Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 377: Heavenly Palace and

"Well, first, after entering the Temple of Heaven, you take out the jade card I gave you before, and follow the direction on the map. Don't go wrong. If you take the wrong step, you will be trapped in the formation, and you will never lose it!"

"Second, after entering Tiangong, no one should believe it, because there will be a fantasy, no matter who it is, kill it directly, you must not be soft!"

"Third, when you go to the end of the map, you will see a huge spring eye. If the spring eye speaks to you, you must not be afraid. Find a way to make him happy. The happier he is, the higher your fit with the spring water is. , The more likely our Butterfly Wing Villa will win the championship! "

Mu Ru's solemn look explained three things.

"Zhuang owner, I know!" Nie Yun nodded quickly.

"Well, remember what I said, let's go!"

I once again ordered, seeing the young man in front of him, Mu Ru nodded again and again, flew in the direction of Ling Xi Tian Gong.

Nie Yun knew that the competition was about to start, and he tipped his feet on the ground and flew behind him.

Flying all the way, Nie Yun's speed was not fast or slow, just matching Mu Jie's identity, so that Mu Ru could see nothing.

Soon after arriving at the Lingxi Temple, Nie Yun saw that the square outside the palace gate was full of people.

The trial of death was only set by the five owners and city owners. The others did n’t know it. Many people did n’t know the danger of this trip.

Actually they didn't know that nightmares were coming quietly.


Looking around a wrinkle, Nie Yun still felt deeply shocked, even though he knew the effectiveness of Lingxi Spring Water and saw hundreds of Supreme Peak Powers less than twenty.

In the Divine Wind Empire, who reached the highest peak in less than twenty, I am afraid that I can't find the third one except for myself and my brother Nie Tong.

This is the gap!

No wonder the people in the ancient city did not dare to go out. If such a good thing is known to the outside world, I am afraid that this city will have become extinct.

"Go, get in the crowd. Don't show up at first, or you will be the target of criticism, and the trouble is even greater!"

As soon as he flew downwards, a quiet voice of Mu Ru came from his ear, and Nie Yun nodded. I understand.

It seems that this trial is very important for ruthenium. The dignified owner has also become an old lady who likes nonsense.

Fly to the crowd, Nie Yun turned around, and saw these so-called talents, one by one, like a rainbow. Looking directly at the Lingxi Temple, his eyes were full of fiery.

Many of the people here do not belong to the Five Great Villas and do not belong to the Villas. They want to get Lingxi Spring Water. Only the way to participate in the Holy Spirit Children's Competition!

For the dream in their hearts, many teenagers are desperate, hoping that they can become famous and become superior.

"Well, there are old acquaintances, and Mu Shang is also there ..."

Glancing at random, Nie Yun suddenly saw an old acquaintance and couldn't help laughing.

It is precisely when I come to the ancient city that I find my troublesome merchant!

At this time, the strength of Mu Shang was faint with a good taste, and he did not know when he had achieved a breakthrough. Has the strength of the mystery.

It's just that his secret realm still emits a supreme breath from time to time, which should have just broken through and not yet completely consolidated.

It seems that he killed Mu Xiang, the potential stock of Muyu Villa, in order to win the championship. Rigidly improved Mu Shang's strength and regarded him as a bet.

When Nie Yun looked at Mu Shang, Mu Shang also looked at him, with a contemptuous smile in his eyes. It seems that he is sure to kill this Mu Jie.

Seeing his expression, Nie Yun didn't care. Gently smile now and turn away.

The crowd looked around again, but no acquaintance was found, Nie Yun stopped looking and closed his eyes to adjust his spirit.

After about an hour, I felt a wave of aura in the whole earth, and a thick voice rang out from the air.

"The Decade of the Holy Spirit Children's Competition starts now, and now the Spirit Rhythm Palace is open. Talents please come in!"

With the sound, the front door banged open, and the countless arrays in front of the door were completely closed.


With a series of sharp whistling, many children standing in front of the door all flew inward like locusts.

Following the flow of people, Nie Yun rushed into the door, and when he opened his eyes, he seemed to have entered another world.

The world is strange and strange. The inside and outside of the door are completely different. The rich aura inside seems to drip water, which is refreshing.

"Matrix space? What kind of person can it be to arrange such a big matrix space?"

Seeing everything in front of him, Nie Yun was shocked.

Space of formation, even if the secret three or four strong can't be arranged, the space formed by the formation can't be arranged. The bigger and harder it is, the place looks like a cave outside, but it claims a world inside. Poor yourself!

