Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2593: Waner

"Don't be busy!" Seeing that Guan Ling was taking them away, Nie Yun shook his head and looked at the patriarch: "Say it, maybe we can help!"

"It's not that you don't want to say it, but ... you guys go!"

Diao Yong hesitated for a moment, and finally shook his head. ??one look·

The offenders in their Aoyama Department were so powerful that they couldn't resist it. Rather than implicate the three of them who were about to return home, it would be better to say.

"I haven't seen you in such a long time, maybe our strength has improved, and I can't help you!"

Nie Tong interrupted.


Diao Yong looked at the three of them for a while and shook his head after a while: "To tell you the truth, we are in trouble at Qingshan Department, but the other party is too powerful. Your brothers are very talented and have great potential. , But the time to come to the kingdom of God is too short to reach the point where it can compete with it! Instead of being involved, it is better to forget ... "

In his opinion, the two brothers, Nie Yun, have been in the Divine Realm for more than two years. It is difficult for practitioners to blink in a hundred years, and it will be difficult to reach the late stage of the kingdom. Comparable?

"Let's go quickly, kindly, our Aoyama Department will be at the heart. If we come here next time, we can still meet and have a good time again!"

Diao Yong's anxious look at the road

"Hee hee!" After hearing Diao Yong's words, Lingtai Lingyue on one side couldn't help laughing.

The first person in the divine realm was actually thought to be weak ... It was spread that I don't know if other emperors would cry.

"Diao Yong, it's time!"

When Guan Ling was going to pull Nie Yun and others away, there was a sudden rush of wind in the air, and a figure appeared over the people.

Being a middle-aged person, Mei Yu brought the cold air, the breath released from her body, and her face was as pale as waves like Diao Yong.

"The Emperor Realm Peak?"

After seeing the people appearing, Nie Yun realized why Diao Yong kept letting him go. The trouble they encountered was actually brought by a successful emperor.

The Qingshan Department is just a small ethnic group in the Luojing Mountain Range. The strongest is not the early days of the kingdom of Kings. Such a group of people does not have the slightest strength to face the peak of the imperial kingdom.

"Give up that **** woman, dare to hurt my son, I will extract her soul, refine it into an oil lamp, and bear the pain of flames every day!" The middle-aged man's eyebrows are somber: "If you refuse ... you whole Qingshan Ministry, there is no need to exist in the divine realm! "

In the words, the powerful coercion was released, and Diao Yong and other people's knees became weak and kept trembling. ?? One ?? Look ·

"How can you offend the peak of the imperial realm?"

Nie Yun stroked the palm of his hand, and everyone's pressure was gone. He looked strangely.

A low-level tribe like Aoyamabe who lives in the mountain all year round and has never been out. How can it offend a strong man like the peak of the imperial realm?

People of this strength, even in Vulcan Sect, are completely elders.

"It's Waner ..."

The other party appeared that Nie Yun and others hadn't left yet. Guan Ling knew that even if he wanted them to leave now, it was impossible, and a deep apology appeared on his face, explaining the matter again.

The most admired object of Miss Waner, Shi Dixuan, has long been eager to become a strong woman. She left the house half a month ago and intends to break into the realm of God like Nie Yun and others.

Who knows not far, met the **** who came to Luoji Mountain hunting.

Waner was born with natural beauty, coupled with the untamed wildness on her body, immediately attracted the playboy, and the later things were simple. The latter tried to occupy Waner with a strong force, but was hurt by her and died The sons were cut off.

Knowing that he was in trouble, he dared not run away from home and immediately fled back.

Luoyu Mountain is so vast that she thought it would be all right to escape and hide. After all, the **** ’s cultivation is not high, otherwise she wo n’t be hurt.

No one had thought that this Playboy's father was actually a big man at the peak of the imperial realm!

Two days ago, the great figure of the imperial kingdom came here to avenge his son in person, but Waner had been hidden by the chief of the Diao Yong clan. The big figure gave the Qingshan Department two days to consider and proactively hand over the person. Not to mention, otherwise, the real Castle Peak Department will be killed!

That's when two days expire.

"Dad, I did the trouble, I will solve it myself!"

When Guan Ling quietly explained to Nie Yun and others, a stubborn voice sounded, and then a shadow of a shadow rushed over from a distance.

It is the daughter of Patriarch Diao Yong, Waner!

At this moment, she no longer had the spirit of her former spirit, her eyes were bloodshot, her face was a little pale, she seemed to know that she was full of guilt in her waywardly involved people, and she could not help but rushed out of her hiding place.


When she saw her daughter coming back, Diao Yong wanted to say something and knew that it was useless, so she shook her head.

"Nie Yun, Nie Tong, why are you here?"

Back to the tribe Wan'er, this is also seeing the two brothers Nie Yun, can't help but look at them.

"Ready to go home and pass here!"

Nie Yun smiled.

"Hey, did it show up? In this case, all of you are dead!"

The conversation between the two is not over yet. The peak of the realm of the imperial realm in the air is exposed, and the strength of the palms gathers, forming a huge cloud above the entire valley.

"Don't you say that if you surrender me, you can save the lives of others?"

Seeing each other's actions, Diao Yong and others were so cold in heart, Waner could not help but shouted.

The strong man had said before that as long as he surrendered himself, everyone in the Castle Peak Department could be saved from death. Why did he come out now, and he still had to do it?

"I just don't want to have a fish that leaks the net!" The middle-aged man's eyes flashed: "A group of things that don't know how to live or die will hurt my son, and he will pay for it!"

"It's our Aoyama Department that has caused trouble. There is no complaint about killing us, but these three tourists are just passing by here. Can you let them leave?"

Knowing that this time he could not escape, Diao Yong gritted his teeth and pointed to Nie Yun and others.

"Tourists? Blame them for their bad lives ~ www.readwn.com ~ Who asked them to come here?"

The middle-aged man's face was full of crickets: "Let me all die!"


The breath in the body spread out, red clouds appeared in the sky, and the power like a river covered everyone.


Just when Diao Yong and others thought that the death was unquestionable, the power of the sky suddenly stopped in the air, as if it had hit an invisible diaphragm, and could no longer move forward.


Seeing that his strength stopped, the middle-aged man could not help but stunned, and then his pupils shrank.

The stupid person knows that he meets a master now!

ps: Get up in the morning, code a chapter before going to work, sweat. . (To be continued.)


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