Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 346: Heart of Dongfu

"The first stage is mentality. The first stage is the strength, the strength is not qualified for my apprentice. The third stage is wisdom and memory. Without wisdom and memory, it is difficult to pass chalk. The test of the four stages is the will. If you are not firm, you will not be able to reach within 30 meters. You have not succeeded in all these four things, but they have also been very successful. I am very pleased! "

"My Zihua Tao chalk man Xia Yang's heritage has a total of eight swordsmanships, each of which has the power to destroy the world, but the lowest set of swordsmanship needs to reach the secret to practice chalk refining. You are now only the highest level. , Can't get my swordsmanship inheritance! "

Unreal figure said.

The great chalk-refining practitioners of Futian Chalu Dalulu generally have their own titles, as if Nie Yun's title is Blood Prison Demon, and the buddy **** steals thousands of fantasy is also the title, the actual name is magic thousand hands, and listen to this Zihua The name of the Taoist people seems to be Xia Yang.

Xie's surname Xia, and three eyes, what kind of chalk family, Nie Yun's previous life really did not have any impression.

"... However, all my swordsmanship is engraved on the jade in the eight rooms. As long as you reach the mystery, you can follow the practice of chalk cultivation. What you have to do now is to refining the entire Dongfu. After refining, if you have If Wudan chalk field, you can put Dongfu into Dan chalk field and carry it with you, it is very convenient! "

Unreal figure did not know what Nie Yun thought, and then said.

"Dongfu on the go?"

Nie Yun was shocked, and then felt that his heart was bursting open, and a huge sense of chalky excitement filled his mind, making himself vertigo.

的 The Dongfu that you carry with you is too precious. Even if you have a high status in the previous life, you did not get one. I did not expect that luck in this life is so good that I have not yet reached the mystery.

的 The Dongfu that you carry with you is very convenient, it can be large or small, and can be accessed by people. The aura in it is more abundant than the outside world. It is indeed a rare treasure.

"Well, the one in front of it is the Chafu-controlled Dongfu. You can control the Chafu-made Dongfu as long as you refine it, but you must not only have a tough will, but also a tenacious one. Character, go to future generations, refining Dongfu, to get my heritage, I am considered dead eyesight! "

The illusory figure said faintly, a smile of relief appeared on his face.

"Thank you for your success, thank you very much! I will surely carry forward your sword skills and not disgrace the predecessor's reputation!"

Although knowing that this illusory figure is just a soul imprint, Nie Yun still respected and respectfully fell to the ground on his knees and slammed his head eight times.

No matter what the other party ’s purpose is, once you refine the heart of Dongfu, the benefits you get are too great. Even in the Futianqi Great Chalk Land, it is equivalent to having a life-saving chalk board. Such kindness, let alone a few heads Even the big price is worth it!

"Yes, yes! Knowing that the treasures were not arrogant or impatient before, but being polite to me, knowing thanks, Zihua Dongfu passed you on, I feel relieved!"

The illusory figure saw the teenager kneeling on the ground, and nodded with satisfaction.

The heart of Xundongfu chalked up the entire Zihuadongfu. Knowing that such precious things are right in front of his eyes, this young man is not arrogant and impatient, instead of rushing past and thanking himself, it seems that he did not choose the wrong person!

I have no such descendants, my own swordsmanship, and my own treasure, and I have not given the wrong person!

"Okay, do a good job for future generations, I'm just a lingering soul, and the mission should be gone!"

The illusory figure smiled, the chalk body became more and more faint, and with the end of the sound, it disappeared completely.

The soul imprint can only last for a period of time. It is very surprising that this imprint can say so much to Nie Yun.

"Eight Swordsmanships, Dongfu Carry ... If I had known that Zihua Dongfu is so powerful, I would find nine jade seals even if I had worked hard in previous lives! But ... this life is better and more room to play!"

I stood up, Nie Yun knew that the soul imprint disappeared and couldn't appear. Now I don't think about it any more, smiled a little, and strode towards the heart of Dongfu.

The heart of Xuandongfu is a jade stone, like a human heart, beating constantly.

Every time I beat, a temple appearance appeared in it. After looking at it for a while, the general structure of the entire Dongfu appeared in Nie Yun's mind.

It is indeed a super cave house left by the Supreme Power. The scope is large and beyond Nie Yun's imagination. If measured by Zhang, this Zihua Cave House has tens of thousands of square feet. It is divided into ten halls, including eight halls. There are treasures collected by the Zihua Tao chalk people, but these eight palaces cannot be opened even if they refine the heart of Dongfu. They can only be opened if they reach a certain level and have learned swordsmanship.

The ninth is a temple for chalk cultivation. This place is full of aura. It is more aura than the inner temple full of spirits. You can imagine that the speed of chalk cultivation is at least ten times outside!

The last palace is where the organs and formations of the entire Dongfu are located. If you want to control all the organs and formations in the cave, you must control this hall.


Understanding the contents and functions of these temples, Nie Yunqiang suppressed the excitement in his heart, took a deep breath, bit his fingers and dropped on the jade heart, while the spirit penetrated into it.

The refining of the heart of Dongfu in Dongfu is very difficult, so refining is also very troublesome ~ www.readwn.com ~ First of all, it must be able to withstand the ideas of the refiners. If you ca n’t even bear this, Dongfu is impossible Confessed.

As soon as the spirit entered the heart of Dongfu, Nie Yundun hit a special thought at all times, and a torrential storm struck him, leaving him all at once on the spot.

"Great, I want to hold on!"

I felt the strength of my thoughts, Nie Yun's eyebrows were raised, and his fists suddenly clenched.

这么 So many levels have come before. Do not drop the chain at this time, otherwise, you will definitely regret your life.

"I just took the opportunity to temper the soul and see if I can break through the spirit!"

Suddenly an idea popped into Ning Yun's heart, and Nie Yun's face was sullen.

The idea that comes in a hurry is a tremendous pressure on yourself, and it is also the best helper to temper the spirit. If you can persist, you may take the opportunity to impact the spirit soul!

Once you succeed, you have a spiritual soul. Even if Huang Chen and Zi Qiong Huang are the strongest in the realm, they will become a single item in front of them!

Spirit-level souls can completely break through the boundaries and kill them beyond the level. Even if the secret is strong, as long as the soul does not reach the spirit level, there is only a dead end!

"Persist! Persist!"

Roaring in his heart, while Nie Yun was refining the heart of Dongfu, his soul was honed and he was growing at a rate that was visible to the naked eye.

(To be continued [this text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @ 人间 修罗 6]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the "starter" to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. Welcome to join dawn .)

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