My past life was the pinnacle of the Dantian Acupoint Realm. Did the ancestors of the ancient city that arranged this formation method also reached this realm?

Thinking of this, Nie Yun's eyes were dignified.


Walking forward, I saw several people killing. Entering here is tantamount to starting a slaughter battle. It is the brave who can go out alive!

Flutter! Flutter!

Two heads were chopped off by a young man's long knife, and Nie Yun saw two faint rays coming out of the corpse and slowly flowing into the young man.

This kind of light is invisible to the naked eye, but is what Nie Yun saw when he opened the eyes of the sky. In conjunction with the special energy body in space, a strange shape was formed in the air. Partly disappeared deep into the space.

"Is this the so-called transfer of potential?"

Nie Yun froze.

He had heard Mu Ru talk about the potential shift before, but he hadn't figured out what was going on. Now it seems that it should be that some kind of formation in this place can swallow the potential of people and transfer it to killing people.

Transfer potential? This is too bad!

Even the floating sky continent has never heard of this ability!


A title popped up in Nie Yun's heart.

To say who can make this kind of thing, only the monsters, the people of the monsters, have always been ruthless, in order to achieve their goals, at the expense of blood, this method of absorbing the potential of others and satisfying themselves is probably a secret of the monsters. Technique, but also an extremely evil mystery!

"Be careful, it's not as simple as I thought!"

Thinking about this, Nie Yun's face was dignified.

I used to think that with my own strength and means to **** the baby in a group of supreme, now it seems that it is not the case. The mystery of the demon tribe has always been weird and changeable. If you are not careful, you will die. Even if you are strong Will not work!

As the saying goes, there are 10,000 avenues and 7,000 demon clan, but the human race only realizes 3,000. This shows that the mystery of the demon clan is more than twice as strong as humans!

"Brother, it's very dangerous here, I think we might as well join forces and wait for all the people to kill the benefits!"

Moving on, the young man just saw that Nie Yun knew that he was a strong man in secret, and he was respectful.

"Okay!" Nie Yun smiled slightly.

"Then let's go!" The young man nodded when Nie Yun agreed, and suddenly his palm was flipped, and a spike stabbed him on the back.

This time, it's fierce, and there is no muddy water. The sharp wind above the spikes makes the skin hurt before you come to it. This sneak attack is fast and effective. It will definitely be stabbed into a general secret strong It's cold and unpreparable, but unfortunately, Nie Yun is not an ordinary mystery. Although he is just a supreme soul, his soul is stronger than the ordinary one.

Slap backhand!


The young man lay on the ground and turned into a meatloaf.

Once he died, a special breath slowly rose again, partly infused into Nie Yun's body, and partly dissipated into the air.

"Surely it's potential? It really can make the potential transfer?"

Feeling the peculiar air flowing into the body, Nie Yun's eyes widened.

As soon as this breath entered the body, it really made one of his later revisions move. It seems that as long as there is enough airflow, it can completely break through and reach the extreme peak!

This is not energy or aura, it is a pure psychological feeling!

It's as if under this shroud of breath, all barriers are clouds, and they can't create obstacles at all!

It is said that in the eyes of some peerless geniuses, they can be regarded as a level barrier for anyone, but nothing for them. It is as if Nie Yun completed the spiritual bloodline and the mysterious barrier disappears!

The higher the potential, the simpler the barrier and the easier it is to break through.

Absorbing this breath can break through the level, it is incredible!

"I'm afraid it's not only related to the formation method, but also to the Lingxiquan!"

Faintly, Nie Yun came up with an idea.

Lingxiquan, even being able to communicate with Tamada, the Tamer of Beasts, is a very strange thing in itself. How do you communicate with Tamada, Tamer? And just now the killings, nine out of ten breaths that represent potential, flew to the distance, where did they go?

"The map appears!"

Thinking in my heart ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun took out the map of Mu Ru for his own palm, and remembered it in his mind, Tianyan opened his eyes and looked forward.

This map is indeed very detailed. The marked gap is the weakest link in the matrix method. From here, it will not trigger the organization and there is no danger.

In addition, the jade card of the city owner, even if you accidentally fall into the formation, using this jade card can reduce the attack and allow you to escape calmly.

The combination of the two immediately reduces the risk.

Along the direction marked on the map, Nie Yun quickly moved forward, and after walking a few steps, he saw that several children were united together and were slowly encircling.

Although either you die or I die here, there are also unions. Most of them come from one force and jointly protect one person, the purpose is to make this person win the championship.

These people saw Nie Yun alone, and turned around at the same time. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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