Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 303: The accurate news of the father (on)

The crowd left, and Nie Yun noticed the other house where he lived. It was indeed the Holy Empire's royal house specially built to host VIPs, and the handwriting was really big enough.

The walls of the entire yard have amethyst structures that gather aura. The yard is round to the west, rockery, streams, steps, roads, and houses. The layout is reasonable. Extraction here makes the whole courtyard aura and the cultivation speed involuntarily increases.

"It's no wonder that the bright city masters are like clouds, and they have a great advantage from Reiki alone!"

Reiki is the root of Qihai cultivation. The richer it is, the faster the cultivation speed will be. The aura is so abundant here, not to mention genius, even if a pig comes over, I am afraid that in ten years, I can still reach the peak of Bingjia State!

This is like learning to swim in the water is very easy to swim, and it takes a lot of effort, but learning in the Dead Sea is relatively simple. Although the water density of the Dead Sea is only a little larger than ordinary water, it has the effect of doing more with less.

The same is true of Reiki. Although the concentration of Reiki in the two places is not much different, it is a completely different concept for practitioners.

"Lingxian stealing the sky array? Really good means!"

After taking a few steps at random in the yard, Nie Yun's eyes suddenly fell on a special combination in the room, and the corners of his mouth hooked.

This special combination is made up of some strange weapons. From a distance, it looks like an ornament, but Nie Yun can see at a glance that this thing is a special method of eavesdropping.

This kind of formation method is considered a good for sweeping the street in Futian Continent. It is worthless, but it is rarely known in Qihai Continent. Its function is similar to that of transmitting jade cards. Under the urging of Lingshi, it can happen in the room. Images and sounds passed out.

It's no wonder that Ling Ling didn't say anything. It turned out that he hadn't figured out his own details, and deliberately installed an eavesdropper to figure out his own truth.


With a slight smile, feel free to point your fingers, and "swipe", this spirit fairy steals the sky array into a pile of waste.

"This spirit stone is still usable, can't spoil it!"

Grab a palm from the formation to take out a spirit stone that keeps running, with a slight smile, and put it into the dartfield.

The spirit stones searched from the Royal Palace of the Two Realms, the Heavenly Emperor Sect, and the Divine Wind Empire have almost been consumed. Although they have been greatly replenished in the Ziqiong Mountains, Nie Yunqihai has been transformed by the unknown method, which requires a lot of real energy. It's hard to imagine that once it breaks through, there aren't too many noble stones!

After dealing with the monitor array, Nie Yun sat on the ground with his knees up and running, and started practicing.

To reach such a state in such a short period of time, the experience of two generations only accounted for part of it. The most important thing is that Nie Yun's dedication to cultivation exceeds that of ordinary people, and he does not miss any opportunity for cultivation.

"Now it's dark, it's time to see an old friend!"

After practicing for a long time, he exhaled and Nie Yun stood up.

At this time, it was completely dark outside, and it was time to make your own move.

At the beginning, Tuxin Supreme left his own tracking spirit. After that, there were too many things, and he did not consider detailed investigation. As soon as he entered the bright city during the day, he felt this breath, which means that Tuxin is here. !!

Letting Tuxin go is to catch big fish. Now it seems that the time to close the net is up!

"Xiaofeng, you j 惕 ng be more vigilant, protect everyone here, I'll go out!"

After explaining Xiaofeng's sentence, as soon as Nie Yun's body was shaking, the whole person, like a stalker and an assassin, left the Emperor's Forest Silently silently, and swept past in the direction of the tracking air induction.

Stealth Division, one of the special talents, has the same effect as the Hidden Division. Stealth is generated in the body. It is always the same as the surrounding face. It is like a dragon, which makes it difficult to find. Although Nie Yun is not a stealth division, he is special I have learned the stealth technique, can use the terrain to hide, coupled with the talent of the camouflage division, the change is endless, even if the secret realm wants to discover it is difficult.

"Here is ... the imperial palace? Tuxin will be in the imperial palace? Did the imperial family of the Holy Empire also take part in the arrest of my parents?"

Along the way, the new Supreme of Zhongtu felt closer and closer to himself. Nie Yun looked at the magnificent building in front of her, and her eyebrows frowned.

What appeared in front of him was a majestic building, a square in front of it, forming a horse-like river, and the mountains behind it stood against the backdrop of the mountains, showing the imperial majesty completely, and it must be the palace.

Tu Xin is actually in the palace. It seems that this drought is not a bad stubble. He must have participated in the arrest of his parents.

"The pretender changed!"

As soon as my heart moved, the whole person suddenly changed their appearance, disguised as a guard, and sneaked into the palace from the air.

The imperial palace of the Holy Empire is more luxurious than the Kamikaze Empire. The palaces are densely packed and layered, and you can't see the end at a glance. If you do n’t have a map for the average person, you will definitely turn and never find a way out.

