Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 360: Let him kneel too

"Mystery is the strongest mana peak peak? It is indeed an ancient city, and there are really enough masters!"

When I saw the visitor, Nie Yun was stunned.

The entire Holy Empire has three secret powerhouses in total. I did not expect a genius to go to the ancient city and saw three. One is stronger than the other, which is really terrible!

"But the soul realm of these secret realm seems to be not too high, it is strange!"

Seeing clearly the strength of these people, Nie Yun was also a little surprised.

Although Huangchen and Emperor Ziqiong are only the mid-peak of the mysterious realm, they are both half-step spirits, but Mu Yan and Mu Long just had a high level of soul. Even if this mana peak just arrived, The strong, but the sea is full of success! The soul level is not as good as the two in the dust!

Isn't it possible to advance to the mystery only if you have achieved the great success of Qihai? How can the people in the ancient city reach the high sea level?

Xun Rao is Nie Yun with a lot of knowledge and some doubts.

"Maybe it's related to Lingxi Spring Water, maybe it's related to the special geographical environment here, otherwise, why don't people here go out?"

Suddenly, Nie Yun thought secretly.

"Mu Qiao first? Muyan Villa actually sent you over? What a big face!" Mu Yan saw the strong man suddenly appearing in front of his eyes, his face immediately became very ugly.

"Mu Qiaoxian? Muhuang Villa is the fifth-ranked master? It is said that a pair of iron palms are invincible, and the devil's body method is helpless even the strongest in Yuan Shengjing. How can Mulang Villa let him out?"

"Mulong was all kneeled on the ground, shameful and big, and Muya Villa would be fierce if he didn't move his face, naturally he would send a strong man to kill the majesty!"

可怕 "Fearful, Mu Qiao first claimed that even the strong men in Yuan Shengjing could fight by virtue of speed. If Butterfly Wing Villa is not sent again, I am afraid it will be a loss!"

"More than just suffer, Mu Yan may not dare to kill the people who belong to the villa, but these two peripheral children must be dead. As long as the peripheral children do not participate in the Holy Spirit Children's Competition, they will not be able to change their bloodstream and become a real ancient city. People in the city! Such people will be killed if they are killed, nothing! "

"Blatantly killing people. It would be unfair if Muhuang Villa did this!"

"Fair? What is fair, isn't it the top five villas? It's not that you haven't heard of Mu Qiaoxian's reputation. You are arrogant and domineering. Now these two peripheral children have made them lose such a big face. It's strange not to stand up for it! "

一些 Some people in the hotel who have been coming to see the sudden appearance of the figures have all changed their faces.

Mu Muqiao, the figure counted in the entire ancient city, is powerful and arrogant. When he appeared, everyone knew that it was difficult.

"Oh, Mu Yan, now you hand over these two peripheral children, I can leave without leaving, otherwise, today I don't mind teaching one more person to let you **** iron palm!"

Seeing Mu Yan recognize himself, the comer Mu Qiao laughed first, his eyes flashed.

"These two are just the children of our villa. Mu Qiaoxian, you are the most powerful man in the state of mana. It is too much to take action on the two Supremes!"

Mu Yan's face changed a bit when he heard the threatening words, but he still gritted his teeth and stood in front of Nie Yun.

It's no wonder that the Holy Spirit Children's Contest involves the most immediate interests of the Five Great Villas. The two people coming now are strong and may be able to create miracles and bring great benefits to Butterfly Wing Villa. How could he let this opportunity go!

"Excessive? Oh, I like to do too much. Listening to your tone, I don't plan to hand over people, but it's nothing! Even if you slap together, let all of us kneel, you give me Kneel down! "

Wu Muqiao first sneered again and suddenly shot.


The thick mana at the pinnacle of Mana Realm was suddenly released in the palm of his hand, forming a curtain falling from the sky, and Mu Yan was completely enveloped in an instant.

He made him unable to escape.

"You ... Ten Thousand Dragons!"

Wu Muyan didn't expect that the mighty peak of the mighty mana state would do it by hand, without mentioning his identity at all. He was so angry that he yelled at you, and his palms were the same, forming a palm mask to protect everyone.

"Mu Xiao, bring the two Mu Xia and Mu Yun back to the villa, I will stop first, and go!"

He held up the mask, Mu Yan shouted loudly, and his blue face was anxious and raised.

"Master Mu Yan, what about you ..." The person named Mu Xiao heard Mu Yan trying to stand alone against Mu Qiaoxian, anxiously.

"Just rest assured, I'm sure it's okay, he didn't dare kill me, hurry up, or it's too late!"

Seeing that the other party was not gone, Mu Yan yelled again anxiously, because she was too anxious and her voice was a little hoarse.

"Hehe, want to leave, don't give me an explanation, don't want any of you to leave today!" Seeing Mu Yan's key moments was kind of morale, Mu Qiao laughed first, palm strength increased again.


Mu Muyan couldn't bear it anymore, he was quite kneeling on the ground.

"Master Mu Yan ... let's go!"

Xi Muxiao saw that Mu Yan had been unable to resist, and his face became unsightly. He pulled Nie Yun and Mu Xia and left, but after pulling it a little, he felt his body slumped, and the two of them were standing still.

"Hurry up, you won't be able to leave if you don't leave ..." Seeing that the two didn't leave ~ www.readwn.com ~ Mu Xiao was frightened and shouted quickly.

走 "Go? Why go? Isn't this Mu Qiao first? Since he came over and let him kneel down, why should we leave?"

Xie Nieyun broke his palm and took a step forward, saying lightly.


"This kid is crazy!"

"I think it's about the same, a little supreme even said that he wanted to let the strongest man in the secret realm to kneel, really killing him!"

When I heard Nie Yun's words, all the people who came with Mu Qiao first looked at each other, and then laughed loudly.

In their opinion, the young man in front of him is absolutely crazy. A little supreme even said that letting the strongest man in the power state kneel, isn't it crazy?

"Ha ha, boy, you are crazy. This is the best joke I have ever heard in my life. Since you are trying to kill yourself, I am not polite! Boy, I will kill you now and let you know, You cannot easily offend those who are secretly strong! "

Mu Muqiao was also a stunner at first, and then laughed loudly, and his palm yanked over to Nie Yun!

"So strong! But ... kneel down too!"

Looking at the huge amount of weather in the palm of his hand, the mana bubble grew rapidly, Nie Yun smiled slightly, and his fingers nodded forward again.


The mana bubble exploded. Before Mu Qiao responded, he felt a strong pressure, his knees were soft, and he fell to the ground with a bang.

[To be continued [This text is provided by Daybreak Update Group @ 一 首 情 鸟 丶]. If you like the work, welcome to support the author. If you want to contribute the fastest and best updates to your friends like us, please click to search Baidu Daybreak and join us! 】

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