Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2610: Devouring the Origin of God Realm (Part 2)

"Fast Refining Source, otherwise there is no time!"

Seeing the martial arts of the two fighting, the origin of the divine realm is reduced by another circle, and the Emperor Shennong roared frantically.

Before Dao Tiandao planned to refine the roots with a gentle method and slowly improve his strength, but Nie Yun came and had to add it.

With this addition, the origin is immediately visible to the naked eye, and if it is delayed for a while, I am afraid that it is too late.

"Hold on!"

Yun Nieyun also knew that time could not be delayed. He gritted his teeth and jumped violently, rushing straight to the source, before entering it, he felt a powerful force swallowed up, and seemed to swallow him!

"Master Dantian, come out!"

I was in a critical situation and couldn't care too much, and the master Dan Tian flew from the sea of ​​gas instantly.

Let's sizzle!

Sure enough, as soon as Lord Dantian appeared, the power of the source vortex weakened, and there was no danger. Instead, it gave him a feeling of warmth, as if he had entered a hot spring and was unspeakable.


I felt this situation, and he knew that the Emperor Shennong had no mistake in his guess, and he didn't say much at once, and the master Dan Tian became a big mouth and devoured the origin.


With the nourishment of the original breath, Lord Dan Tian becomes bigger with the naked eye, and Nie Yun also feels that his strength has seen a sharp increase with the naked eye.

23 states!

24 states!

25 states!

The repair that was lowered because of helping Yao Shuang to refine his body recovered quickly, and the momentum of progress did not stagnate, and continued to increase.


The body shook, and the world of Nawu broke through the range of 25 states and reached 26 states!

Powerful power floods the whole body.

26 states!

27 states!

28 states!

Uh ...

Break through 桎梏, the world of things is exploding rapidly like a balloon, and the original atmosphere around him is constantly being devoured by him. The huge vortex before him is clearly shrunk under the engulfment of him and the heaven of heaven.

Uh ...

"Smelly old man, this is your own death!"

Seeing that Nie Yun rushed into the source and swallowed quickly, Emperor Xuan was finally angry, his eyebrows were raised, and his palm was grasped forward.


The Emperor Shennong was too late to dodge, and was pinched his neck and raised it.

The Emperor Shennong achieved the emperor's realm with medical ethics. Even if he had lived another epoch, his true strength was not even comparable to that of Nie Tong. How could he wait for the current Emperor Xuan?

"Master, do you really want to start?"

When the Emperor Shennong thought that death would be undoubted, a disappointed and unbelievable voice came over, and Di Xuan turned around, and there was a beautiful figure who did not know when he was not far away. Come here, full of disappointment.

Yantai Lingyue!

She and Nie Yun are husbands and wives, who have long been in communication with each other. Even if he wanted to conceal it deliberately, how could he hide it? After being concealed by Emperor Xuan, he followed him quietly and saw this scene.

"He is the Emperor of Shennong, the Emperor of Daoism who is admired by everyone in the realm of God. If you do something to him, there is no way out!"

Tears shed in Lingtai's eyes.

Anyway, this is her master in front of her. In order to cultivate her, she has exhausted everything. This kind of kindness is not just a matter of breaking!

"Retreat? I still have a retreat? Haha! When he got me out of the body, I have no retreat! The real retreat is ... all of you are dead! As long as you reunite a divine realm, no more People know me, and I'm still the highest and purest beauty in the world of God! "

Emperor Xuan Xuan revealed the color of cricket, already crazy.

"That being the case, disciple ... have to do it!"

Seeing the other person say this, Lingtai Ling Yueqiang resisted the falling tears and fell to his knees with a soft knee: "Master, this is also the grace of your training, and it is my last call to Master, after you overdo it, you Grace is righteous, it ’s just the enemy! ”

After saying that, Lingtai Lingyue struck her head again, stood up, and exuded a strong breath all over her body.

The Emperor of Heaven, in addition to Nie Yun's strongest Emperor, has too much strength than Shennong the Great.


Yantai Lingyue took the lead.

He grabbed the palm of his hand, the world was darkened, and a thick space-time crack rushed straight towards Di Xuan.

"I can train you, and naturally I can ruin you, this is your own death!"

Seeing Lingtai Lingyue dare to shoot at her, Emperor Xuan's eyebrows were raised, his eyes were cold, his palms lightened, and the cracks immediately stopped, and he could no longer move forward.

Nie Yun, who was in the state of Twenty-Three States, was injured by her one move. Although Lingtai Lingyue was strong, she was still not an opponent!

However, the latter seemed to have known this result long ago, and Xiu Mei raised his eyebrows, and another jade hand caught the Shennong Emperor who she controlled.

One attack and one rescue.

Her movements are consistent, as if she has practiced countless times, and it seems that the antelope has no trace of horns.


By the time Emperor Xuan responded, the Emperor Shennong had been rescued by her and fell into her palm.

"Still thinking about saving people? You all have to die today!"

Seeing people being rescued, Dixuan twitched her skin, rolled her palms, and patted the two again.

With this powerful force, even the two states of the Divine Realm will become a fan powder under one palm.

Even if Nie Yun's previous strength, I'm afraid I can't resist it. Lingtai Lingyue is even more impossible to resist.

"Flee to the origin!" Shouted the Emperor Shennong.


快 "Fast, you are refined from the core part of the origin of the Divine Realm. Your past origin will not hurt you, but will gather to you!"

The Emperor Shennong shouted anxiously.

"it is good!"

I know that time is not waiting for others, and I am delaying ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is likely to die here. Lingtai Lingyue didn't hesitate. She fluttered her body, and led the Emperor Shennong towards the origin of the Divine Realm ahead.


Sure enough, as soon as she approached, the broken source rushed towards her, letting her breath increase rapidly.

It seems that the degree of devouring the origin is many times faster than Nie Yun.

"Abominable ..."

Xie Nieyun devoured the source, which made Tiandao angry. At this moment, Lingtai Lingyue was also devouring, and the degree was faster. The heavens and earth trembled immediately, and Tiandao was completely angry!


Across the billions of kilometers of Wraith Realm, it exploded into powder instantly, and huge cracks appeared in the divine realm, and countless creatures instantly vanished.

"Since you are going to die, let me die!"

As Emperor of Heaven, Xuan Dixuan can clearly feel the anger of Heaven, a roar, and the dark world, tearing apart instantly, like a prologue, a group of giant beasts rushing straight towards the unknown depths.

There are thousands of thousands of tens of thousands of beasts, each with a strong and Lingran atmosphere.

The Emperor Beast!

I am actually all beasts!

"Destroy me all the creatures of the divine realm, one is not left!"

Emperor Xuan's face twisted and roared wildly.

(To be continued.)

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