Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2590: Love Dao Zun

Boundless sea.

Xuanyuan Emperor sat on the throne, looking forward, with guilt in his eyes, while Yao Xuan stood behind, like a bodyguard.

Directly in front of the two was a stubborn Taoist, full of alcohol, looking extremely decadent.

"What the **** is it to get me here?"

The martyr took a gourd and took a sip, and squinted forward.

Dare to speak with the first **** Xuanyuan Emperor in the original **** world, don't guess that this martyr is definitely not easy,

"Imperial catastrophe ... is about to begin, I hope you can come back with us and carry the catastrophe!" Xuanyuan Emperor looked over.

"Is the catastrophe coming? Okay! Anyway, I have enough to live. Let's die together, why should we fight the catastrophe?"

A martyr's eyelids seemed to care nothing about life and death.


Hearing this, seeing that his old friend was willing to fall, and he had no intention to live or die, the Emperor Xuanyuan was not angry, but shook his head: "I know the thing about Emperor Xuan ..."

"I see? What do you mean?" Originally, he didn't care about anything, but when he heard the word "Dixuan", he raised his eyebrows and looked coldly.

"You must know ..." Xuanyuan Emperor sighed. "I've seen her deity!"

"What?" The martyr's face changed suddenly, and the expression of indifference just now disappeared, full of nervousness, and he asked in an unbelievable tone: "Have you ever seen this?"

"Huh!" Xuanyuan Emperor nodded.

"But ... how could she let you see her deity? How could she show such a side to her beloved? Shouldn't she show the most beautiful form ..." Martyrs couldn't believe it.

"It's not that she wants to show, but ... is beaten!" Emperor Xuanyuan smiled bitterly.

The scenery of the original Emperor Xuan, occupying the reputation of the first beauty in the world of God, has been tens of millions of years. If you have not seen it with your own eyes, who can imagine, who dare to imagine that the ontology is actually such an ugly thing!

"Has been beaten? How is she? Okay ..."

The martyrs trembled a little.

"She's all right, she's got some injuries, and she's still intact now!" Looking at her old friend, Emperor Xuanyuan knew that after so many years she hadn't got out of her debt, she shook her head.

"Who, who did it?" After hearing nothing, the martyr breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at the Xuanyuan Emperor in front of her: "Did you not mention her revenge? Didn't you help him out? She has been lovely for you for so many years ..."

"Revenge? Get angry?" Emperor Xuanyuan smiled bitterly: "I also think, unfortunately, I am not an opponent!"

"Not an opponent? What are you kidding? You are not the No. 1 **** in the world. Are you invincible?"

Some martyrs couldn't believe it and said, "I ’m really saying that you do n’t have to worry about me. Although I like her, I ca n’t pass the level of her deity now, knowing that I ’m not really in love with her. Get on her! You are different. She likes you so much that you can be together ... "

"Ahem, I am not worried that you did not make a shot, but ... it is not an opponent, not only me. At that time, Ouyang Ferris and others were there. Ouyang Ferris was also hit on the spot, and Goddess Peak was also hit by the other party. Flat ground! "

Emperor Xuanyuan interrupted each other and smiled bitterly.

"Aren't you the opponent? The Goddess Peak was also razed to the ground? Didn't ... the Tiandao spokesman appeared?"

Martyrs shrink their pupils.

This kind of strength, he can only think of Tiandao spokesperson, other, really can't think of it.

"He has nothing to do with the spokesperson of the **** world, and he hasn't even been promoted to the emperor ..." Xuanyuan Emperor shook his head: "Well, this thing will not be said, love lover, I came to you to tell you that the goddess peak is broken, and Emperor Xuan will honor his deity. It ’s already revealed in the eyes of the world. It ’s no secret. Do n’t you let it go? ”

This martyr is the third person in the **** world who is good at heart demon, the emperor of the boundless sea, loves the Taoism!

"Keep it in my heart? I whispered that I love Emperor Xuan, but when I saw her deity, I fled in a hurry. I broke her heart, and faced with shame ... How can I be happy?

Love and respect.

He personally acknowledged the mysterious history of countless gods in the world.

It turned out that, as guessed, Di Xuan's deity was too ugly. After seeing it, he was frightened away. Later, he felt sorry for the other person. He had always felt guilty and fell into a situation where he couldn't help himself.

"But ... to be honest, Di Xuan's deity is too ugly. I don't blame you for it, no matter who it is, you can't carry it ..."

Xuanyuan Great Emperor Road.

"It's my fault, Xuanyuan, you tell me who made Dixuan ugly in the divine realm, and I will kill him now!" The ruthless meaning in the eyes of Qingdao Daozun said: "Even if I am not an opponent, I will fight for it. She finds justice ... "

"Kill him?" Emperor Xuanyuan felt helpless for a while.

His strength is the same as the house in front of the other party. How can you kill the other party even if you are more powerful?

"You don't tell me, I'll check it myself ..."

Lovers raise their eyebrows.

In this life, he is consciously useless, and if he can help his beloved before he dies, it is worth the death.


His voice was not over yet, the world was roaring, countless red clouds were born, and the sky instantly became a sea of ​​thunder.

"This is ... someone broke the emperor!"

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

This is a sign of breaking through the emperor.

"Why ... someone breaks every day?"

Yao Xuan on one side couldn't help it.

These two days, almost every day someone breaks through, one movement is bigger than the other, who is it?

When did the emperor pick up the roadside just like cabbage?

"Check it out!"


With the words of Emperor Xuanyuan, the three disappeared from the same place at the same time, and the next moment appeared on the boundless ocean, with several people standing in front of them.

"Nie Yun, Lingtai Lingyue, Putian, Yuanyang?"

Seeing these people, Xuanyuan Emperor recognized him immediately.

Since these people are standing here, is it breakthrough ... related to them?

Xuanyuan Emperor couldn't help looking up, and surely saw a sky full of thunders ~ www.readwn.com ~ A figure stood among them, and the opponent's sky full of thunder clouds.

"Yao Shuang? Is Yao Shuang ..."

Yao Xuan on the one side was surprised at first, and then his eyes were full of excitement and incredible.

Doesn't Yao Shuang become a faint soul? How could it lead to the catastrophe of the Emperor and possess such a powerful fighting force?

"Yao Shuang? Are you talking about Yao Shuang, the daughter of Emperor Yuanyang?"

The Xuanyuan Emperor stunned.

"It's her. Absolutely her. I can't read it wrong!"

Yao Xuan nodded quickly.

How could his lover, the woman who loved his life, read wrong!

"But ... but isn't she ... hasn't it already disappeared? Why is she still alive, and ... still impacts the success of the emperor?"

Xuanyuan Emperor was also full of shock. (~ ^ ~)

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