Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 400: Crystal ball

"The demon holy corpse appears!"

Feeling the cold light stabbing from behind, Nie Yun's sweaty hair suddenly exploded, knowing that she can't resist at all now, only dodge, but once you dodge, enter this half-day's true energy, you will give up all your efforts. When you next bite your teeth, you will The demon holy corpse was taken out and blocked behind him!


As soon as the demon corpse appeared, his arms greeted him.

Although the ancient corpse itself is the peak strength of immortality, but it is not maintained by top-grade spirit stones, at most it can only play the initial combat power of immortality, and the special forces formed by the operation of spirit stones suddenly blew into the cold.


The two attacks fought together, and after hearing only a muffled sound, a crack appeared in the arm of the demon holy corpse, and then the crack became larger and larger. Also choked down.

You don't need to look to know that the ancient corpse that has been with Nie Yun for such a long time is completely abandoned.


The corpse did not block the elder Yuan Heng's attack, but also slammed into Nie Yun's back under the inertia of the other side, and just one click, Nie Yun felt a black eye, and a blood spewed out.

"Don't die for me yet!"

Seeing that a move did not kill the teenager, Elder Yuan Heng jumped wildly, growled again, and punched again.

This punch is more powerful than the finger just now. Before coming to the front, you smell a strong **** smell. It seems that as long as you are hit, even the strongest in the real field will be injured!

It seems that Elder Yuan Heng really ruthlessly must kill the boy in front of him!

"Nie Yun ..."

Seeing the scene in front of him, Yi Cheng and Yi Qing turned pale at the same time.

Before the boy still had that puppet to resist, now puppets have become waste, and I really want to hit them. I can imagine. No doubt!

"Drive me!"

The demon scorpion can't stop it. Nie Yun knows that this time he really has no hole cards and doesn't dodge. The muscles of his arms suddenly rise. It seems to have doubled in an instant. go with!


Finally, at the very moment of the moment. Shimen's stale voice was finally absorbed with enough anger. Booming.


Before Yi Cheng and Yi Qing reacted, they were wrapped in the youth's infuriating, "Hoo!"


As soon as the three entered Shimen, Shimen closed again, with a huge explosion, all of Elder Yuanheng's attacks fell on Shimen.

"You can't escape, today I won't kill you, I swear I won't be human!"

The explosion was over, and Nie Yun and others heard the elder Yuanheng growl madly. Like a vulture who could not get a dead body, it was shrill and shrill.

"so close!"

Leaning on the stone door, Nie Yun felt that he was soaked with sweat, and his body was weak.

Since the rebirth, relying on the experience and strength of two generations, it has never been so dangerous. This time, as long as it is slower, even a tenth of an instant. His head will burst open and he will die completely!

He died, and Yi Qing certainly couldn't survive.

"No wonder you can't open this stone door. The energy consumed is really terrible, my energy is almost consumed!"

Breathing, Nie Yun looked at Yi Cheng and shook his head.

Yi Cheng said that he had come many times without opening the stone door. Now it seems that he can only open it. He has such a huge gas pool that his accumulation is dozens of times and hundreds of times that of ordinary people. All of the energy is almost exhausted before it is completely opened. Although Yi Cheng is the peak of Yuan Shengjing, when it comes to the energy reserve, he is far worse than himself. How can he open it?

"Well, yeah, we can open the Shimen. I am afraid they can do it, Elder Yuanheng. I don't want to stay in this place, just come and see!"

Yi Cheng nodded, glanced at Shimen with anxiety, then turned his head and said.

"Well, let's go!"

Hearing his words, Nie Yun nodded.

I ca n’t help but I can't guarantee that others are not. I can open the stone door myself. Elder Yuan Heng and others are stronger than themselves and may be able to open. For everyone, although there is no danger for the time being, the actual On the other hand, the danger is still behind, let's find the baby without saying a word!

After making a decision, Nie Yun looked forward and saw that there was an empty hall in front of him, an extremely wide hall with a fist-sized crystal ball in the middle, shining brightly.

There is no passage around the hall, it is a dead end. No matter how you look at it, there is such a space inside this stone gate.

"What is this?"

Everyone saw this crystal ball.

How come here, but here is a dead end? If the other party chases again, it will be over!

"This should be an energy crystal ball, which can store energy, but what is there for stuff?" After a while, Nie Yun recognized it, still a little strange.

The energy crystal ball is a thing that stores true energy and mana. Because of the use of spirit stones, it is almost a waste product. This thing suddenly appears in this place. I really do n’t know what it is used for.


Just when the three of them were a little weird, suddenly a stone door rang behind him and a crisp sound started.

"Well, why are they so fast? There is no time to think about it. They should now instill the mana into Shimen. Once the mana is filled, the door will open. This place is the crystal. There is no other channel. Do n’t know how to die, hurry up and see! ”

Hearing the crisp sound of Shimen, Nie Yun's face turned white again and a long cry, and he came to the crystal first.

