Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2583: Nie Yun's strength

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Bang! Bang!

Suppressed by the sacred mountain, Tiandao was even more furious, and the thunder was like a sea that kept bombarding Nie Yun.


With his eyes glaring, Nie Yun no longer dodged, and opened his mouth wide, and Lei Yun was swallowed in the stomach by the sky.

The world of receiving things reaches 25 states. Although the power of the Thunder is vast, it is not much to him.


It lasted a day and a night, and the sea of ​​thunder that shocked the whole world of God finally disappeared. Nie Yun spit out a sulky breath, his body fluttered, and appeared in front of Lingtai Lingyue.

With one stroke in the palm, the sacred mountain turned into a bit and flew into the eyebrow.

"you succeeded?"

Looking at Nie Yun who flew by, she had no unfathomable realm, nor the power to make her heart palpitated, but there was no change as before, Huantai Lingyue looked full of doubt.

"Success!" Nie Yun smiled. "Finally succeeded the Emperor!"

Carrying the unprecedented calamity in the realm of God, his strength finally broke through the final tragedy, reached the realm of the emperor, and became a real strong realm of the realm of emperors. It is also the only perfect realm of the realm of the realm since countless epochs of the realm of the gods!

"But ... why can't I feel your strength?"

Yantai Lingyue is strange.

She is the Emperor of Heaven, and she perceives horror. There is almost no existence in the divine realm, but the young man in front of her seems to have no strength. Even her, she cannot feel the slightest energy fluctuation.

"You can try!"

Nie Yun smiled.

"Okay!" Just in the field of Yantai, I also wanted to try out what kind of strength this unprecedented perfect emperor had in front of me.


Hundreds of kilometers of space were torn by her palm, and Nie Yun stood in the crack, as if she was all right, still looking at it with a smile.

"I don't believe I can't hurt you!"

With this move, Ling Yue felt that the Xuanyuan Emperor would be chopped to death when he came over. As a result, even the opponent ’s hair was not lost, Ling Yue Xiu frowned, turned into a fist, and struck again.


This time, the power is even greater. The whole real world is constantly trembling under her full attack, and it seems to collapse at any time.

"Ha ha!"

A slight smile, Nie Yun shot.

Flick your finger forward.


For a moment, the entire time and space of the real void seemed to be frozen directly, and the fist of Lingtai Lingyue's incomparable fist solidified in the air and could never come forward.


Drink lightly.

The space collapsed, forming a huge spatiotemporal flow, and the powerful attack power of Lingtai Lingyue disappeared with the broken space.


Time to recover.


Yantai Ling Yue's eyes widened.

Just now she exhausted all her strength, such a violent force, I am afraid that the land of a state in the kingdom of God can be destroyed instantly, but in front of each other, it is as simple and ridiculous as a child playing house!

What kind of combat power does this guy have?

It's too scary!

"I surrender!"

Shaking his head with a bitter smile, Lingtai said.

The difference is too great. The two are not at the same level at all, and they can't refuse to admit defeat.

"In fact, you have just been promoted to the Great Emperor, and your strength is still not well controlled. With the passage of time, the combat effectiveness will definitely multiply. By then, even if I want to win, it will not be so easy!"

Nie Yundao: "Furthermore ... you are the Emperor of Heaven, but God of Heaven does not dare to lend you strength, which limits your strength. If you can use Heaven and use the power of God, I am not an opponent! "

Huantai Lingyue is the Emperor of Heaven, who can use the power of Heaven to fight against others.

The heavenly way of the divine world itself is jealous of the powerful Emperor Realm. Instead of using her power to give it to her, she has also deliberately suppressed it, which makes her fighting power not as scary as imagined.

"Even if you can use Heaven, you are definitely not your opponent!"

Yantai Lingyue knew she was comforting her, and hummed with a glance.

In front of him, the Three Thousand Avenues were promoted at the same time. The whole person has a huge world comparable to that of God. Even if God of Heaven does not suppress her, he is at most the same as this one. It is almost impossible to overcome.

It can be said that since the moment of breakthrough, this one is truly invincible in the divine realm, and no one can be defeated.

"Let ’s go, the real world is not what we are fighting. If you do n’t leave, I am afraid that other emperors will come and kill!"

Nie Yun also refuted, smiling.

The real world of virtual reality has almost been destroyed by his robberies and battles, and the former solid real virtual city has now become ruins.

The trial city that the digital emperors spent countless hard work became like this, don't run away, and the other emperors will not blame if they don't find them desperately.


Yantai Lingyue nodded, just wanting to ask how to go back without the channel, he felt a hot palm, the teenager held her tenderness.


The next moment, their bodies tightened, and the two disappeared from their place.

Opening my eyes again, I have returned to the realm of God.

"Teleport in the real world and return directly to the realm of God?"

Seeing this scene, Lingtai Lingyue was startled.

"At the emperor's realm, the power of holding things in the world space has been able to spread across the real realm, and it can be teleported directly!" Seeing her doubts, Nie Yun explained.

Before he was in the real virtual world, he could teleport a distance of at most one state, but at this moment, the whole real virtual world can go back and forth between thoughts.

"Well, go to Putian!"

Back in the Divine Realm, his strength was also promoted to the great emperor, Nie Yundao.

"What did you say before, let me be careful what the demon emperor means?"

Hearing the words of looking for Putian, Lingtai Lingyue could not help asking.

"Don't you feel that the Devil is insincere?" Nie Yun frowned.

"Insincere?" Lingtai Lingyue shook her head.

The Demon Emperor asked him to help rescue the Emperor Putian. It looked very sincere and there was nothing wrong with it.

How come he became insincere.

"I don't know, I always feel wrong! I feel that Putian is trapped, it must not be as simple as he said!"

Nie Yun couldn't say a specific reason: "If I have to say why I have this idea, it is because he wants me to kill the old man in Huabei!"

Hearing this, Yantai Lingyue remembered the conversation with the Devil Emperor before, and this man did let him see the old man at Huabei without a word!

"Also ~ www.readwn.com ~ He has a demon in his corpse of Emperor Beast!"

Nie Yun continued.

The Demon Emperor gave him the carcass of the Emperor. During the refining process, he found the demon thoughts. Although these thoughts were killed by him, he still felt unhappy, and always felt that this person was not bright enough.

"Speaking of which, this demon great emperor does have problems ... but he and Emperor Putian have been friends for billions of years, and should not hurt him ..."

Yantai Lingyue still can't believe it.

The Emperor Putian and the Demon Emperor have been together for hundreds of millions of years in the imperial city of Putian, and have never heard the news that they are incompatible.

(To be continued.) Read this chapter on your phone:

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