Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 340: Unwilling to get out of the illusion

"The entrance to the inner hall of Zihuadong House is on that altar. As long as we inlaid the remaining six jade seals on the edge of the altar, we will start the formation and pass us in!"

Seeing that Nie Yun didn't mean to do anything to the two of them, the two were relieved, and Huang Ling stepped forward to look at the altar in the middle of the hall.

He seems to have done a lot of homework in order to enter the Zihua Dongfu, and he even knew how to enter the inner hall.

"Huh?" After hearing this, Nie Yun looked to the altar, and sure enough, he saw a few small holes around the altar.

"To save time, I'm here first!"

Fang Lingling walked over first, reached out and took out four jade seals from her arms, and put them into four small holes.

The lords who had the jade seal died almost, and the jade seal fell on his hands.

"Hmm!" Qi Tao and Nie Yun also placed a jade seal in the hole in the altar.


As soon as twenty-six jade seals entered the hollow, the entire altar was immediately shrouded in light and roared and shook.


I knew that this was what the teleportation array was about to trigger. As soon as Nie Yun caught his brother Nie Tong, he jumped up.


Fang Lingling and others also hurried to the teleportation array, the matrix method slowly rotated, the space was distorted for a while, and several people disappeared completely in place.

A few people just disappeared, and at the end of which channel the Lingling walked, two figures came over.

These two are a force to communicate the world, and with the breath of creating all things, they are both powerful of the secret of creation!

"Ziqiong, they have entered the inner hall now, let's catch up quickly, otherwise once the formation is eliminated, we can't catch up if we try to catch up again!"

An old man walking in front of him turned and said aloud, and jumped up to the altar immediately.

"You do n’t need to remind you, you can manage it yourself."

The second person followed immediately and jumped onto the high platform. In the words, he did not give the first person any face. It seemed that the relationship between the two was not harmonious.

两个 These two are Zi Qionghuang and Huang Chen who followed the crowd. They have detailed routes given by Huang Ling. They have not encountered any danger along the way.


Xie Nieyun opened her eyes again and found that she had been teleported to a huge hall.

灵 This place has more aura, which is several times more than the outside world. When I look closely, I am startled.

"Spiritual stone? The whole temple is made up of spiritual stone?"

The entire inner hall is actually made of spirit stone. No wonder the spirit stone is so rich, this handwriting is really scary! Even if you are a past life, I am afraid that there is not so much wealth!

普通 An ordinary spirit stone is only the size of a walnut. This hall is dozens of feet tall and several hundred feet wide. How much does it cost?

I'm afraid even ten or eight spirit stone mines can't do it!


"This Zihua Dao's strength before life is definitely stronger than I was at the beginning, it must have reached the peak of the floating continent, otherwise, it would never be possible to make such a powerful Dongfu!"

Nie Yun slowly shook his heart.

If there are six jade seals on the outside of the teleportation array, they can be teleported here, and if not, they will be teleported away from the misty swamp. This method alone cannot be completed by ordinary people.

"Brother, look at that stone is weird!"

Suddenly heard his brother's voice ringing in his ear, Nie Yun looked up and saw a sky-blue stone in front of him floating in the air, releasing a bright light.

Bian Lingling and others also saw this stone and came to it.

Nie Yuntian opened his eyes, looked around, and found nothing special, and walked up.

The stone in front of his eyes is only the size of a fist, but it emits a million rays of light, like a reduced version of Tianyang, hanging in the air.

As soon as I walked in front of me, I felt soothing light from my body, and I felt comfortable in the whole body, as if soaking in the hot spring.

"I don't, I don't ..."

Nie Yun was wondering. Suddenly he saw the painful long scream of Huang Ling, reached out and grabbed it, as if to grasp his most important thing and couldn't bear to lose it.


Seeing the appearance of Huang Ling, Nie Yun felt a shock in her heart and was about to withdraw. She felt that the flower in front of her was moved to another space instantly.

Bian Nieyun felt that the hall in front of him had disappeared, and the blue stone had disappeared. The whole man was standing on a towering mountain peak, looking at the girl in white in front of Shengxue.

I turned out to be a past life!

The most painful time in the past life, the most life and death!

"Illusions must be illusions!"

I knew in my heart that I had hit the illusion, but couldn't bear to quit!

Because I saw her again!

The reason why the previous life took the risk of going to Wanjieshan is just for her leaving. Is she unwilling? Isn't it just hoping to break through the end of strength and look at her again?

I now see her in a fantasy, as beautiful as before.

I hit Baixue Shengxue, standing on the edge of the mountain, quiet like a picture.

"You are here, look at that cloud, wandering freely in the air, how relaxed!" The girl glanced back and smiled.

"Really? It's really leisurely and enviable!" After saying this, Nie Yun's heart jerked.

The previous self himself did not say this sentence, but "The cloud is restrained by the wind, and the wind blows wherever it goes, where it goes, puppet-like, where is leisure?"

因为 Because of this sentence, the girl's eyes showed a dim color, and the original vitality was still vigorously uplifted ~ www.readwn.com ~ slowly cut off.

"Oh, I yearn for such a relaxed and leisurely life! I like quietness!"

The girl was light and breezy, the flowers were open, and she looked at the clouds in the sky quietly, like a fairy falling from the sky.

"I will stay with you for the rest of my life and watch the cloud forever!" Nie Yun said softly, walking slowly forward.

It seems that at this moment, there are only two people in the world, quiet and peaceful.

At this moment, "Boom" in front of her eyes, Nie Yun only felt that the scene in front of her changed, appearing next to a lake, and the girl was lying flat in her arms.

"Nie Yun ... After I die, you will put me on a flat boat and rippling in this lake, I will stay here forever and never want to go out ..."

The puppet girl's pale face pleaded, her thin body kept trembling, and if there was no atmosphere in the whole person, it seemed that it would fall at any time.

"No ... you won't die, never die! Even if I traveled ten days and nine places, I will heal you and keep you from leaving ..." Tears rolled out, dripping on the ground, Nie Yunyang looked up Roaring neck.

"Everyone will die. I have to take good care of myself after my death ..."

The girl closed her eyes as soon as the girl moved.

"no no!"

Nie Yun's heartbreaking shout, the whole man seemed crazy, his spirit was shocked, all the illusions in front of him completely disappeared, looking up, he was still staying under the sky blue stone, his face was full of tears.

Ps: The first female lead appeared, once in white, and cough, in fact, I also like white. . Clean, pure, not to be tainted ... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, reward, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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