The stone door that I opened just now has a final decision on how to open the stone door. This stone door, like a bucket, seems to be a container. As long as it can be filled with qi, it will open without any skills.

Elder Yuan Heng's hatred for himself and others cannot be washed away even if the river is poured. If they open the door, there is no escape route for themselves and others, and the ending will be extremely miserable!

"This crystal ball looks like something that stores energy, but with a special array around it, it should be an opening device for the teleportation array!"

Around the crystal ball, Nie Yun said slowly.

Below the crystal ball is a small array. Using sky eyes to illuminate, Nie Yun recognized that this should be a teleportation array. The crystal ball is the way to open it.

Squeak! Squeak!

After Nie Yungang had finished speaking, he heard that the stone gate behind him rang again, clearly a sign that it was about to open.

"Hurry up, they are coming in!"

With a tight fist, Nie Yun shouted quickly.

"I'll come first!"

The teleportation array around the crystal ball was not large, and only one person could stand. Yi Qing knew that the matter was critical, and he didn't hesitate at the moment, and came directly. As soon as the palm was stretched, it rested on the ball.

"Qinger. Be careful ..."

Seeing his daughter's hand reaching this unknown ball, Yi Cheng quickly ordered.

Even if this thing is a teleportation array, it is unknown where it will be teleported, so be careful!

"Yeah!" Yi Qing nodded, Yushou stroked, a flash of light flashed through his palm.


Was shrouded in a special light, disappeared from the spot in an instant.

"Qing'er ..." Yi Cheng's face changed.

"Don't worry, she should be fine, just don't know where it will be teleported!"

Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!

Sending Yi Qing's kung fu, the sound outside Shimen is more dense. It seems that when there is no time, it will be opened immediately. Nie Yun casually explained it and hurriedly urged, "Senior Yi Cheng, you can also start, I am at the end!

"Good!" Yi Cheng is not a fool, knowing that this is not a time of worry and anxiety, he immediately came to the crystal ball in two steps. With his right hand stretched forward, he also touched it.


When the palm of his hand just touched the crystal ball, the stone door opened completely. Booming.


With the opening of the stone gate and three rapid wind sounds, three figures came in.

It is Elder Yuanheng, Elder Taiyuan and Jiang Feng!

The clothes of the three were almost burned, and each had at least a dozen injuries. As soon as he entered the room and saw Nie Yun's eyes suddenly turned red.

At this time, they wished that Nie Yun and two had eaten alive!

Now they are the same as the Hanako, thanks to the two in front of them!


At this moment, Yi Cheng's body lit up a light. Instantly teleported away.

Upon seeing Yi Cheng leave, Nie Yunsong breathed a sigh of relief, and rushed towards the crystal stone. As long as he grasped the crystal stone, no matter where it was passed to, he was considered out of danger.

"That's the teleportation array, watch out for him!"

Jiang Feng's eyes were hot and spicy. When he saw Yi Cheng teleporting away, he understood it. He made a long hiss and struck out one step. He punched Nie Yun with a punch. This punch was fierce and spicy. Don't hide.

"Want to leave? You stay here today!"

Elder Yuan Heng also responded very quickly. At the same time as Jiang Feng punched, he also grabbed with his right hand. The strength spikes unique to the strongest in the field generally shot over.

Palm Dragon Diamond!

An extremely insidious martial arts, which can exert the vitality of rotation and penetrate the strong defense.

It seems that he is afraid that the boy in front of him will have something like a puppet to resist, and plans to kill in one shot!


Seeing the fierce attacks of the two men, their bodies stopped abruptly, Nie Yun's feet hit the ground, and the whole person jumped back quickly. This jump was more than ten meters away, and the speed was like an arrow off the string.


The two attacks wiped away from the front in a dangerous and dangerous way ~ www.readwn.com ~. The cheeks were tingling in pain, hitting the stone cave, and the rubble was splashing. A large pit of several hundred meters appeared.

I was unable to dodge in front of Shimen just because of the delivery of Qi, but now, although it is a dead end, the free space is huge, but I can dodge.

However, at this time, Nie Yun was far away from the crystal ball, and it was too late to rush forward.

"I see where you go this time!"

The two seemed to know that Nie Yun could not be killed, and after the attack, they stood forward, standing exactly between Nie Yun and the crystal ball.

If you don't reach the crystal ball, you cannot use the teleportation array and you cannot leave here.

Nie Yun was in trouble again.

ps: 400 chapters, last month on the 7th, and now 35 days, updated 254 chapters, an average of 7.25 chapters a day, Khan, if you say it slowly, Laoya is speechless. . 400 chapters, to celebrate, bring all kinds of bills. . . Next night at seven. . (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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