Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 370: Come to your door

"Well, don't make any noise. No matter who stole it, Ken Po has traces to follow. As long as you follow up, you will be able to find clues. I think you might find a clue instead of arguing here!"

Seeing the five owners getting louder and louder, the city owner shook his head helplessly and said.

"Yes, it will definitely leave clues ...

Mu Mu nodded and walked towards the basement.

"No, if you let him enter the basement and follow the passageway, I don't know what year or month to look up, I am afraid that the water of the Lingxi Spring has evaporated! It must be as soon as possible!"

Seeing Mu Ding going into the basement to trace the clue, Nie Yun outside was anxious.

The speed at which Xun Ling's spring water evaporates is too fast. If he is asked to look for clues, he may not find them at one and a half. If he delays further, he will probably get two useless gourds.

"The owner, the owner, it's bad ... six

With a movement in his heart, Nie Yun yelled and flew in from outside the courtyard.

"Mu Yan? What happened?" Mu Nie frowned and asked.

"Zhuang owner, I was sleeping in the room just now, and suddenly I saw a figure rushing out. I didn't know who it was, so I followed it up. I didn't expect this person to fly directly to Muxiao Mountain Villa and steal their treasure house. It's clean! "

Nie Yun said anxiously.

"What? Stolen our treasure house? Are you sure?"

Hearing this, Mu Ding was not in a hurry, Mu Qi jumped up.

I was still being stolen by the other party ’s treasure house just now. I did not expect that something went wrong so quickly that my treasure house was looted.

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes, but that person was too strong, I was not an opponent at all, so I hurried back to inform!" Nie Yun said quickly.

"Since he stole Muxiao Mountain Villa, he certainly hasn't gone far. Go quickly, maybe he can still catch up!"

After hearing this, several owners looked at each other and nodded at the same time, 嗖 嗖 嗖 嗖! In an instant, the five landlords and one city lord flew at the same time, and quickly flew in the direction of Muxiao Mountain Villa.

"It's so easy to cheat them all out!"

As soon as everyone walked away, Nie Yun smiled lightly, and flew in the direction of the basement.

According to the passage, he quickly came to the basement area. Nie Yun grabbed his hand and sucked up the stone basement from below. He turned it in his palm and put it into Zihuadong Mansion.

"Let's get out of the way first, I continue to study Lingxi Spring Water 屌

He took what he wanted, Nie Yun smiled, went back to his courtyard again, removed the disguise, and got into Zihuadongfu.

"Seal the cave in Shishi first!"

石头 The basement made of this stone was punched out of a big hole by myself. If it is not blocked, it will also volatilize the rhinoceros spring water.

I found out the pieces that were shot by myself with a sword, filled them up a little, and sealed all the gaps with qi. Nie Yun moved the two gourds with the palm of her hand.

Sure enough, as soon as the gourd was put into the stone chamber, the speed of volatilization immediately decreased, and the entire room was filled with exciting breath.

"It's time now to study what's going on with this Lingxi Spring, and why it's so heavy ..."

When I came to the small gourd, when Nie Yun reached out and opened the gourd cover, he saw a dozen drops of liquid flowing in it, a drop of bright light, just like mercury.

I heard that Nie Yun suddenly felt that his whole body was excited and beating. Each cell was like eating Dabu Wan and couldn't help boiling.

"It really is a good thing ... it can increase muscle activity, but how can this thing be used? How can it be connected with it?"

Strong soul power turned several times on the water drop, but did not find that the water drop had wave of will, Nie Yun frowned.

Water droplets have no soul fluctuations.

If you want to fall in love, first of all, the other party must be able to communicate with you. You are in love with stones, and with trees. How do you talk?

These rhinoceros spring waters are strange, but like ordinary liquids, there is no wave of will at all, and there is no communication without wave of will. How can it be produced?

I scratched my head for a long time, and Nie Yun couldn't figure it out, so she shook her head helplessly and brought Mu Qing and Mu Xia over.

Although these two people are the children of the outer city of the ancient city, the Lingxi Spring Water was also seen for the first time.

"Forget it, you two continue to study here, I'll go out first!"

I studied for a long time, but I couldn't find the results. Nie Yun shook his head, stood up, and got out of Zihua Dongfu.

As soon as she returned to the yard, she suddenly choked.

嗯 "Well? Why are these people coming to me? Did they get discovered?"

Nie Yun frowned.

In the induction, Mu Ding, Mu Qi and other five landlords and city owners are whistling towards this side, it looks like they came to find themselves!

Did you find out what you did?

"Impossible!" As soon as this idea came up, he was immediately denied by Nie Yun.

虽 Even though they did not leave a trace of what they did, they did not want to find it so easily!

After all, every time I commit a crime, I pretend to be someone else, and the talent of the pretending master is the best. If this is seen by everyone, there is no need to live.

