Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 391: Ranked 18th

"I feel that this flame is very powerful. As long as it continues to burn, even Su Guo can't get close!" Nie Yun was a little surprised to see the girl's embarrassing appearance.

The beacon, one of the five elements of talent, the flames are hot and powerful, really burning, Su Guo, even if it is Yuan Shengjing, should not be able to get close, how can she defeat her?

"You are not a beacon. You do n’t know how true energy turns into flames and it takes more mana. I just showed you just now. The internal energy is almost half consumed. When you fight with people, you only attack by surprise. Burning people, I'm afraid no one else has anything, I'm really exhausted and exhausted! "

Yi Qing shook his head.

"Just now, half of your energy is consumed?" Nie Yun was startled.

I have ten talents, and other talents have higher levels than the Beacon Division, and I do n’t feel that I ’m consuming too much energy?

Fighting with people, if the other party is okay, they are really exhausted, it is really a tragedy. No wonder I have never seen Yi Qingzhan exposed the identity of the beacon. I was afraid that the energy was consumed too much.

After all, not everyone has such a perverted spirit.

"Yeah!" Yi Qing nodded and said, "So I dare not release the flames, for fear of being consumed clean!"

"That's it ..." Nie Yun shook his head, thinking something, and suddenly said, "Yes, can you give me a sense of your flames?"

The Beacon, a talent in the top thirty, can certainly increase again if he has the strength.

"Okay!" Yi Qing didn't know what the boy meant, thought he was curious, nodded and walked over, nodded his fingers, and a hot air rushed into Nie Yun's palm.

"Thank you!" I felt the properties of the hot air for a while. As soon as Nie Yun's heart moved, the twelfth Dantian turned into a beacon Dantian.

Although ecstatic in his heart, his face was not revealed, and he turned to look at Yi Cheng.

"Predecessor Yi Cheng, just now you said a treasure. Is it related to the beacon?"

"Well, this treasure is hidden deep in the volcano. Only the beacon can safely enter it. The Jiang family persecuted us. In fact, I wanted to borrow the identity of the Qinger beacon. Enter it!" Yi Cheng said.

"Deep volcano? Isn't the predecessor who left the treasure also a beacon?"

Hiding the treasure deep in the volcano is really cruel, and most people really can't get in.

"I'm not sure if it's a beacon division, but this senior is indeed a special talent, and he is also a top ten superpower among special talents, the vitality division!" Yi Cheng thought for a moment.

"Master of energy? What is this?" Nie Yun froze.

I have heard a lot of special talents, and it ’s really the first time I have heard it.

"The Aura Master is very rare. It's normal that you haven't heard of it. According to the news I know. This talent has not appeared since ancient times! Yes, the top ten talents are cherished incomparably, tens of thousands of years. No one appears. Once it appears, it must be a sign of chaos in the world! "I don't know about Nie Yun, Yi Cheng was not surprised, and sighed slowly.

"Doesn't have one in the top ten talents for tens of thousands of years? That's not necessarily, I've seen a heavenly eye artist!" Nie Yun laughed.

"Tianyanshi? This is what you don't know. Although Tianyanshi is very powerful from the outside world, it can be in the top ten, but it doesn't actually have such a high ranking. This talent can only be ranked eighteenth, and this The Aura Master can be ranked ninth! If you compare the two, you should know how powerful it is! Don't look at the difference in rankings. The more special talents are, the more powerful they are. ... especially the top ten special talents, all of which can be called inferior ones! "

Yi Cheng seems to know a lot about special talents. When he saw the young man said the talents of the eyes, he shook his head and said with a smile.

"Tianyanshi ranked eighteenth? This ... shouldn't be true ..."

For a long time, Nie Yun thought that Tianyan talent could be ranked in the top ten, and suddenly I heard that it could only be ranked eighteen, and I couldn't help it.

With natural eye talent, Nie Yun naturally knows the terrible degree of this talent. Various formations, seals, and traps can be seen at a glance. The way of life, the way of life, the way of getting lost, and the way of death can be seen before they come, even far away. "Hearing" other people's words at a distance, so many special talents, is this the most powerful, even only to be ranked eighteenth?

If what he said is true, how strong should the ninth-ranked vigor master be?

