Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 319: Spirit Blood

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A series of crisp sounds, Nie Yunqihai tumbled again, five brand new ancestry factors suddenly appeared in it, dripping and spinning, flashing a special light.

"Five, turned out to be five?" Nie Yun froze, then exulted.

This is the number of ancestry factors that have been turned on the most since the practice of the Anonymous Method, two for the first time, four for the second time, three for the third time, and five for this time ...

Ok? This time and last time, according to the truth, it should only be counted once, after all, the Anonymous Method is run twice a week.

Two at a time, two at four, three at three and five to eight ...

Does the Anonymous Method work several times and the pedigree factor multiplies geometrically?

If this is the case, as long as the special breath is sufficient, next time it will run for a week, can you not derive sixteen blood factors?


Thinking of this, Nie Yun was a little embarrassed.

In his cognitive view, the nine descent factors are the supreme characters of the royal lineage. How can there be ten or more?

But the fact is right in front of him. Looking at the five pedigree factors just derived from Qihai, Nie Yun feels he is dreaming.


Just when Nie Yun was in a daze, suddenly the old and strong thoughts that first appeared in my mind resounded.

"The heavens and the earth are created, the spirit-level bloodlines, the barriers are eliminated, and the strength is greatly increased!"

This idea appeared once when she was just born again, when she said "eight heavens and earth, infinite bloodlines!"

But now he has spoken 16 words, spirit-level bloodlines, removing barriers, and increasing his strength ... what exactly does this mean?

The thoughts rang out and they were silent again.

"This ... this ... this is impossible!"

Shaking his head, Nie Yun was planning to continue to absorb the special breath to open Dan Tian, ​​and felt special in the sea of ​​breath. At a glance, he almost scared to death.

I saw that the depths of my own sea were slowly extracting the heaven and earth's natural gas to nourish my body!

Extracting the air of heaven and earth is the only way to capture the secrets of heaven and earth. How can one be supreme, and the peak of the mid-term, have this ability?

"The barrier between the Supreme and the Wonderland has disappeared? Does the sixteen words just refer to this to remove the barrier?"

After feeling for a while, Nie Yun found that the barrier to his secret place had completely disappeared, and was again speechless in surprise.

As long as you practice, there are barriers and barriers, just like Bingjia Realm to Qi Sect Realm. Once you ca n’t integrate them, you can't break through and be promoted!

The Supreme Emperor is the Supreme, the Supreme is the Mystery! There are barriers between each level, especially the latter. The barriers are large and difficult to reach the sky. If not, the entire Qihai continent, there are only a few secret areas for so many Supreme Powers!

Nie Yun also had this natural barrier before. I feel that with such a strong accumulation, it is difficult to break through the mystery. Who knows ... After the pedigree factor is derived from five again, this level of barrier in the body has disappeared!

In other words, as far as Nie Yun is concerned, as long as he is conscientiously practicing, he can directly reach the secret realm, without having to consider the problem of breakthrough!

It ’s impossible to believe that it ’s impossible to believe in the mysterious world and the biggest barrier in the level of gas and sea.

"I mentioned the spirit-level bloodline in my mind just now. Is this the spirit-level bloodline? It can completely eliminate the secret barriers? It seems that there are still many things in the world that I don't know. I need to investigate carefully in the future!"

The aura of light flashed, thinking of the spiritual lineage said in the mind.

Although the previous self has stood at the peak of the floating heaven continent, after all, he is too young to live. (More than 300 years old is really not great for the powerful occultist. After all, the powerful multi-day occultist will have several The lifespan of the millennium is as if human beings lived to be sixty years old, but Wang Ba lived to sixty years before the human feeding period ...), the research direction is too mixed, and the real knowledge accumulation is still too weak I have never heard of what the spirit-level bloodline is!

"Forget it, don't think about it anymore, continue to absorb special breath and advance!"

Shaking his head, knowing that this is not the time to think about it, Wuming Faju continues to run, absorbing the special breath in the crown.


Continue to absorb, Qihai's turn increased, and sure enough, a roar, the interior of Qihai expanded again.


Finally, the special breath in the crown was completely absorbed, and it repeated the same mistakes of the previous few things, completely dissipating into a pile of powder.

"Ten times, the range of Qihai has increased ten times again. Is this ... the nameless method pits me ..."

Looking at his anger, Nie Yun was helpless.

The current sea of ​​Qi has increased ten times more than before. If it was the sea before, it is now a planet!

It is too wide. I used to smile and proud of the richness of the sea and continent, and it was like a grain of rice in a large tank and a drop of water in the river. If I do n’t observe it carefully, I ca n’t see it!


Nie Yun wants to die!

This grain of rice, a drop of water, it took me a lot of effort to accumulate, and now I want to fill the big tank, the river, how much aura should I consume? How much elixir do you need? I'm afraid that all the millions of inferior spirits are completely absorbed and dissatisfied!

If you want to be promoted, you must fill the Qihai with such a large Qihai, and if you want to fully fill it, even if the cultivation speed is very fast, it can not be completed without hundreds of years!

"You can only rely on elixir and other upgrades to repair it! Fortunately, I have cleaned up a lot of treasure trove, and there are many replenished elixir, wait for the treasure trove, and add it a little bit!"

Shaking his head, he shakes off the depression in his brain, and his heart moves, and jīng concentrates on the five pedigree factors just generated.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Five consecutive beeps, the five major pedigree factors were completely transformed into Dantian ~ www.readwn.com ~ swiftly rotating, constantly engulfing the aura and transforming it into true energy.

Five Dantians were formed, and there were fifteen Dantians in the body. So many Dantians were constantly devouring Reiki. Nie Yun suddenly found that he was absorbing Reiki at a rate nearly ten times faster than before!

"It is estimated that this is the benefit of the so-called spiritual blood. It absorbs the aura ten times faster, which means that it only takes ten years to fill such an atmosphere. If you can go to a place with sufficient aura like the floating heavens, it will not take a few years. The sea of ​​air can be completely full! "

Feeling that the speed of absorbing the aura was quickening, Nie Yun's mind was balanced.

"Well, let's form Tianyan Dantian!"

I have previously observed the qi of Tianyan myself, knowing its attributes, and when my heart moves, a Dantian is completely transformed, turning into a special talent, Tianyan!

"Try the effect!"

Zhenqi turned around in Tianyan Dantian to form Tianyan Qi, and Nie Yun's eyes immediately emitted light and swept over the dark treasure house.

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