Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 332: Hell Bone Sand

"498, 499, 500 ..."

Nie Tong quickly chalked out five hundred slaps, and each time he used his strength, which was harder than the original small wind.

"Oh, Nie Tong, why are you so confused, didn't I tell you before? Qian Qian's detoxification hand did not work like this at all, it must be focused and show the detoxification chalk door with the palm!"

Seeing that Nie Tong had slapped for 500 slaps, Nie Yun deliberately pretended to finish chalk cultivation, opened his eyes, and looked anxiously with a bit of hate for iron. "These 500 times, you haven't applied the detoxification method chalk door. No, Your Majesty, I'm sorry, my brother is a new student, let him kill you again! "


Before Nie Yun's embarrassment was finished, Nie Tong began to chalk again.

鬼 A while crying ghost wolf ...

"How did you learn? I still haven't made any progress. Your Majesty, I'm really sorry, I'll let him kill you again ..."

"Rest assured, Your Majesty Ling, this time it will be done!"

"It's definitely okay this time, Xiaotong, focus on ..."

Seeing that Nie Tong continuously chalked seven or eight thousand times in the barren ling, the bad breath was almost out, and then Nie Yun quietly sucked out the poisonous gas from the latter with Jiuming Hanzhu.

"Well, Your Poisonous Gas has been completely sucked out by Xiao Copper, and now you will soon recover your strength!"

Nie Yun asked.

"Thank you ... Nie Yun ... Your Majesty!" The barrens at this time were already weak, and his face was as thick as his waist. Although he knew that Nie Yun was playing, he had no choice but to bury the hatred in his heart. .

Anyway, in his opinion, as soon as the ancestor Huang Chen arrives, this Nie Yun will surely die, and all enemies will be reported! "...

The swamp wasps swept away for a long time, and the barren and others recovered gradually.

"Her Majesty, I have taken too much poison before, my legs are already numb, I'm afraid I can't go with you ..."

Seeing everyone standing up, Nie Yun shook his head helplessly, his face helpless.

"How can I find Zihua Dongfu without His Majesty Nie Yun this time, or else we can stay here for a few days!" ‘I do n’t know what ghost Nie Yun is doing and I have to follow his words.

"How do you do that? I do n’t know how long it took for a few days. Can you lend me this Jinjiahong ape demon pet for a few days to let me and my brother Nie Tong move, so that I can recover while hurrying? ! "

Nie Yun pointed at the Jinjiahong Ape behind Huangling.

金 This golden armored ape looks like a demon pet. In fact, Nie Yun knows that it is not someone else, but the Qihuang of the Ziqiong Mountains!

I can't kill you now, I have to be disgusting and disgusting you first.

"Creak! Creak!"

I heard that Nie Yun was about to ride a mighty emperor as a horse. Qi Huang was so angry that his fists clenched, his face was red and white, and he was about to run away.

"No matter how precious the demon pet is, it's just a beast. Why, the Majesty Ling can't even chalk up a beast?" Nie Yun deliberately didn't look at Qi Huang's expression, his face was a deep voice with a sense of coldness.

当然 "Of course not, just, just ..."

Huang Lingling couldn't say a few words, so she felt depressed for a while.

怎么 He couldn't figure out why Nie Yun had to ride Qihuang!

Emperor Qi Qi was the second-best in the Ziqiong Mountains, and after careful calculation, he was in a similar position to himself, so that the character would sit and bang him ... what did this Nie Yun see?

I thought that I could not help looking at the young man's face, but only saw the young man's black face, as if he had indeed been poisoned, and couldn't see anything else.

"Skills can't be humiliated, and I can't help but take advantage of his poisoning, let's get started!"

I was thinking, and heard the voice of Qi Huang coming.

"Don't be busy first, he said poisoning, who knows what the **** is going on? In case he pretends to deliberately provoke us to do it, we won't be able to do it? Forbearance, just now I was able to bear so much slap. You will carry them for a ride, all right! "

Desolation hesitated, and finally made a decision.

忍 "Forbearance, forgive me, I am the emperor of the Ziqiong Mountains, the invincible powerhouse above a million people under one person, and now he is a horse rider, it really irritates me."

Emperor Qi Qi's spirit was like a storm, and the whole man was going crazy.

"Rest assured that he will not be arrogant for a long time. As long as the ancestor and Emperor Ziqiong arrive, we can work together to kill them. When the time comes, we will return the humiliation we suffered today a thousand times. Just fine! "

An Huangling comforted.

"Okay, this is what you said. I want to unload the kid's flesh piece by piece, so that he can't survive or die!" Qi Huang's heart shouted, his expression finally flattened.

"Just what? Don't you want to be so brutal?" Nie Yun saw that they seemed to have finished the deliberations, deliberately angrily, and yelled.

"No, I'm afraid that Nie Yun will not be used to sitting under the chalk. Since His Majesty insists, then he can just sit up ...", Huang Ling quickly said.

"It's pretty much the same! Rest assured, I'm used to sitting in chalk!"

Nie Yun smiled lightly and jumped to Qi Huang's back as soon as he leaned in. He grabbed his palm forward, and his thick spirit formed a rope around his neck, like a horse and a donkey. Well, bend your waist down and let my brother come up! "

After talking about the Qi in his body, Qi suddenly pressed down. Qi Huang hadn't responded yet, and he lay on the ground like a pig and a dog.


I was so humiliated ~ www.readwn.com ~ Qi Huang felt that his lungs were about to burst out of chalk, but he also knew it was useless. Once he showed his original shape, he would surely be attacked by everyone.

No matter how much humiliation I can only endure!

The demon demon and the human being have a feud, don't look at the humans here one by one looks very good at talking, once the original shape is revealed, Qi Tao and others will definitely take the shot.

"Nie Tong come up!" Seeing that the other party did not dare to oppose chalk, Nie Yun greeted Nie Tong.

"Good brother Cha Er!" Nie Tong also jumped onto Qi Huang's back.

"Oh, little beast, let's go!" The two brothers sat firmly, and Nie Yun kicked Qihuang's fart and chalk stocks aloud.

I knew early on that this guy was Qihuang, and doing so meant to bully him on purpose, and he couldn't express the joy in seeing his expression.

The former family of Qiang Nieyun was persecuted by the demon. The demon in the Ziqiong Mountains of this life has joined forces with the Holy Chalk Empire to deal with parents and others. Therefore, in his subconscious, as long as the demon, he should be damned!

What's more, this Emperor Qi was not a good person at first, and now he opened Zihua Dongfu in Li chalk with people such as Huang Ling, and was afraid of the power of Huang Chen, so he couldn't kill them directly, otherwise, how could he tolerate them to live now !!

Ps: Come back three more times, and the rest will be sent at 12 o'clock. "Lao Ya has entered a crazy chalk storm mode. Where is your support? Sprint !!!

(To be continued [this text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @ 人间 修罗 6]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the "starter" to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. Welcome to join dawn .)

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