Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2595: Scared Red River Emperor

"Nie Yun ... The Great!"

I fell into the shadow of Nie Yun's palm and saw the appearance of the boy clearly.

级别 The middle-aged person is too low to know Nie Yun. How can the Red River Emperor not know?

This is the one that even Emperor Xuan and Xuanyuan Emperor hanged. What did they do just now and hit him!

The whole body is full of maggots. The idea of ​​Emperor Honghe almost hates middle-aged people.

If it wasn't for this lack of morality, how could he meet with all the great emperors in the **** world!

告诉 "Tell me, what are you doing in the Red River domain to Vulcan Realm?"

I looked at the dim shadow of my palm, Nie Yun asked lightly.

"No ... nothing ..." Xing Ying 哆嗦.

"you sure?"

Nie Yun looked coldly.

"I ... I ... Go back to Emperor Nie Yun, it's really nothing! It's nothing more than fighting for the site ..."

Xu Ying hurriedly explained.

"Fighting for the site? Looks like you're not honest!"

Seeing his speech unknown, Nie Yun smiled slightly and raised his eyebrows: "Since that's the case, I have to be polite!"


With the end of his words, the space in front of him seemed to be torn apart. His palm extended hundreds of millions of kilometers, extended forward, and entered the endless void.


The palm of his hand retracted, and a figure was held up by his neck.

Shake gently and fall to the ground.

"Red River ... Great Emperor!"

When I saw this scene, a middle-aged man in the air almost fell down without flying.

怎么 How could he not know this person in front of him? It is the founder of Honghemen.

Wasn't Emperor Honghe a retreat in deep space and time? How could you be pinched over ...

Who is this person in front of me?

"Is this an emperor?"

"Nie Yun ... pinched an emperor over?"

Not only are the middle-aged people crazy, Diao Yong, Waner, and others have their eyes littered, and they can't stand anymore.

什么 What did they see?

Emperor Wu, they remember the most powerful existence in the divine realm. They were pinched casually by one hand, no different from pinching chicks ...

I haven't seen him for more than two years. How did his strength increase so much?

Isn't that ... he also broke through the emperor?

Thinking of this possibility, Diao Yong and others could not help but "click!"

Especially Waner, her eyes that were directly hit were dull, and she was about to cry.

She thinks she has good talents and has worked very hard in the past two years, but ... she has just reached the realm of the king. She thought that this young man would not be much stronger than her. The two have at least the possibility of fighting ... now I know that in To the front, it's just a small person who is not as good as the ants!

He grew up to this situation, what about his brother?

Wu Waner couldn't help looking at Nie Tong, and she was startled.

If you do n’t see someone in front of you, you ca n’t find it by feeling or soul power!

Moreover, the young man saw his brother pinch the Red River Emperor, his eyes remained the same, indicating that ... this is a small scene for him!

I wonder ...

He is also an emperor?

I choked on the saliva, and looked at Lingtai Lingyue again.

"Is this ... is this the person he is looking for?"

A thought came up.

聂 Nie Yun came to their tribe and asked if anyone had come, she knew that he was looking for someone, but she never dreamed that the person she was looking for was so beautiful.

She thought that she was outstanding, and she realized that she was the only one to compare with the other ... It's the difference between toad and swan!

No wonder when the bonfire festival, the teenager explicitly rejected her, in exchange for anyone who has such a confidant, he would not want to be himself!

Uh ...

Regardless of the shock of Diao Yong and others, Nie Yun stared at the Red River Emperor who was pinched by him, looking indifferent: "I want to listen to the truth! I believe you know what to say, otherwise, Longyang and Ouyang Ferris will end!"

In order to reach his level, Xiu Xiu already had a mediocre idea. When he saw middle-aged people in the Vulcan realm, he felt wrong and thought that the Red River Emperor must not have told the truth!

"Nie Yun ... The Great, I ..."

Seeing this evil star, Emperor Honghe shivered and turned pale.

Knowing his record, I am afraid that all the great emperors in the world of God are unwilling to face the person in front of him.

"Yes, yes ... what Dixuan asked me to do, it doesn't matter to me, it really doesn't matter to me ..."

The Great Emperor Honghe knew that if he didn't tell the truth, he would surely be beheaded. He didn't dare to hesitate and hurriedly asked for mercy.

"Di Xuan?"

Nie Yun frowned.

He didn't expect to ask casually, the other side could not help but be weird when he said Emperor Xuan.

What is the relationship between Wu Dixuan and Goddess Peak?

"Yes ... you also know that my name is Honghe Great Emperor, and I am also called Honghe Jun. Originally, it was just a shepherd boy on the side of Honghe ... It became the emperor because of the favor of Emperor Xuan ..."

Emperor Honghe quickly explained.

The Red River Emperor is the Red River prince who was legendary in the Red River Valley. Nie Yun knew that the legend of the shepherd had already been heard.

因为 It was because of this legend that countless people ventured to the Red River Migu to find opportunities.

Because of this, Lingtai Lingyue was inherited by Emperor Xuan and became her true disciple.

Speaking like this, this Honghe Jun does have something to do with Emperor Xuan.

"Because of her favor, I always obey her words ..."

The Red River Emperor explained what she knew: "Yesterday she found me and said that to cultivate a new heir, she needed to find some women with pure souls ... I sent people to look around! The Great also knew that the scope of our Red River Basin was not large , She asked for too much ~ www.readwn.com ~ so I passed on the idea, let all the elders of Honghemen go out to find, and gave them a idea, can be used when encountering danger ... I did not expect I met you ... I don't know anything else! "

The Great Emperor Honghe was crying.

Their movements are not big, they just move quietly. It stands to reason that it should not cause anyone's idea. I never dreamed that they would be found directly by this Nie Yun!

寻找 "Looking for a pure woman of soul?"

Nie Yun frowned.

What did Emperor Xuan look for at this time?

Immediately the divine calamity was destroyed. Even if the heir was found, there was no way to continue training!

Is n’t it difficult for Lingtai Lingyue to leave, making her mood change, a little irrational?

Or was the body revealed in public, the mentality has been out of balance?

"Where is she?"

I don't know the other party's intentions, Nie Yun no longer thinks about it, and looks at Emperor Honghe.

"I don't know where she is. She always contacts me every time. I just sent a group of women yesterday. As for what she wants to do, I really don't know ..."

The Red River Emperor was afraid, and told everything he knew.

"Go! If you let me know that you continue to do this, don't even think about living!"

Qi Nieyun waved his hand.

(To be continued.)

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