Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 491: Human special talents

Huo Ying continued: "Once your strength improves, like me, you can talk about it ... I didn't expect you to have a beacon talent. The beacon is ranked 25th, which is better than my fairy sounder. I will become a superpower in the future and I will be there soon. With this talent, I must pass it back to Zongmen, and no one dares to say anything. Therefore, I acknowledge this from the bottom of my heart. It will be a matter of time to become your wife. You think about it! "

Huo Ying's face rose with redness.

"Become my wife?" Nie Yun's mind was a little dead.

Cheating father, is he so confused as to have a wife? Aren't you awake and dreaming!

"We've all been spiritually double-minded. You won't deny it. If you don't, it's very simple. I choose the first way!" Seeing the boyish look, Huo Ying's face was gloomy.

"Uh, no! I just feel a bit too sudden ..." Nie Yun quickly waved his hand, shook his head helplessly, and shifted the topic. "Yes, you said that my strength could not be passed down to Zongmen. There will be endless pressure. These pressures What is it? "

"The pressure comes from two aspects. The first is the Mi Shenzong. You said just now that I am now engaged with the Mi Yazun Suzerain, Mihua. If you let him know his fiancée and the enemies he has been hunting down ..." Speaking of "Shuang Xiu", Huo Ying blushed, took a look at Nie Yun, and then said, "You must be very troublesome. Second, it is Zongmen!"

"Our exquisite Xianzong is a female sect. I always hate men. As a sage, I should be self-conscious and not concerned about emotions. Now I want to marry you ... you only need to pass the Zongmen assessment to be eligible!"

"Zongmen assessment? What is that?" Nie Yun asked.

"Although Lingxian hates men. But there are some young disciples who have personal feelings. In order to deal with this kind of thing, Zongmen set a specific rule. If the man who loves a female disciple wants to marry Xianzong, he must Come and take the Zongmen assessment. Once you pass, the Zongmen will not be held accountable and will not pass. There is only one way to go, that is death! In this way, you can test whether the man is sincere, and you can also test the man ’s Strength, if it is too bad. Even his wife can't protect him, and death is vain! "

Huo Ying said.

"Zongmen assessment? This assessment ... Is the mortality very high?" Nie Yun asked.

"It's very big. Since I entered Linglong Xianzong for 13 years, a total of 134 people have wanted to marry Xianzong disciples and came to participate in the Zongmen assessment. Only one case succeeded!" Huo Ying said lightly.

"Only one of 134 people succeeded?" Nie Yun took a breath.

People say that nine lives are dead. There is also a 10% survival rate. Now only one of the more than one hundred survives, and the assessment is really cruel!

"This living person successfully married your disciples?" Nie Yun asked after being shocked.

"This person is now the Lord of the Mi God Sect. Mihua, he is going to marry me!" Huo Ying said.

"Mihua? He passed the assessment?" Nie Yun's eyes were dignified.

More than a hundred people can pass one. This shows that the evaluation of Linglong Xianzong is extremely difficult, and Mihua has succeeded, which shows that his strength is definitely not simple!

"Well, when he came to the assessment, he was just at the top of the bridge, and he hadn't reached the virtual reality, but he, like you, also had special talents, and those with special talents were favored by Dadao, so he successfully passed! "Huo Ying said.

"He is also a special talent? What special talent?" Nie Yun hesitated and asked quickly.

This Mihua will sooner or later become his own worst enemy. Know more about it and be prepared for it in the future.

"His special talent is even stronger than your beacon master. It seems to be ... the 11th master of the palm master, also known as the master of heaven!" Thinking for a moment, Huo Ying said.

"Tianshi Master?" Nie Yun raised his eyebrows. He hadn't even heard of this talent.

"Well, there are five talents for special talents, golden wood, water and fire, and some belong to the human body. Like the five elements, the first one is the master of the sky, and the hand is the most flexible place of the human body, so the power is the greatest! The eye is the window of the soul! You are an eye-vision expert, don't you know about this? "

Huo Ying looked at Nie Yun strangely.

There are many special talents, but there are also many classifications. For example, the beacon division, the wood division division, and the sharp gold division belong to the five categories. The sky master and the sky eye division obviously belong to the same category, both belong to the same category. Human features and limbs range.

"I really don't know ..." Nie Yun flushed and shook his head. Although he had strong strength and high status in the previous life, he didn't pay attention because he had no special talents. Now he pays attention because the level is too high. Low, but not much to know.

"Tianshi Master, Tianyan Shi ... Is there a Tianji Master?" Nie Yun asked.

Heaven leg teacher, this is too fucking, is the hand flexible, what talent can do on the leg?

Cultivators are different from mundane people. Most of them use tactics in combat. Martial arts mainly rely on their hands. I have never seen one use his legs to perform tactics.

"Yes, although the ranking of the Tianji Division is not high, it is not low. It seems to be the 166th place within the 200, which is still in front of your talents!" Hearing the young man's question, Huo Ying Think about it, said.

"No. 166? Ah, isn't the 166th ... Skywalker? How could it be Skyleg Master?" Nie Yun stunned.

In front of the ground walker is the Sky Walker who escaped one of the three talents, and in the back 168 are the Xiangshui masters. How did he become a leg master?

"Tianjishi is Tianxingshi ..." Huo Ying nodded. "I don't know how you do it ~ www.readwn.com ~ There are several special talents on your body, you don't even know these?"

Nie Yun has already revealed the talents of Nantan Dantian, Earthwalker, Skyeye and Beacon before Huo Ying, so in the eyes of the latter, he is absolutely a genius. With so many special talents, he has It's weird to know nothing about special talents!

"Tianshi division, Tianyan division, Tianer division, Tianxing division ... These are all special talents for the human body. You said just like the five elements classification, is there a fifth one?" Nie Yun continued to ask.

"Of course, there is the 50th Tiankou Master!" Huo Ying laughed, her eyes were like crescent moon.

"Tiankou Division, ranked 50th, ranked 50th? Do you mean ... Immortal Master?" Nie Yun reacted.

"Yes, it's my special talent, Master Xianyin, because we are both special talents of the human body, Mihua just found me and asked me for a kiss!"

Huo Ying nodded. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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