Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 374: experiment

"Dark saliva?"

Li Xuanting Nie Yun sat in the room, and under the observation of the sky, he saw all the conversations in his eyes.

Heming saliva, which he had heard in previous lives, is the drool from the most powerful of the Hades, which is the first poison in the world, and the same as the owner said. People will die directly when they meet!

"My master is fake. I can pretend to do it, but I can't do it with them ... the poisonous spirit rhino spring water ..." Nie Yun frowned.

The other party is not afraid to move himself now, but is willing to accept extortion, not because he is afraid of himself, but because of his unnecessarily master!

If this Master really exists, there is nothing to do. You can come out and give these bad guys a meal, and force them to hand over the spiritual rhino spring water that does not contain impurities. Unfortunately, this Master is fake!

Everything can only be done by yourself!

Although my soul power is strong, but the real strength is so little, not these people's opponents. If you resist, you will only lose yourself!

"It seems that we can only find a way to increase the degree of fit with the spring water. As long as the degree of fit increases, these venoms can't be helped. Instead, they can stay and serve as a hole card!"

After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't think of any good countermeasures. Nie Yun sighed and then entered the Zihua Cave.

Now the only way for me is to find ways to increase the fit of the spring water, and the increase of fit is not a problem.


Inside the cave house, Mu Qing and Mu Xia were sitting in front of a large, a small and a small gourd, and frowned.

"How? Are there any results?" Nie Yun came in.

"No result. We are just peripheral children. We have been abandoned by Lingxiquan. Even if we study again, we may not be able to study anything!" Mu Qing and Mu Xia shook their heads at the same time, looking helpless.

In the ancient city, peripheral children are abandoned people and cannot be related to the Lingxi Spring Water.

"Let's take a look!" Nie Yun had expected this result and was not surprised. Nodded and sat in front of the gourd.

"Open the eyes!"

The talents of Tianyan turned abruptly, a pair of eyes looked straight at the spring in the gourd, and the spring water was fully exposed under the illumination of Tianyan. No secrets at all. But after looking at it for a long time, I didn't find any abnormality. I just felt that these liquids were no different from ordinary water droplets.

To say that there is really a difference, it is that this spring water is rising with an aura that ordinary spring water does not have. It's like life.

"It seems that Tianyan has no effect ..." Nie Yun shook his head helplessly.

According to the truth, Tianyan, the top ten super talents, should be able to see anomalies, which have failed. See the weirdness of spring water!

"The city owner was also a tracker just now, in fact he didn't know that I was the originator of the tracker. Try to use the tracker talent ..."

As soon as my heart moved, the trailing air was thrown into the spring water, and the result was the same as Tianyan talent.

"Well, what about Xiangshui talent? Since this thing is water, it must be under the management of Xiangshui talent ..."

suddenly. Nie Yun thought of his other talent, Xiangshui talent, and quickly threw Xiangshui into it.


As soon as the air of Xiangshui enters the spring water, the sound of Lingxi spring water immediately makes a sound of bubbles.

"Effective!" Nie Yun's eyes lit up and he stood up suddenly. Excited almost wanted to shout.


Since it was effective, Nie Yun immediately instilled the qi of Xiangshui into it.


The small gourd suddenly vibrated violently, and then it jumped, and it slammed on Nie Yun.


Smashed by a gourd. Nie Yun felt that the internal organs almost rotted, and the whole person's breathing couldn't be turned up.

Finally crawled out from under the gourd. Exhaling heavily ...

The experiment failed again!

The talent of the Xiangshui Master will also fail. What is going on with this Lingxi Spring Water?

"Stained with the breath of spring water, the soul fluctuations are the same as the spring water ... how to communicate with the spring water to increase the fit?

Xiang Shui failed, Nie Yun did not dare to try again, carefully recalled what the city owner said, and slowly pondered.

The city owner said that the people of the ancient city will be infected with the spring breath when they are born. The soul fluctuations are the same as the springs ... but this spring has no soul fluctuations?

Is the other person lying to me?

This is impossible. Maybe he is convinced that he can't communicate with the spring, and he tells the truth.

"Stained with the breath of spring water, with what stain? Soul fluctuations ... can't I really use it?"

After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't think of a reason. Nie Yun shook his head helplessly, and was about to give up. Suddenly, a dantian in the sea started to run slowly.

"Um? Tamada, the Tamer? What does this spin do at this time?"

Waking up from contemplation, my soul swept away, and suddenly I couldn't help laughing and crying. The slowly rotating Dantian was neither Xiangshui Dantian nor Tianyan Dantian. It turned out to be the tamer beast Tamdan who had not used much!

Tamada, the talent of tamer, can produce the tames of the tamer. A real tamer can only have five pets in his life. Nie Yun now has four tigers, small wind, purple pupil, and black rock. One place is useless.