In the floating continent that year, God stole thousands of fantasy and pretended to be disguised, and many people have been deceived to death. They have not been found. Everyone who has been deceived is much stronger than the owner, but I do n’t believe that he has the same talents than God. So much worse.

"Anyway, go out and see first, if they don't come out, I'm afraid they'll be awkward!"

In secret, Ning Yun stood up, pushed the door and went out.

When he came out, he put Mu Jie in disguise himself into Zihuadong Mansion, so there was only one person left in the yard, and he was not afraid to investigate.


As soon as I entered the courtyard, I heard a few voices burst, and six figures fell down.

"Mu Yun, dare to tease us, you look for death!"

As soon as I entered the courtyard, Mu Ding screamed and raised her eyebrows. "Give me the things you will take from my treasure house. Otherwise, I will kill you now, leaving you nowhere to be buried!"

"Huh?" When he saw the other party came, he was in anger and was so angry that Nie Yun said in a bad voice that he was about to escape. Suddenly his heart moved and he understood.

The other party must be cheating yourself. If you run away now, you will undoubtedly be found guilty, and then you want to enter the so-called Lingxi Heaven Palace, it is impossible!

Although I haven't figured out how to communicate with Lingxi Spring Water, but this thing can increase the muscle activity of people. It is definitely a rare baby. Such a baby is naturally more beneficial!

"Zhuangzhuang, what do you mean by this?" Wanting to understand this, Nie Yun immediately pretended to be angry, staring at Mu Ding without blinking, without flinching.

"What do you mean? You understand in your heart that you can make Mu Qi owner to kneel down, indicating that you have reached the mid-level spirit. How can a supreme soul have such a powerful soul? Who are you? Come to our ancient city in the end What's the purpose? We may be able to spare you a life, or else we will die today! "

The Lord of Yuncheng took a step forward, his eyes were dazzling, and he seemed to see through Nie Yun's heart.

However, Nie Yun was a man, and he was so cunning, how could he see through his heart!

"Hello ..." Nie Yun did not answer in a hurry, but smiled.

I let the owner of Mu Qizhuang knelt down before, but only casually. I didn't expect this to be seen as a flaw, but since I dared to do it, I definitely prepared the speech and left the backhand.

"You masters of mysterious realm, shouldn't you know Fu Xun? You shouldn't know the soul imprint!"

After laughing, Nie Yun looked at the crowd in front of her, with cold in her eyes.

"I am a peripheral child, but I am so young and so powerful, ca n’t you be surprised? Yes, it ’s because I worshiped a great Master! This time I returned to the ancient city, Master was afraid that someone would be bad for me. There is a soul imprint left in my body, which triggers me when I encounter danger! I did not expect to trigger the imprint, and you will be regarded as a strong soul of the mid-level spirit, ridiculous! If I want such a strong soul, how can I return it? Without impacting the mystery, do you want to be an ordinary Supreme? "

Xie Nie Yun blows the magic snails and moves out Master's affairs again.

Anyway, the Master who has no need has been "cheating" many times, and does not care more than once, let him continue "cheating" 嚓 ...

"This ... six

Hearing the words of the boy, everyone was stunned.

It is indeed true that the children of the outskirts and the children of the ancient city are different. There is no guidance from a famous teacher, no special opportunities, and it is impossible to reach the state of supremacy before the age of twenty!

少年 The boy in front of him has not only reached the extreme, but his strength is even jealous of himself and others. If he is not instructed by a famous teacher ~ www.readwn.com ~, he and others think it is impossible.

"How can you prove that what you say is true?"

I realized that the city owner changed his attitude, hesitated, and asked.

"It's not easy? I'll trigger the imprint left by Master again to let you feel it. All of you are masters, and you must be able to see whether it is true or false! I also know that my master is such a master and disdain to lie to you 1 "

Nie Yun did not blink when she lied.

"Well, if you don't have the mark you left in your body, we will never stop today!" Mu Ding's teeth clenched.

"Hum!" Ignoring his threat, Nie Yun slowly closed his eyes, and the mental power secretly operated the unknown method.


For a moment, a powerful surging coercion descended overwhelmingly, and Hao Haoran fell like a galaxy, and like a river and a river, it was thick and suffocating!


With a moment's prestige, Nie Yun opened his eyes.

The time to run the Anonymous Method is very short. In addition, his mental strength is already much stronger than before. He just feels dizzy and he recovers. There is no case of fatigue to sleep.

"You should believe this time!"

He's face was low, and Nie Yun snorted coldly. (To be continued [this text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @ 小艾 332335]. If you like this work, welcome to support the author. If you want to dedicate the fastest and best updates to friends like us, please click search Baidu breaks dawn, join us.)

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