"You don't have to believe it, why I know it, it's because there is a engraved on the stone gate of that treasure!" Seeing the teenager seemed disbelieved, Yi Cheng explained.

"Ranked ninth ... what's so special about this Aura Master? Can he be so powerful?"

Feeling higher than the rank of Tianyan talent, Nie Yun has always been a little disbelieving, could not help asking.

"It was also written in detail on the stone gate. This talent can form the vital energy Dantian in Qihai, and absorb the natural gas in the meditation. No matter how much you consume, it can be instantly filled! In other words, with this talent, the entire People are just like perpetual motion machines. No matter how terrible the consumption is, do n’t worry about it. Any elixir or spirit stone that restores strength is not needed! Think about it, you can continuously absorb the gas of creation from the meditation, and the power is continuous. Isn't this talent terrible? "

Thinking of the special strength of the Master Qi, Yi Cheng said with emotion, his eyes were full of envy.


Nie Yun was startled, his face became weird.

No wonder it is stronger than the Sky Eye Master, and it really goes against the sky!

Not to mention others, let ’s talk about my current self. After the space is broken and baptized, the purity has increased again. Although the width of the Qihai has not changed, I want to completely fill the Qihai with such pure Qi. Even though the atmosphere of Futian's continent is strong, fifteen Dantians are running at the same time. In a few years, don't even think about completing it!

And if you are a master of energy, you can do it in an instant!

Especially when fighting, with this innate talent, there is an endless source of true energy, let alone the strongest in the Yuansheng Realm, even if the third strongest in the secret realm comes over, they can still fight!

Ten days and ten nights of war are not afraid of consumption ...

This is the real anti-talent talent, terrible!

Compared with this, only the therapist, tracker, and animal trainer of the past ... it really became a child's house, without any deterrent.

"The vitality drawn by the vitality division can only supplement the consumption, and cannot be used to break through. Otherwise, while absorbing and breaking through, it will take three days to reach the peak of the mystery ..."

Seeing the always calm teenager shocked into this way, Yi Qing pursed his lips and explained.

"Huh!" Nie Yun nodded.

In fact, without Yi Qing saying, he can guess.

However, even if the energetic spirit supplemented by the Yuanqi Division can not help himself to break through the realm, it is scary enough to simply add strength!

I have been thinking about it before and have accumulated so richly. Every promotion. Just filling the sea of ​​gas, I don't know how many spirit stones to consume. If this talent can be taken as his own now, don't be afraid even without spirit stones!

As soon as you are promoted, you can fill the sea of ​​qi, no longer have to worry about where to find the spirit stone, and no longer have to go around to steal things ... think about it and feel happy.

"The treasure master you said was really a master of energy before, really possessed such a super talent?" Nie Yun couldn't help asking, thinking of the reverie in his heart.

"Oh, I only saw these on Shimen. I suppose seniors should not make such jokes!"

Seeing the teenager still not convinced, Yi Cheng said with a smile.

"If it's true, it's scary enough ..." Nie Yun nodded.

"Actually, this treasure was found by accident when Qing'er practiced. She told me when she came back. She took me there at the time. It took a lot of hard work and didn't open the stone door. I also blame me for being greedy. The experiment. The idea of ​​the Jiang family was triggered, and they followed me and observed it secretly. They also discovered the secret of the treasure and found me. I hope that the two of us can cooperate and dig it out! How can I agree with this? It's a battle between the two! "

Speaking of this, Yi Cheng sighed.

"So it is ..."

After hearing this, Nie Yun understood a bit.

To be honest, this Yicheng is a bit greedy. Since the stone door of the treasure is difficult to open, it is natural to be prepared to say it. After three or four experiments, it is not surprising that no one else's idea is raised.

The wealth is moving. Since it is the treasure left by the ancient Yuanqi division, I am afraid it is not a small number. The Jiang family certainly did not dare to speak out. It was inevitable that it would be suppressed in secret.

"Originally, even if the Jiang family had the third strongest in the secret world, our Jiang family also has its own heritage, and we are not afraid. No one on either side can do anything to anyone. Whoever thinks of the young master of the Jiang family, Jiang You, was very lucky. An elder of Xinzong took it seriously and accepted it as an apprentice, and then sent a third strong man in the secret to help out. Only then were we suppressed and no resistance! "

Yi Cheng seemed to think of the encounter these days, and Meiyu was sad.

