Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 440: Count you cruel (medium)

Even if I was very cruel, I stole it almost everywhere I went. I didn't expect that this thousand fantasy is even more fierce. In such a dangerous situation, I don't want to run away, but also how to steal ...

Really ...

However, as soon as Nie Yun's mind turned around, he immediately laughed.

Stealing the treasure house at this time is not only an adventure, but also an opportunity to escape!

"In fact, it is also a good way to steal the treasure house to divert the other party's attention. Let's take the opportunity to run away, otherwise relying on our strength, it is definitely impossible to escape the spiritual monitoring of the flyover environment!"

Nie Yun said with a smile.

The flyovers have a special kind of communication and control over the earth and the sky. Their escape from the square in front of the bright hall must have caused the anger of the special envoy. Perhaps this guy has already used strong mental strength to monitor Everything around Aurora Mountain.

With his soul power to communicate the heavens and the earth, even if the two of them are hidden, they will definitely be found. It is conceivable that once they are found, he will definitely catch up with the fastest speed. When he does, he really wants to run. Can't run away!

Rather than being caught like that, you might as well gamble and steal the opponent ’s treasure house to confuse your eyes!

"Come on! Come with me!"

Qian Magic nodded, and led Nie Yun along the hidden area of ​​Yuan Xinzong and quickly moved forward.

It is indeed a person who teaches Nie Yun's concealing skills. Even behind him, even without using concealed air, he can conceal his body in the most perfect way, making it impossible to see.

Immediately following, Nie Yun kept dodging, feeling that she had a new understanding of hiding techniques.

"Okay. This is their Treasure Pavilion! We have to shake in, and we will definitely have more trouble. So we have to go in quietly, after stealing things, then make some noise!" Qian Magic whispered softly.

Regarding theft, Nie Yun is no better than a thousand fantasys, so it's better to listen to him.

"Now I'm going to show the talent of stealing, quietly go through the seal and enter the treasure house, you just follow me, don't move. Otherwise touch the seal, neither of us can escape!"

Qian Huan said solemnly.

There must be a lot of seals in the treasure house. If you accidentally touch them, you will cause unnecessary trouble. If you do, the two of them will be blocked inside, and they will really die.

"Well. Rest assured!" Nie Yun also nodded, knowing the seriousness of the matter.

"Okay, let's start now!" One thousand palms stretched out to give Nie Yun another breath.

"Stealing air!" Feeling this breath, Nie Yun understood it immediately.

Thousands of magical gods are the ones who have the most special talents besides themselves. The talents of gods stealing, camouflage, hidden talents, earthly talents, darlings and so on ... I know these five things. I don't know what secret he still has!

No wonder he can become a **** steal and enjoy the reputation of the entire floating continent. So many special talents are enough to defeat the sky!


The breath of **** stealing into the body, Nie Yun immediately saw the treasure in front of him shining brightly, countless seals under the background of the treasure. Revealed completely.

This "seeing" is completely different from the natural eye-seeing. Tianyanshi can see through the structure of the seal. Look at the changes in the airflow, but what God steals can only see wealth, and the characteristics of the seal must be seen in the light of the baby.


With a low whisper, God stole thousands of magics and pulled Nie Yun into the treasure house. After a while, he bypassed the seal and entered it.

"God steals thousands of magic hands!"

Entering the treasure house and seeing the densely packed baby inside, Qianxiang screamed with excitement. The thick mana in the body formed countless arms in the blink of an eye, as if he had grown tens of thousands of hands in an instant.


Thousands of arms grabbed at the treasure in the treasure house, and the general wind screamed. The whole treasure house was soon completely exhausted by him, and there was no hair left.

"So fast……"

Yuan Xinzong is the ancestral gate of the floating heavens. There are more treasures in the treasure house than the Holy Empire royal family and the Ziqiong Mountains. Not to mention the collection, even if the seals are broken, it will take some effort. Now Qian Huan even took out two breaths and completely took them away, which can scare people alive!

It's worth stealing, it's too fast!

"After stealing the job, let's make some movements now so we can run away! What should we do?" Clapping his palm, Qian Huan looked at his masterpiece and laughed.

"Make some noise? If you want to make some noise, get all the attention and move everyone's eyes here, so we can take advantage of this opportunity to escape, otherwise there is no way!" Nie Yun also understood this truth.

"The best way to make a big noise is to blow up this place! But there are a lot of seals here. If you try to force it, I'm afraid that before we can blow up the treasure house, we will be killed by the seal first!" Said.

There are countless defense and attack formations of Yuanxinzong's treasure trove. If it is forcibly attacked, it will definitely trigger it. At that time, I am afraid that Yuantian and the special envoy will not come over, and the two of them will be covered by the seal and cannot escape.

"Yes, flame! Oh, but the flames can burn even the seal. If the flames are lit and the place is burned, the effect will never be worse than an explosion!"

