu Yan, shopkeeper, what do you mean? Don't you want to do business with me? You have to think clearly, Hao Tianlou is the biggest **** of wealth, and you offend the **** of wealth, what should you do in the future, Clear in my heart! "

The youth shook his sleeves and stood up.

"The biggest **** of wealth? I do n’t think so. A corpse of Emperor beast only gives 60,000 best-quality **** stones. To be honest, it's too stingy. The treasurer, as long as you sell the corpse of Emperor beast, I will give you 500,000 best God stone! "

Before the shopkeeper had time to speak, a faint voice sounded suddenly.

(To be continued.)

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