Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 289: task

"Okay, okay, you guys come with me!"

The demon in the lobby had successful captures, failures, and no exceptions. All were seriously injured. Qi Huang looked at the rest of the people, nodded happily, and turned and walked outward.

"Hurry up!"

Jin Jiaren snorted when he saw the crowd, and followed Qi Qi out of the hall.

"Follow up!"

Nie Yun was also among the successes, looked at each other, and followed.

There were forty monsters in the hall, but only eight or nine were successful in capturing the elixir. After walking behind Qi Huang and others, they came to another large hall.

As soon as he entered this hall, Nie Yun suddenly felt the fragrance scented, looked up, and saw all kinds of treasures floating in the sky like stars, each shining brightly.

"Treasure house? Is this the treasure house of the Ziqiong Mountains? What did Qihuang take us here for?" Nie Yun shook.

This is indeed the treasure house of the Ziqiong Mountains. There are as many treasures as there are less than 1% of the total of the Holy Empire, the Royal Family, and the Heavenly Mass. !!

Qihai cultivation, pay attention to wealth, companion, law, land, and property can be ranked first, which shows how this thing helps practice!

"You must be wondering why I brought you here!"

Qi Huang waved and sat on a seat in the room, looking around for a week, his voice was indifferent.

"Master Qihuang must have arrangements, we are willing to listen to you!" Said a demon who liked to compliment.

"Well, I brought you here. I want you to help with one thing. If it succeeds, there is something in it. You can choose whatever you want!" Qi Huang said.

"Let's choose the same?" Everyone's eyes were hot at the same time.

There are many treasures in the Ziqiong Mountains, and there are many things that can help people improve their strength. As long as you get the same at will, it is a worthwhile trip. If you can choose at will, it is also worth the difficult tasks!

Just imagine. Yuan Jing Qi and Zhong Pin Ling Shi are just treasures supplied this year. The Ziqiong Mountains have become the base of the demon clan for no less than a thousand years. What a grand accumulation for thousands of years! I am afraid that everyone will be jealous of the treasure!

"Good!" Seeing everyone's fiery expression, Qi Huang seemed very satisfied, and nodded with a smile.

"Master Qihuang, please say. As long as we can do it. Going to soup and fire is no problem!"

The demon who complimented me just now took a step forward, and quickly took a fist.

As soon as he spoke, the rest of the demon were all awake, and at the same time understood that Qi Huang could promise such great benefits, and the task would certainly not be simple!

"Very good, my task is simple! Just ask you to go to the Holy Empire to find a few people. By the way, get them back! Just get one back and I will let you pick the same. If someone can get back five, you can pick five. baby!"

Qi Huang stood up from the throne, waved her hand, and carried the majesty of Yinuoqianjin.

"Catch five, pick five treasures? I wonder what Master Qi Huang wants us to catch?"

Although everyone's hearts are hot, but they can become a heroic party and make enough annual contributions. Naturally, they are not idle people. The moment they turned their heads, they knew the danger of the task.

Each of the Jinjia people around Qihuang can be ranked on the list, and their strength is much stronger than their own. They don't go, they send themselves and others to it, weird.

"The people you want to catch are not very powerful, and the strongest have not reached the extreme peak! Not to mention the top list and the top list! The reason why you go instead of the Jinjia people under my control is because of us. The agreement of the Ziqiong Mountains and the Holy Empire! "Qi Huang seemed to see the doubts in the hearts of everyone, and said lightly:" The demon in the Ziqiong Mountains has a special flavor. Once he enters the Holy Empire, he will be found by the masters in it, contrary to Promise, you are all members of one party, not belonging to the Ziqiong Mountains, entering the Holy Empire, and even if found, you can't find us! In a word, do things for us, succeed, choose whatever you want, unsuccessful, die! "

"So it is!"

After listening to Qi Huang being so straightforward, Nie Yun nodded.

The Ziqiong Mountains, as the most concentrated place of the Qihai continent, stands against the sacred continent. It seems that it has made some non-interference agreement with it. Now the Ziqiong Mountains want to go to the Holy Empire to arrest people. Once found, it is equivalent to The rules are broken, and these demon people do not belong to the Ziqiong Mountains in the final analysis. Even if they are arrested, they will not be involved in the Ziqiong Mountains. In the second place, they will be disarmed and die. It ’s no pity. !!

Of course, it is also possible that Qihuang let himself and others enter the Holy Empire as cannon fodder to attract the attention of each other's masters, and they still have the secrets behind them!

Of these two possibilities, Nie Yun prefers the latter.

Demon people have always been ruthless and brutal, and they have done similar things, and they often do it.

"Master Qihuang, if I don't intend to have a baby, can I not perform this task?" A demon asked.

"I don't want to execute? It can be, that is death! Although the elixir I gave you just now can improve your strength, it is also a special poison. Without antidote, it will explode within a year and die directly. The gods will be saved. No more! "

Qi Huang said lightly.


Hearing the words of Qihuang, the demon people reacted a little, and all of them noticed the abnormal body, and their face became red with anger, but there was nothing they could do.

"Okay, we promised, Lord Qihuang, please tell us who we want to catch, what are the characteristics!"

The demon people knew that there was no way to resist, so they had to bear it.

"These are these people, this is their soul breath and appearance, you can find it by yourself when you reach the Holy Empire!" Qi Huang pointed a finger, and a special breath completely shrouded everyone.

As soon as this breath came into my mind ~ www.readwn.com ~, everyone knew exactly what they were looking for and their soul breath.

This means of passing what you know to others' minds can only be accomplished by those who have a great soul, and their strength is slightly worse, they can't be accomplished at all.

"These are ... the breath and looks of my parents, my sister, my brother, and the Lord of Los Angeles? They weren't dead or caught?"

Nie Yun in the middle of the crowd felt the breath and appearance of this soul, and suddenly his eyes widened, and he almost jumped up in excitement.

The people who Qi Huang wants to catch by himself are nothing more than their parents!

Qi Huang asked himself to wait for someone to arrest, which also showed that they had successfully escaped, otherwise, they would not be so popular!

"You, come out for me?"

When Nie Yun secretly rejoiced, Qi Huang, who was suddenly standing, suddenly shot, and a huge palm print in the air enveloped him instantly. (To be continued.)

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