Suddenly a way came to mind.

When Yuan Jiang came here, he had injected a flame of fire into him, and he could take the opportunity to form a flame of fire!

The flames can burn the soul, let alone seals and buildings. Once they burn, I am afraid that even the strongest in the bridge environment can hardly extinguish it!

"Beacon? You said the beacon of the beacon? This thing is awesome, but most people can't play, are you a beacon?" Qian Huan Yi Yi.

"Hehe, it ’s very mana-consuming to display the beacon. Brother Qianhua, I know that you have a very high net worth. Do you have some good elixir and good things to quickly restore mana? Give me some?"

Nie Yun said with a smile.

Now this body is from Yuanjiang. There is no vitality master Dan Tian. The vitality is a top ten talent, nor can it be lent to this body. Therefore, it cannot absorb the natural gas from the underworld. The mana reserve is limited. I really want to burn the flames, I'm afraid the flames haven't ignited, and I have run out of mana.

So, the best way is to take medicine.

Anyway, the height of the Thousands of Phantasms is richer than himself, and there must be many treasures to restore mana.

"Okay!" Qian Huan knew the situation, nodded his head, and took out a jade bottle as soon as he turned his wrist.

"Here is [Return Power Dan]. I managed to steal it from a master of Xianwuzong. It is very precious. One can replenish all my physical strength. We need to save it ..."

Holding the jade bottle, Qian Huan was a little bit reluctant.

Relying on his net worth, he is a little bit reluctant, which shows the power of this big back force Dan.

"Stolen from the master of Wuxian Zong? You're ruthless!" Nie Yun put out his tongue.

Xian Wuzong is also one of the eight major gates. Although they are not as powerful as Yunzong or Mi Shenzong, they cannot be underestimated. Each of the masters has amazing powers. Qianhuan can steal the treasure from such masters. Really amazing!

"Well, don't make a fart, just ignite it!" Qian Huan said with a smile.

Although this time the two were in danger at all times, the relationship was closer than before.

Seeing the true feelings of adversity, coupled with the fact that both of them are bold and arrogant, and the smell is similar, Qian Huan gradually recognized the boy in front of him.


Before calling the flames of fire, Nie Yun opened the jade bottle, opened her mouth and put all the elixir in her mouth.

"Hey ... you save a little ... use it, so you are not afraid that the medicine will blow you up ..."

Seeing the young man's behavior, Qian Huan was speechless for a while.

No matter how good the food is, there are disadvantages to eating too much, especially this medicine that supplements mana. If you eat too much, you will not be able to withstand it if you accidentally explode it and become a waste.

"Relax, beacon fire consumes more mana than you think!" Although Qian Huan was angry, he had a deep sense of care in his eyes. Nie Yun laughed, and the fire-sealed seal was mobilized. Rotate and scream!

A hot flame spit out from the palm of your hand and will instantly burn in the treasure chest.

As soon as this flame burned, the seal was completely ignited, making a crackling sound, it was extremely hot.

"Okay, light it up, let's go quickly!" As soon as the beacon was ignited, it couldn't be stopped. As soon as Qian Qian's eyes lighted up, Nie Yun was pulled out.

"No, the treasure chest is on fire ..."

As soon as he left the treasure house, Nie Yun shook his neck and shouted. As he shouted, the outside shouts also rang. For a moment, the whole Yuanxinzong change became even more chaotic.

"Quickly turn me into an ordinary disciple, our identity is too obvious!"

Seeing that the entire Yuan Xinzong began to be confused, Nie Yun quickly turned his head and said to Qian Huan.

"Eh!" Qian Huan also knew that if he ran away in the form of a palm teacher or special envoy, he would be particularly easy to be caught. When the air of disguise turned, he changed the appearance of Nie Yun and himself simultaneously.

This time the two became extremely ordinary, and no one could recognize them when they were thrown into the crowd. They were the culprits in this incident.

"Two brothers, what happened?" The two talents changed their appearance, and saw a group of disciples from Yuanxinzong rushing over, looking at the two, they thought they were the same door ~ www.readwn.com ~ shouted.

There are too many core disciples, elite disciples and ordinary disciples in Yuan Xinzong, and there are many trials abroad all the year round, so many of them do not know each other. The two are now ordinary, and people are familiar at first glance, but later , Who in the end can never remember!

In fact, this is the highest method in disguise, disguising as someone you do n’t know, and making you unrecognizable, much more than simply hiding!

"The treasure hall is on fire, let's go to the fire! Let's go to fetch water ..." After speaking, the two of them walked outwards.

Several other disciples were encountered along the way. At this time, Yuan Xinzong was indeed confused. The disciples were absent one by one. Where did they pay attention to these two people?

"This is the library, wait a minute, I will burn it by the way!"

The two moved forward quickly and came to the library again, and Nie Yun pulled a thousand magic.

"Do you want to burn the library? My day!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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