Nie Yun is different. In his previous life, he can be called a master of array formation. Like array of medical treatments, array formation is about observing and hearing. Hope is hope, shape, and meaning. Remember all the characteristics, once you forget one, it will be extremely difficult to break the battle.

Even the most tedious array can be remembered at a glance, let alone these palaces. Just glanced in the air just now, he has already inferred the way in the future and will never get lost.

"The Tianshan Mountain stands on top of the mountain, and the dragon walks away ... the person who builds this palace must be a master of arrays and hopes. He can build a palace in accordance with the pattern of the spirit formation. One wall and one brick have deep meaning, terrible!"

Walking along the corridors in the imperial palace, Nie Yun looked at the various layouts around and nodded his head secretly.

No wonder the royal empire of the Holy Empire can have a secret power, a pattern of the palace, the momentum of the entire continent, aura and heavy. In this case, no more secrets, no genius, I am really sorry for those who arranged the pattern of the palace.

Mountains and rivers can gather auras, as well as large arrays. Many superpowers can use the general situation of mountains and rivers and human power to arrange a supreme holy place for cultivation. In this kind of place, you can do more with less, and you can advance quickly.

Regardless of the layout or design of this imperial palace, the largest air transport in the Qihai continent is concentrated, and the means are very clever.

"That's it!"

While walking and watching, after a while, Nie Yun avoided countless patrol guards and came to a small courtyard in the depths of the palace. In the courtyard, the spirit of his own tracking was like a torch in the night, bright and dazzling, shining on the four sides.


Just wanting to go in and see what Tu Xin was doing here, I heard a rush of footsteps suddenly, and a tall figure strode over the corridor.

"Desolate? Oh, just right, I'll see what tricks they have to use!"

I looked at it quietly before glancing at it. Nie Yun couldn't help but be pleased. It wasn't someone else who came, but the Holy Emperor Emperor, Ling Ling.

As the emperor's respect, this guy ran over in the middle of the night, and there must be something unseen.

Thinking to myself, the body fluttered into the courtyard silently, hiding in a place hard for outsiders to detect.

If the soul does not enter the Great Perfection, it is impossible to hide in front of another Great Perfection. Now it is different. The powerful soul keeps Nie Yun from exhaling a little breath, even if the barren strength is strong, as long as the secret is not reached, the soul Without entering the spirit level, it is impossible to detect.

"Tu Xin, come out for me!"

As soon as he entered the courtyard, Huang Ling raised his eyebrows and drank in a low voice.

"Why did your Majesty come here so late? Is there any news from those people?" The room squeaked, and a figure came out of it. It was Tu Xin, who was not known by Nie Yun's father and mother.

At this time, Tu Xin's injury was intact, his muscles were strong, and his skin was shiny. Seeing from that incident, he knew that even if he had strong Dantian without strong physical support, he could not exert his powerful power and began to focus on physical cultivation.

"News? Huh, you're sorry to say that all the news you told me was wrong!"

Huang Ling seemed angry, and his voice was gunfire.

"The news is wrong? What news?" Tu Xin stunned.

"You said that Nie Yun is almost the same as your strength, but it is a little stronger. You are too much. Fortunately, I didn't listen to you and took the fight directly. Otherwise, it will be unlucky!"

Huang Ling snorted.

"It's a little stronger than me. If it's not my body is too poor to continuously stimulate the strength of Dantian, he's not an opponent at all!" Tu Xin heard that Huang Ling said Nie Yun, thought for a moment, and confirmed that he nodded. .

At that time, Nie Yun fought with him, and the strength of the two was almost the same. If he didn't have that weird swordsmanship, he was so full of spirits that he would definitely not lose himself!

"Slightly stronger? Fart! Today, one of the top three masters in the Tianbang list was thrown to death by a wine glass. All the masters of the Shenyu Empire did not stop him ~ www.readwn.com ~ is not worse than me How many Qingshou swords Luo Qingshou used the Ice Cold Excalibur were broken by his two fingers. When did you have such strong strength? Bundling ten of you together, you do n’t have the skill! You must have a bragging! limit!"

Huang Ling said more and more angry.

"The top three strong men were smashed to death by throwing wine glasses? Masters of the Shenyu Empire, didn't block it? Luo Qingshou Frost Excalibur ... Two fingers broken? This ... How is this possible? You didn't Read it wrong! "

Tu Xin was startled.

What is the strength of the Tianbang master, he knows very well. Even if he is now, the ten will definitely not be opponents. The young man killed by hand. What is going on?

"I saw it with my own eyes, how could it be wrong? Huh, last time you said that Nie Xiaotian are all waste, and their strength is not good. As a result, they not only let them run away, they also killed people everywhere, hurting my reputation. It seems that your news is not Just the same! "

Seeing a new look of ignorance, Huang Ling was even more angry, anxious to kill him with a slap and roar.

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