"The Zongmen mentioned earlier is Yuan Xinzong, Yuan Xinzong, Yuan Xinzong ... Oh, this is the small zongmen ..."

After thinking twice, Nie Yun finally remembered it.

The name Yuan Xinzong has been heard in previous lives. It is a small martial art that does not match the shoes of the eight ancestors. In the previous life, it was dismissive. I did not expect that it is a big force here now.

"The stone gate left by this Yuanqi Master's predecessor is only one condition to open, and that is to have a sufficiently thick reserve of true Qi. The thicker the Qi, the higher the opening of the stone gate. The elders of Yuan Xinzong have powerful mana. The degree is ten times that of me. If you open it, you will definitely open the Shimen completely. Jiang You is relying on this and telling me the conditions. If I have to marry my daughter to him, I do n’t agree. This is persecution everywhere! ”

Yi Cheng shook his head, looking at Nie Yun, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes, and said, "I just saw that the little brother of Nie Yun is so full of energy and strength, although it is not as good as the elder Yuan Xinzong, it is almost the same. If you are with us If you go, you may be able to open the stone door, get treasure, and reverse the current situation in one fell swoop! "

"It's better to be respectful than that!" Nie Yun laughed. Even if the other party didn't invite himself, he planned to go. After all, it involved the anti-natural talent of the Yuanqi division.

Of course, it is better to invite yourself to save yourself a lot of trouble.

"Since this is set, let's prepare and start tomorrow. I don't know if the injuries on Brother Nie Yun are completely healed? Do you need anything, just speak!"

Yi Cheng suddenly remembered his daughter saying that he was still injured, and asked with concern.

"What's the need? I haven't filled up the Qihai now and need the spirit stone to supplement my strength. I wonder if your Yi family can take out some? I can exchange things with you!"

After thinking about it, Nie Yun scratched his head.

I did n’t even get one-third of the true qi in the sea of ​​qi. After being transmitted by the teleportation array, the qi was even more pure. The sea is too big, even if it is not filled by one-sixth, it is comparable to the full power of ordinary people!

However, since the predecessor of the Aura Master said that he needs a strong energy and mana to open, the more energy in his body is naturally the better!

"You're not full of gas? What you said is true ..."

Hearing the young man's words, Yi Cheng remembered the surging force just now, and his face changed with fright.

Such a strong strength, even the Qihai dissatisfaction ... How big is your Qihai?

However, a person's anger is limited, and the young man is so full of anger, even if he is not full, it should be almost the same. Since he wants to supplement the qi, he can take the opportunity to show off. Thinking of this, Yi Cheng took a deep breath, quite Said proudly: "Although our Yi family business is not too big, but some spiritual stones can still be obtained, how much do you need? Talk about, as long as I can do it, I will be satisfied, as for the exchange, this matter Don't mention it again! "

"I need more. If I don't exchange anything with you, this ... This is not good!" Hearing the other person's words of arrogance, Nie Yun was a little embarrassed. Although he was sometimes hard, he also Do not want to take advantage of others.

"You saved my daughter's life ~ www.readwn.com ~ If you need a little bit of spirit stone to exchange, wouldn't you hit my easy face? How many spirit stones do you need? Although you speak, don't be so polite, 20,000 spirit stones are enough. Not enough? I'll get it for you now? "

Seeing the young man's appearance, Yi Cheng grinned, his speech was full of atmosphere.

The Qihai continent does not produce spirit stones. Even if there are high-quality spirit stones, they are obtained from the endless ocean, so they are very scarce. The most important trading currency of the floating continent is spirit stones. Yicheng is a businessman and has a wealth of wealth. Some of the persecutions forced by the Jiang family were helpless, but the skinny camel was larger than the horse, and it should not be underestimated.

"Twenty thousand top grade spirit stones?" Nie Yun heard this, embarrassed for a while, and said, "Twenty thousand top grade spirit stones are not very useful to me. If there are half a million top grade spirit stones, I think , It should be almost half of my gas sea, enough to deal with the general situation ... "

"Half a million? Just half of it? Are you ... are you still human?"

Yi Cheng was smiling. He heard the boy's words, and suddenly froze. The whole man was twitching, and he was going crazy. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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