Tamada, the tamed beast, can only tamed the beast, subdue the demon pet, and has a hair relationship with this spiritual rhino spring ...

"Huh? No!" Suddenly a flash of light in Nie Yun's mind "Before, Xiao Hu and Xiao Feng could not speak, they are real monsters, but they can communicate with them through the tamed beast Dantian, and communicate normally. Isn't that ... taming Can Dantian also communicate with springs that cannot communicate? "

Thinking of this, Nie Yunqiang resisted the excitement in his heart, hurriedly ran Tamada, an animal taming spirit, and threw it in.


As soon as the taming beast entered the spring water, Nie Yun's mind immediately roared.

"Who is calling me?"

A simple, vicissitudes sounded from somewhere far, like the twilight bell and morning drum, deafening.

"Are you a lingering spring?" Nie Yun asked carefully.

"I'm not Lingxiquan, I'm Lingxiquan!" Said the simple voice slowly.

The voice was low, the mental fluctuations were very weak, and it seemed to be cut off at any time.

"Lingxiquan? Aren't you in the Lingxi Temple ..." Nie Yun was startled.

"I'm inside the Ling Xi Tian Gong, but I can sense the outside through the spring water. If you call me with the taming animal's spirit, I will naturally have the sense!" Ling Xi Quan said slowly.

"If you want to communicate with me, you must enter the Lingxi Temple! It's too much work to spread the idea, I can't hold it for long!"

"How long can't you persist? Pass on your thoughts ..."

Nie Yun couldn't figure out how this Lingxiquan had its own thinking, and he could communicate with it by relying on the spirit of taming animals, and could not help but clenched his fists.

"I can enter the Lingxi Temple and communicate with you, but I don't have any fit with the Lingxi Spring Water at this time. Even if it is inside, there is a lot of trouble. Can you improve my fit with the Spring water ..."

Nie Yun knew that if he wanted to improve the fit, he could only rely on the Lingxiquan.

"Improve your fit? Well, yes, you can communicate with me, which shows that you have at least 60% of fit. If you want to improve again, you only have to enter the Lingxi Temple, see me ... OK, I think Can only last so long ... "


The simple thoughts disappeared at low tide, and in a blink of an eye Nie Yun could not feel it anymore. Opening his eyes, he saw the gourd in front of him, and the liquid droplets in the gourd still kept flowing.

"Tamada Tamata can communicate with Lingxiquan? It's strange ..."

Breathing out, Nie Yun couldn't figure out why, all methods were used, and even Tian Tian, ​​the tamer beast, could communicate with it.

"Sixty percent fit? Haha, it's okay to control the spring now!"

If you can't figure it out, you don't want to, Nie Yun stood up, came to the gourd, reached out and grabbed it. The gourd that was as heavy as Mount Tai did not have any weight in her hand at this time.

"Nie Yun, you ... do you have a fit?"

Seeing the young man's behavior, Mu Qing and Mu Xia's chin almost fell down.

Just now Nie Yun communicated with Lingxiquan. The tamer beast Tamada used was just a fluctuation of thinking, so they didn't know what to say.

"Well, I just realized it!" Nie Yun said casually.

"Some insight? Still human ..."

After hearing the teenager's statement, the two women felt a break.

They've been here for several hours before, and they didn't realize anything. It didn't occur to them that the teenager just sat for a while and had a degree of fit. It's really more deadly than popularity!

"I heard that the genius boy in the ancient city stayed a long time with the Lingxi Spring Water, and indeed it can increase the fit, but the highest is about 10 o'clock, Nie Yun, you are not telling me that you and this spring already have Ten o'clock fit it! "Mu Xia asked puzzled.

"This is impossible. This is a characteristic of the talents of the ancient city. Nie Yun originally did not belong to the ancient city. How could it take a while to have a ten-point fit? This is impossible!"

Mu Qing waved his hand ~ www.readwn.com ~ to interrupt Mu Xia's words.

"That's right, increase the ten-point fit. This is already the most powerful genius in the ancient city. It's difficult!" After hearing her sister's explanation, Mu Xia nodded and asked in doubt: "Nie Yun, you How well does it fit with Lingxi Spring? Are there five points? "

With spring water more than a little fit, you can easily pick it up, so when the teenager picks up the gourd, the second daughter did not expect how much his fit would suddenly increase.

"Five o'clock? Of course not ..." After hearing this question, Nie Yun smiled bitterly.


I heard the young man admit that Mu Qing and Mu Xia felt a lot better in their hearts, but this feeling of good feeling had not persisted for a second, and then they heard what the young man said, and when they heard that, they almost did not live. Scared to death.

"... It seems that there is a fitting degree of about 60 points now, and it seems to be 11 points higher than the most suitable person in the ancient city!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (m ) Vote for referrals and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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