Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 262: Slavery

"Well, it's your turn! Do you kill yourself or do you want me to do it?"

He killed Nie Yun, the seventh prince, and turned to look at Mu Xia, who was standing not far away, shaking, his face as frost.


Tong Muxia bit her lip with her teeth, looking at her sister for help.

She regrets it in the future. If I had known that the boy was eating a pig and eating a tiger, why would he be a bad person and be with his sister! But now, Qi Yang and Mu Shengxue were seriously injured. The seventh prince and all others died, and all of his patrons died. Only his sister could say a few words for himself.

"Yun ... Chuan, Master Nie Yun, my sister didn't know what to do for a while, please forgive her, I will plead for her!" Seeing her sister's help, Mu Qing hurried up.

"Forgiveness? Hehe!" Nie Yun smiled slightly and looked at Mu Xia. "If I was weak, Qi Yang asked you to kill me. Would you do it?"

"I ..." Mu Xia's face was red and white for a while.

"To be honest, I don't want to listen to falsehood!" With a violent drink, Nie Yun's eyes were indifferent, making people feel unconscious at first glance.

"I ... will do it!" Mu Xia said pale, hesitating.

"Well, for those who want to kill me, I will never show mercy. Now I will give you two ways. First, I swear to be my slave, willing to dedicate my soul to me, I can not kill you! Second, die! "

Xie Niezi didn't have much nonsense, and his words were full of indifference.

The most important thing for a person is to choose. As long as he chooses the wrong one, he must bear the cost for it. He also wants to swing left and right, towards Qin Muchu, seeing bad corrections and dreaming!

Sometimes you miss the opportunity only once and don't think about it again!

"Master Nie Yun, please forgive my sister this time, she is young and irrelevant ..." Mu Qing was frightened when she heard the choice given by the teenager.

Judging from the ruthless means of the teenager just now, if she can do what she says, Mu Xia will be her own sister even if she is a force. Whether she is a slave or death, she is not willing to see it.

"Sister is okay. If you choose the wrong way, you need to be punished. I am willing to be an adult's slave, dedicate my soul, and follow my whole life!"

She took a deep breath, Mu Xia said slowly, her eyes full of firmness.

"Nice!" Nie Yun originally wanted to kill this woman. Now she saw the machine so quickly, she couldn't help showing her praise. She pointed her finger forward, and a trick was entered into Mu Xia's mind. "This is a set of soul offerings. The method of sacrifice, after you watch it, sacrifice your soul to me and be my slave! "

The previous life reached the pinnacle of the secret world of heaven and fortune, which Nie Yun knew. There are countless secret methods. This method of soul sacrifice willingly to be a slave to others is just one of them. From the demon tribe, once the soul sacrifice, the soul will be controlled by the master. Life and death are between the master's thoughts. It can cause headaches and death.

"Yes!" Feeling the deep and profound secrets in her mind, Mu Xia's face was more respectful, she closed her eyes and began to learn.

After a brief moment, Mu Xia opened her eyes and uttered a coquettish sound. A cloud of white matter flew out of her head. Nie Yun reached out and swallowed it.

Wu Muxia immediately felt that her soul was out of control, and the boy stood in front of himself like a mountain, majestic and unattainable.

"Since I became my slave, I won't treat you badly, this is a nine-hearted demon fruit, swallow it!" Take out a nine-hearted demon fruit and pass it.

Nie Yun has always been stingy to those who are loyal to himself. Mu Xia's soul sacrifices must not be able to resist, and Nie Yun naturally hopes that her strength will be stronger.

"Thank you master!"

I took the nine-hearted demon fruit that kept beating, and Mu Xia's eyes lit up immediately. It seemed that it was not a bad thing for the soul to sacrifice and recognize the master.

"Do you know why I didn't kill you? Tell me the location of the demon holy corpse!"

After finishing the matters of the seventh prince and Mu Xia, Nie Yun came to Qi Yang lying on the ground like a dead dog in two steps.

Qi Qiyang had just escaped and he had broken Dantian with his sword. If it was not for the ability of the sailor to control the seawater to not oppress him, I am afraid it would have become a meat pie now.

"Let me tell where the corpse is, dream! Kill me if you have a species!" Qi Yang roared, his eyes filled with viciousness.

His hands were cut off, and naturally he could not be connected to the family. The sea of ​​air was shattered, which is equivalent to losing all his strength. Even if he can survive, it is also a waste. It is better to die.

"Oh, don't you say, don't you think I don't know? Let you say it just gives you a chance to survive. Since you don't fight for it, just like the seventh prince, let's forget it!" Nie Yun smiled slightly, seemingly aligned Yang didn't even care.

"You know? How could you know? Go to the map of the demon holy corpse, I destroyed it when I got it, only I know ..." Qi Yang didn't believe the words of the boy and sneered.

"It's very simple. I'll tell you now that the demon holy corpse has not survived for so many years. Since it has been intact until now, it can only explain one possibility. This corpse is under the nine-heart demon fruit tree! It is also because of the energy of the corpse This demon fruit tree has lived for thousands of years without ever leaving its place! "

Xie Nieyun spoke out his inferences.


I heard Qi Yang's words, a flash of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

"Oh, you can die!" Seeing his expression, Nie Yun knew the answer already ~ www.readwn.com ~ The sword fluttered, and it was smashed into flesh with a slap.


一 As soon as he died receiving all the contents in Dantian, Nie Yun didn't see anything, and grabbed all of them in Dantian.

Just now Nie Yun had guessed that the ancient demon corpse is probably under the nine-hearted demon fruit tree, but he was not sure, so he deliberately asked Qi Yang to see him look surprised. Nie Yun knew he was right, so he turned it Kill.

The seven princes and others did n’t have any dandans, and they flipped over them without finding many good things, and Nie Yun stopped.

"These corpses must be disposed of cleanly. Since Ouyang Cheng has run away, take him as a dead ghost!"

With a faint smile, the air of flying water on his body burst out, his arms trembled, and the body of the seventh prince and the others was drawn into it in a stream of water, with a strong tearing force, which was torn into countless fragments in a blink of an eye.

This ability to control the destruction of seawater by corpses can only be accomplished by the Xiangshui Division. Even if the forces behind the seventh prince and Qi Yang want to investigate, they can only find Xiangshui Division, which has little to do with themselves.

As for the fleeing Ouyang Cheng, Nie Yun has left a trace of tracking on him. No matter how far he escapes, he can catch up and kill. As long as he is dead and there is no proof, no one can find anything!

These are the calculations after Nie Yun's instigation failed, otherwise, the Seventh Prince and others will not be so boldly killed! (To be continued [This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @ 小 苏 歌 哥]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the "starter" to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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