Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 315: Sky Eye Master

"Nie Yun has come down, please sit down!"

With a smile on his subject, Huang Ling couldn't see the contradiction between him and Nie Yun.

Nie Yun knew that the relationship between the two was in a balance and would not break. With a slight smile, he took Nie Tong to sit down.

"Now that everyone is here, let me talk about Zihua Dongfu now!"

Seeing Nie Yun sit down, Huang Ling began to speak, "Zihua is a super power in the ancient times. The cave house he left behind is called the first cave house in the Qihai continent, which shows that it is precious! Numerous sages have tried to find a way Into it, however, no one has been collecting nine jade seals, nor has anyone found the exact location of Dongfu. Since the founding of our country, our holy empire has been making unannounced visits, and finally found the exact location of Dongfu. A jade seal is the first of its kind! "

"After my investigation, Zihua Dongfu is located in a top secret place. The most dangerous thing there is not the trap of traps, but the cold current of hell!"

"Hell frost?"

All the lords in the room were stunned, and only Nie Yun nodded quietly.

In the past, Nie Yun visited Zihua Dongfu. Naturally, he knows that the cave is dangerous. The cold current of **** is invisible and ubiquitous. If it is accidentally, it will be frozen into ice cubes. Even if it is a strong secret, it will fall, let alone the Supreme!

Can know the news of the cold currents in Hell, it seems that the information obtained by the Ling Ling is quite reliable.

"Hell cold current is an extremely chilly cold wind. When the Supreme Peak Strong encounters it, as soon as it is blown on, it will immediately become a moraine and the vitality will be cut off! And this wind is shadowless and invisible. If you walk over, you may be blown to death, "said Ling Ling.

"What? Supreme Peak will die if you blow it? Shadowless?"

Everyone was taken aback at the same time.

Invisible and invisible, it is really terrible, because you do not know when you will encounter the cold currents of hell, and when you will die. This puts a burden on everyone's heart.

"Everyone don't have to worry. Although this thing is dangerous, it is not impossible to break it. This is the Heaven Eye Supreme that I specially invited, Lord Mo Wudao. He has a special Heaven Eye Dantian. He can see through all the illusions, even if **** No matter how strong the cold current is, you can see through at a glance! "

Seeing everyone's appearance, Huang Ling laughed. With his introduction, an old man strode out.

This person is also supreme, but judging from the breath radiating from his body, he knows that he is not weak, at least has the strength of the potential list, and his eyes are shining. If he stares at him, he will feel uncomfortable and cannot hide any secrets!

Tianyan Division, a special talent, has Tianyan Dantian, can see all illusions, even the special effects of the camouflage division and assassination division, can see through at a glance!

Tianyanshi is said to be in the top ten for special talent rankings. Nie Yun is now one of the top ten Dantians. The strongest blood pupil teacher and vigorous teacher are only about one hundred, which is not a grade at all!

"Tianyanshi? This kind of person can be invited, Her Majesty's Desolation!"

"I heard that Tianyan Supreme failed to attack the mystery decades ago and thought I was dead. I didn't expect to be alive!"

"I am immortal in mystery. I am afraid that I can catch up to the beginning of mystery."

Seeing this heavenly eye supreme, all the people who knew it secretly murmured secretly.

"Tianyanshi, this special talent. Even if there are not a few floating heavens, he can invite one. It's hard enough!"

Seeing this old man, Nie Yun was secretly surprised.

Tianyanshi is very scarce, not to mention the Qihai continent, even if the entire floating heaven continent, there are not many. In the previous life, Nie Yun stood at the peak of humanity, but I have only heard of it. I have never seen it before. !!

"Huh? If I have the talent for eyes and eyes, I don't have to rely on this person to enter Zihuadongfu. I can get more good things if I don't get it!"

Suddenly an idea came out of my heart.

"However, all of my ten Dantian fields have been used up. Even if they sense the Tianyan Qi, they will not form the Tianyan Dantian!"

As soon as the idea came out, Nie Yun couldn't help shaking his head.

A Dantian corresponds to one talent. He now has a total of nine talents, including possessions, fire, training animals, tracking, healing, vigorous, Xiangshui, blood pupil, camouflage. All Dantians are full, it is impossible to open up. New attributes.

"By the way, the ten Dantian fields are full. Can I open new Dantian fields again?"

In the mind flashed the special crown of Ling Ling that can make the unknown method work, Nie Yun's mind became active.

That crown can be felt so far away from you, and it must contain a lot of special flavors. If you can get it over and absorb it cleanly, you will definitely open up a new Dantian!

"But this matter must be careful. Now that the Holy Empire and I are in their honeymoon, it is best not to anger them, otherwise, once I enter Zihuadong, my parents and others will definitely be in danger! And, as soon as possible, Looking at it like this, you should start to Zihuadongfu soon. If you miss it, you will be too late! "

Figured out what to do, Nie Yun began planning.

"Mo Wudao, come and say something to us!"

These thoughts of Nie Yun were instantaneous, and the drought on the theme was still being arranged with a smile.

"I won't say anything else. After entering Zihua Dongfu, I hope you all will obey my arrangements!" Tian Yanshi Mo Wudao looked around for a week. "This time we are going to find treasure, but also to take risks. The crisis is heavy. Do not go if the strength is lower than the top list, or it will only become a drag on everyone! "

Speaking of this, he looked over to the people in the hall, his eyes twinkled, his heart pierced, and he saw all the practices.

"You, you, you, you! Give me all out. The strength is only low or even low. It is simply not qualified!"

At a glance, Mo Wudao followed his fingers. All he pointed out were weaker in the crowd and could not meet the requirements of the Tianbang.

"And the two of you are not qualified to follow!"

After watching everyone around, UU read the book www.uukanshu. Com suddenly Mo's fingers fell on Nie Yun and Nie Tong.

Nie Tong's body is not full of vitality, and even his physical strength is not strong. Even Tianyan can't tell. As for Nie Yun's practice this month, although his strength has been consolidated a lot, his combat power has doubled again than before, but The level is still at the peak of the Extreme, and it has not broken through. The strength of Qi is still 6,000. Just looking at these words, you have just entered the list of days, and the strength is really not good.

"He ... not qualified?"

When he heard Mo Wudao's words, Nie Yun hadn't spoken yet.

ps: The new volume has begun. Everyone recommends votes and monthly tickets.

Really found that the monthly pass is not for everyone to give, today's monthly pass is bleak, don't you want to watch the outbreak?

Rush to the top six, raging! Lao Ya's fury is by no means as simple as Chapter 10. Brothers, what are you hesitating to do so? !! !! !! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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