Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 335: You and Little Copper battle 1

This meatloaf clung tightly to the ground, less than a finger wide, and the whole body's blood essence was inlaid into the meat chalk body for a moment. It did not flow out at all, and it looked like a wax that had been pinched flat. People, weird.


Fang Lingling and others were scared.

It is easy to kill a person, but it can be turned into a meatloaf. The blood essence does not overflow a trace. This method is unheard of, unbelievable!

"You ... You have killed Lord Chen ...".

"This is impossible. How can a host be killed by a kid when the master is a super-secret superpower?"

When I saw the **** lying on the ground, Invisible Supreme and another **** felt that they were going crazy.

Others don't know the strength of this shemale. They know it very well. Although it is just the beginning of the mysterious world, one move can be used to break the sky. No one can stop it. The man smashed into a meatloaf for a moment, and the dead couldn't die any more, and the two were almost scared to death.

"The whole body is not damaged. This corpse is a great supplement. Give it to Heiyan and Zitong, but let them also advance to the secret realm!"

The young boy smiled slightly, and lifted up Ran cake on the ground with a big grasp, and then collected it into Nawudan chalk field.

This person is naturally Nie Yun. When his strength reached the supreme level, his strength soared, and Nie Yun's combat power was no longer an opponent. Although this **** doesn't look weak, he is actually almost the same as Huang Chen. Why is he? opponent!

"Well, it's your turn!"

收 Put away the meatloaf turned into a demon, Nie Yun turned to look at the demon on one side, and the sword of Xuanyu shook!


No surprise, this demon was lying on the ground intuitively and turned into a meat pie.

"Although this hasn't reached the secret, the demon core is also a good thing. It can help father and dad to advance them!" The demon was captured by Danye Tian as soon as he grabbed it.

"It's your turn!" Killing the demon and the demon, Nie Yun turned to look at the No Trace Supreme not far away.

The traceless supreme complexion was pale at this time, and the whole person kept trembling, making his legs soft.

Two swords turned two masters so powerful into meatloaf, but there was no expression on their faces. This boy is too indifferent!

"Brother Brother, this guy left it to me, let me kill it too!" Nie Yun hasn't started yet, and Nie Tong on one side is eager to try.

"Okay, but wait a minute, I asked him something!" Nie Yun laughed, and came to Wuxuan Supreme in two steps. "You said that Zihua Yuyin will disappear after entering the misty swamp for a while. This is what happened?,'

"I'll say it, will you let me go?" No trace Supreme no longer had the arrogance before, his body trembling slightly.

It was because he was arrogant because he had never met anyone who was more arrogant than him. He had never been arrogant before, but Nie Yun was a master at the moment, as simple as killing a chicken, and had completely frightened him.

"Let you go? Don't even think about it, but I can give you a chance!" Nie Yun said lightly, without any expression in his tone.

给 "Give me a chance?" No trace Supreme sighed.

"Play with my brother at that time, lose, die! Win, you can leave!" Nie Yun said.

"Fighting with your brother?" No trace Supreme glanced at Nie Tong "Seeing that this man's appearance is somewhat old-fashioned, but his manners also show that his age is not big, and most importantly, he doesn't have any vitality Fluctuations, one gritted teeth "OK! The Zihua Yuyin is the voucher left by the Zihua Dao people to enter Dongfu. As long as you bring this thing into the misty swamp area, Yuyin will be stained with a special breath. Within seven days, you ca n’t come to Dongfu and use jade. When the seal is opened in the cave, the jade seal will disappear automatically and the air and sea will be scattered again! "

"I came here originally because I got three jade seals, and I encountered the golden scale beetle in the misty swamp. This thing is like the tide, it ca n’t live at all, so time is delayed, I have n’t come here yet, jade The seal is completely gone! "

"Is there such a thing?"

Nie Yun was surprised when he heard the introduction of No Trace Extreme.

When I came here for the first time in the previous life, although I did n’t have the help of the Sky Eye Master, I was lucky and went well. I successfully entered the outer palace of Dongfu. At that time, it did n’t take seven days to go in and out, so this situation was still the first. I heard that.

However, if I think about it, I will come to understand, if there is no such restraint, how can one wait for others to find nine jade seals! After all, from ancient times to today, I do n’t know how many amazing characters are amazing. Even if they ca n’t find Qi Yuyin, they can always find one or two. Nine of them are impossible.

"Yuyin contaminated with mist disappeared for seven days. It can be explained that it has something to do with space. It seems that I underestimated the Zihua Taoist man. His strength is not worse than my peak period!"

The former self has become the highest peak of the Futian chalk and the Great Chalk Land, and there are at most such means. The Zihua fairy can do this, which shows that the strength is not worse than the previous one.

怎么 How can the treasure left by such a powerful person be simple!

"Master, I should have said everything, do you count?" Seeing the young man lost in thought, the Supreme Master asked.

"Count it up, Xiao Tong, you can fight with him!" Nie Yun waved his hands freely.

"Oh!" Nie Tong carefully counted as a militant. When he saw his brother agreed, he screamed loudly, "Wow!" With his sword on his back, he popped up, and he perfected No Trace. Shot in the past.


The markless Supreme Head fell off his neck and rolled to the ground.

From Nie Tong's hands to the death of No Trace Supreme, he didn't even have half a breath. The latter didn't even respond, and saw his heel.

"Fast ..." Fast, "..."

No trace Supreme Skull rolled on the ground, and then spoke the sentence halfway, the blood on his neck came out at this time.



"Sinister! How could there be such a monster!"

Seeing the sight in front of him, Huang Ling and others completely collapsed.

Although they felt that Nie Tong's strength was not weak before, he was worse than himself, but now, the peerless powerhouse that even Qi Tao couldn't defeat was killed for a moment without any trouble. The strength is far away Beyond their imagination!

"This pair of brothers, a freak ~ www.readwn.com ~ Another more freak ... or is it not human?"

Desolated Lingran looked dumbfounded, watching the two teenagers standing together raised a deep sense of weakness from his heart.

"I thought it was awesome, Brother Chalk, this guy is so bad!"

I heard Nie Tong carelessly when the crowd had collapsed. When they heard this, everyone burst into tears.

Auntie, if the Markless Supreme strength is poor, what are these people?

I'm afraid in the eyes of other brothers, it's not as good as rubbish, but pity myself and others are still thinking about joining together to calculate them ... Fortunately, it has not been implemented, otherwise ...

Understand this, everyone's eyes looking at the barren linger are full of hatred.

Ps: Ten more, ten more! Although our chapter is short, it is more than 20,000 words! Short chapters can make the story more compact, although there is also water. . It can be less after all. . sweat!

The last three days are the three days when the great chalk gods have begun to exert their strength. How far we can go depends on the less than 73 hours. Friends, we can only move forward, sprint, sprint, and sprint!

Lao Ya has entered the crazy chalk storm mode, and is desperately hoping that everyone can give greater support!

继续 Continue to work overtime at night. For the last three days, you must not drop the chain. For our honor, for our hard work for a month! !! !!

(To be continued [this text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @ 人间 修罗 6]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the "starter" to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. Welcome to join dawn .)

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