Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 266: 2 masters


As soon as the ancient corpse of the demon **** entered Danhuitian, Nie Yun's face suddenly turned pale. It seemed that the Shiquan Jiugong map just cast caused a great deal of damage.

"The strength is still too poor. It used to be easy to arrange a map that is 10 billion times larger than this. Now it is so small that the power is almost exhausted ..."

He shook his head helplessly, and Nie Yun levitated from the air with his knees crossed, taking out the spirit stone in his palm to restore his strength.

During this period of rehearsal, the spiritual stones that have been used from the Treasury of the Two Realms, the Heavenly Heaven Sect, and the Shenfeng City Treasury have not been used. Now they have to be used as a last resort.

This demon holy corpse is very powerful. I want to refine it into a puppet and take out the demon core in his body. It can't be completed without three or five days. This is the bottom of the sea. It will be more dangerous if you stay for a while. Might as well collect it first, go back and think of a way!

It was because of this that Nie Yun spared no effort to display the powerful Shiquanjiu Palace and collected the ancient corpses in one fell swoop. However, despite the success, the physical loss was too great. Rao is his strong spirit, far beyond the same level The strong man still felt physically weak, and was almost crushed to death by the sea because of lack of strength.

He absorbed nearly a hundred spirit stones in a row, and Nie Yun felt full of energy and vitality.

"No, leave soon!"

The body had just recovered, and Nie Yun suddenly felt that a huge danger was about to come. The breath of water was suddenly excited. She shrouded all three flowers, and when she turned around, she turned into a streamer and rushed out. .

When I came in, it was very difficult. When I went out, because of the loss of the ancient corpse repression, many matrix methods could not be started. Within a few breathing times, the four came to the ruins of the Nine Heart Demon Fruit Tree.

"Rat, dare to hurt my junior, where do you run away!"

At this moment, a violent drink accompanied by a bright golden light, shot straight back to Nie Yun's back.

This golden light rebirth is like an attack wave generated by some martial arts. It is not affected by the seawater. Before it comes to it, it emits a vast light rebirth. Numerous jellyfishes are blasted by the afterglow of the light. It became fly ash and died instantly.

"Haha, want to kill me? Eat **** back!"

Facing the golden light coming straight, Nie Yun was not afraid. He gave a hearty laughter, and the wings of Xiangshui shook, and the four flickered on the bottom of the sea a few times faster than the attack, and flew outward. After a while, the area of ​​the Ancient Demon Ancient Ruins disappeared.

The soaring sailor claims to be one of the three major escape talents in the world. The invincible water is by no means a fame!

"Abomination, abomination! Xiangshui Division, go back and find out which Xiangshui Division dares to kill my descendants!"

Nie Yun and others just disappeared. In front of the ruins of the Nine-hearted Demon Fruit Tree, an old man suddenly appeared. This old man must have an eye-spinning twist between his eyes and white eyes, and repair it to be weaker. Shock and loss of combat power.

的 The mysterious powerhouse of soul enlightenment!

"Qi Yang, my grandson's son, hell, whoever moves it, I will make him smash!"

Another roar, and then another old man appeared. This old man was full of golden light, and the palm of his hand held the golden light that had attacked Nie Yun just in the palm of his hand. Obviously, he just hit the attack.

Such a deep sea, I do not know how far to play a move to have such a powerful power of this old man, it is simply appalling!

And the most terrible thing is that he is not a secret powerhouse, but he is still an ordinary supreme peak!

Extreme Peak hits attacks that are not weaker than those in the mysterious strong, terrible!

"What about the strong man in the mystery? What about the old monster who didn't die in the mystery? Ha ha, want to catch me, there is no door!"

The wings of the flying water are dancing, Nie Yun is wandering in the sea, like a fish, without a sense of stupidity, but with an indescribable ease, as if he was born to fit in the water, even if he stayed there for hundreds Years will not get bored.

Hou Xiangshui entered the hydration dragon, walked with all his strength, and it was difficult for the strong men in the mystery to catch up. Although the strengths of the two old men were several times higher than those of Nie Yunqiang, if they escaped, they could not even eat the dust.

Xu galloped all the way, and for thousands of miles, Nie Yun took the three of them out of the water.

"There is an island in front of you, and the three of you are resting there. I have occasional feelings. I will practice it for a while before I go!"

He came to a surface of the sea, and Nie Yun knew that he was far away from the two old men. He pointed to an island and instructed.

"You must also be careful!" Bai Hua shyly ordered.

"Here are two Nine-Heart Demon Fruits. If you two take them, your strength will be enhanced!"

He took out two nine-hearted demon fruit and handed it to Mu Qing and Bai Huaxi. There were still many things in his own hands, and they were both regarded as their own. It was nothing to give two.

After saying that, Nie Yun dived into the sea again.

With the identity of Xiangshui, the seawater is the safest for him. Now it is not urgent to return to Shenfeng City immediately, but to refine the demon holy corpse as soon as possible!

As long as the ancient corpse is refined, it is tantamount to have a helper to win the heavens and create a secret realm. Such a helper, not to mention the return of the Emperor Shenfeng, even if the whole Qihai returns to land, I am afraid that it can run rampant!

Only in this way can parents and others be rescued, otherwise with a supreme power, even if the power is strong, the Holy Emperor will certainly not be able to turn over the waves when he returns home!

After all, do n’t talk about the other ~ www.readwn.com ~ just talking about the two people I met before is really great, even if he is now strong, and knows that if he really fights, he wo n’t be able to pass even one move in front of the two. .

I entered the seawater and found a safe place to dig a cave in the ground at will, and Nie Yun drilled in.

The strongest in the sea can't wait long, and you must come out for ventilation after a long time. Unlike the sailor, you can breathe freely in the sea. In the sea, it is stronger than on land. You can refine ancient corpses here. Use your best strength and increase your success rate.

封 Sealed the outside of the cave, Nie Yun adjusted the state first, and all the body spirit was restored to the peak. Then he returned the demon holy corpse from Nawudan to the field.

古 This ancient corpse is lifelike, with no decay on its body, white hair, and the flow of the laws of heaven and earth throughout the body, shining with crystal light, as if the whole body has been restored into jade.

Although Nie Yunling's rhinoceros training technique has reached the fourth level, his muscles are still not perfect.

Reaching the mysterious world of heaven and earth, the body and body will be transformed by the force of heaven and earth. Although the power will not increase, the genes of the whole body will make a leap forward, allowing people to practice more quickly. Look at the appearance of this ancient corpse, crystal clear It is clear that even if it is dead, it can absorb the aura on its own, and it has not been a short time to enter the secret realm.

If you die immediately after entering the mysterious state, you will lose the maintenance of your mental strength. After a long time, you will still lose your spirituality and eventually rot, let alone the laws of heaven and earth have flowed. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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