Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 294: 0Humiliation troubles (on)


As soon as the particles entered Luo Qingcheng's body, an unhealthy flush appeared on her white jade surface, and her whole body was blowing like a balloon.

"Meditation, Baichuan Huihai!"

Bai Hua shouted and drank, and the palm of the hand that reached the girl's back was flowing along Dazhui and Quyuan.

"Huh!" Luo Qingcheng also knew that this was a golden opportunity, and now he put aside all the cranky thoughts and hit it with all his might.


In less than half an hour, Luo Qingcheng issued a series of roars in her body, and finally broke through the Qi Zongxi to reach the supreme level. After reaching the supreme level, the effect of the elemental spirit liquid has not disappeared, making her strength continue to rise.

From the early days of Bingjia Realm to Supreme, Nie Yun still spent a whole month even practicing Jiuzhuan Nirvana, and Luo Qingcheng broke through in less than half a month. I'm afraid it is too much to call her the fastest promotion!


Finally, Luo Qingcheng breathed a sigh of relief, stopping at the extreme peak of strength.

At this peak, because her understanding is too low, her soul level is not high, and her strength is pitiful. I am afraid that even Mo Yanqing before was slightly inferior, let alone compared with Nie Yun.

Rao is so, the Supreme is the Supreme, the most powerful superpower in the sea, in the previous Divine Empire, enough to seal the king.

Luo Qingcheng's promotion was completed, and Xiaofeng and Heiyan also returned. The two made a few monsters and countless firewood branches, lit the campfire in the cave, and the roasted meat smelled, making people's index fingers move.

"This time we go to Bright City, there will definitely be a big battle to fight, I have some elixir and baby here to upgrade the level. You take refining first!"

After eating and drinking, Nie Yun rolled out his hands and took out several jade bottles.

The accumulation of the Ziqiong Mountains is really terrible. In these leisure days. I checked the treasures collected in Natan Dantian, and it turned out that there were many treasures.

Although there is no such good thing as Mystery Rune, there is as much as a basket of elixir to upgrade the level!

However, these elixir may be useful to others, but not very useful to Nie Yun. His strength was improved after nine revolutions of Nirvana, and his strength was beyond imagination. The elixir that is generally promoted for repair, even if swallowed, is no different from fried beans.

He originally thought that this treasure house would have many Chinese spirits. Can drive the demon holy corpse, let its strength go one step further, only five Zhongpin spirit stones were found, and some reluctantly shook his head.

Although five middle-grade spirit stones are the most precious among the treasures. But for myself. It's still not enough. Even if you add all the body of the demon holy corpse, it can at most stimulate 5% of the combat power. The distance is 100%, which is a lot worse!

"it is good!"

In the past few days of flight, Bai Huaxi and others also knew what Nie Yun and Xiaofeng had done that day, knowing that they had moved their old homes together. It was funny and couldn't help but be shocked by their strength.

The formation of the Ziqiong Mountains is heavy. Even if the royal ancestors of the Holy Empire passed, it is difficult to guarantee that they will survive. The two of them are not only alive, but they have also moved their old nest to a clean place. This kind of strength is really terrible!

After receiving the elixir, everyone took it and completely refined it. It was late at night, and the moonlight outside the cave was like washing, and the surrounding area was bright.

Seeing that the strength of the crowd has increased again, Nie Yun then relieved and stepped out of the cave under the moonlight.

The valley was very quiet, the wind rustled the leaves, and occasionally a hawk sounded from the ape, which made the night vividly.

Walking on the thick leaves in the valley, Nie Yun looked up at the sky and sighed.

The current strength is in the Qihai continent, which is still not weak, but compared with the peak of the previous life, nothing is considered. The parents and siblings of the previous life have all died, without the opportunity to be filial and respectful. No filial son!

"Hopefully, they are all fine. If something happens, even if the other party is the largest gate in the floating continent, I will wipe it out in one fell swoop!"

Looking at the bright moon, Nie Yun secretly vowed.

Although the killing of previous lives has been weakened a lot with rebirth, if someone really dares to provoke themselves, no matter who the opponent is, they don't mind killing them all! Even the superpowers of the floating continent will not hesitate!

Squeak! Squeak!

Just as Nie Yun was immersed in self-blame physically and mentally, rustling footsteps suddenly sounded behind him. Turning his head, Bai Huaxi walked gently.

At this time, the hundred flowers are still in white, and the moonlight is white and snowy. The whole portrait is a fairy bathed in the moon palace, noble and holy.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing the boy standing alone in the moonlight, Bai Hua shyly asked.

"Oh, it's fine, don't you sleep so late, do you have any thoughts?"

Nie Yun didn't want to talk more about himself, and asked.

"Tomorrow is coming to the Bright City, I can't sleep!" Bai Hua's slender lashes blinked a few times and shook his head helplessly.

"Looking at the way you lead, you should be familiar with the Bright City. Are you a former Bright City person?" Nie Yun was a little confused.

Hundreds of flowers led the way, she seemed to be familiar with Bright City, was she here before? How else would it be so familiar!

"Well, I grew up in Bright City from a young age, and Mu Shengxue is a brother and sister!"

Looking at the bright moon, the breeze was blowing, and the hunter in white was making a sound ~ www.readwn.com ~ Bai Huaxi also seemed to enter the memory, and slowly said, "I am a disciple of Qian Qingzong of the Bright City, who escaped because of a marriage contract. ! "

"Qing Qingzong? Runaway marriage?"

"Qian Qingzong is the largest sect of the entire sacred empire. The world thinks that the sacred empire has only one secret power. In fact, they do n’t know. The ancestor of Qing Qing is also my master and also a powerful power in secret. They have been promoted more than 80 years ago. The mystery is now, I am afraid that the strength is stronger now! ”Bai Huaxian's face gave up helplessness.“ At that time, I practiced to the supreme level, and my talent was the best in the entire sect. In a trial, I knew the emperor of the Holy Empire today. His Majesty, he was very attentive to me, and even asked their ancestors to ask Qian Qingzong for a marriage! "

"My master promised to come down, if I wanted to marry me, I was devoted to cultivation, and would rather die than be unyielding, so I secretly left the Shimen and fled to the Divine Wind Empire! Because I betrayed the Sect gate, I was besieged, and I was severely affected. In the end, it was the master who cares about the friendship between the master and the apprentice before letting go of a horse! I have also been injured for decades, and I have n’t made any progress, or else, how could my current strength be lower than Mu Shengxue? ! "

Speaking of these flowers, he sighed.

"You have been forced to marry? Why do you want Luo Qingcheng to marry Zhao Xingpu?" Nie Yun wondered for a while. (To be continued.)

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