Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 493: Yi Qing assessment (below)

"Do it!"

These are also fierce people, making a decision, yelling and shooting at the same time!


These are all immortal powerhouses. At the same time, the sky's mana immediately formed a strong energy, which will be covered by Yi Qing.

"People of Mishen?"

Yi Qing was chatting with Yin Shuang and others. Suddenly his muscles tightened and he felt the full power of the sky. At the moment, he understood what was going on and rushed forward. At the same time, his hands were scorching hot. Burn away.

She is just the pinnacle of Yuan Shengjing, her strength and the immortal strong are far too bad. In a hurry, she can only use special talents to fight.


"Yi Qing turned out to be a beacon talent?"

"No wonder I think this Mijiang is a little weird, so it is! It is because we are afraid that we know her talent and let her go! Damn!"

Seeing Yi Qing fire everywhere, Yin Shuang and others were stupid and understood.


"Our exquisite Xianzong recruits disciples, but it is not enough for you to spread the wild gods!"

"Dare to hurt our exquisite Xianzong disciples, you **** it!"

Understand, how could Silver Frost and others make them do what they wish, and they shot all the time, the sky was thundering for a while, the air mana was stuck, and the two sides fought together.


Originally, Yi Qing thought that Yin Shuang and others talked to himself, deliberately delaying time, and let the Mi Shenzong people catch themselves, but now they see their strength rolling, in order to protect themselves, they are disregarded. They are a little bit confused about what happened.

"Sister Yi Qing, you have now passed the assessment. Become a part of our Lingxian Xianzong, this is your identity token, the person of Mi Shenzong, dare to catch you, is against our Lingxian Xianzong, even if we fight Death will never hurt you! "

As soon as Sister Yinshuang screamed, she threw an identity card to Yi Qing.

"Yes. Sister!"

Although I do n’t know why Yin Shuang ’s attitude changed, Yi Qing nodded her head when she heard her words like Ling Ran.


The fighting between the two sides immediately caught the attention of the experts of Ji Meteor City, and soon the strongman stationed in Mi Shenzong of Ji Meteor City flew over, and was a mid-term strongman in the skybridge. When he came to see Yi Qing, he thought of a shot and was blocked by a huge force.

Ji Meteorological City belongs to the largest city near Linglong Xianzong, and it can be regarded as the core of Xianzong. Naturally, there are many masters. A strongman appeared in the late stage of the overpass. Blocked in front of him.

Suddenly, in order to **** Yi Qing, the two sides started a war.

There were many masters of the Yashin sect here, and Mi Tai and Yayoi were the strongest in the sky. But now both of them are going after Nie Yun, so. How can an overpass in the middle period stop the overpass in the late period? Soon, this master of Mi Shenzong has no other face than the exquisite master of Xianzong.

"The people of Mi Shenzong will definitely not give up, let's go quickly. As long as we return to Xianzong, no one will dare to treat you!"

The battle of the overpasses in the air had a result, and the following is also equal to the conclusion. Several disciples who came to arrest Yi Qing were slapped into the flesh by the masters of the overpasses in the air.

Sister Yinshuang saw that the matter was over, and hurried to pull Yi Qing, and got on the flying soldiers. The sisters and sisters were protected by the masters of this overpass late stage, and quickly flew to Linglong Xianzong!

For Silver Frost and others, this time when they get rich, a special talented Fairy Tale Master becomes a saint. The enrolled person has doubled in value. If he recruits a higher-ranking beacon, he will definitely get the gate. Attention!

Because of this kind of thinking, Yin Shuang and others did their best for Yi Qing. In addition, with the protection of the strongmen in the late stage of the bridge, everything went smoothly, and everyone came to Linglong Xianzong Gate in less than a day.

As soon as Yi Qing entered Zongmen, he immediately became a sensation.

The 25th Beacon with a special talent, a super talent who is good at attacking, and reached the peak of the Yuan Shengjing at the age of ten or seven or eight. His talent for practice is also terrible. Such a genius suddenly made the entire gate boil.

"Although Yuan Shengjing is inconspicuous in our exquisite Xianzong, it can only be regarded as an ordinary disciple, but you have the talent of the beacon master, and the achievements will be amazing in the future. So, I will accept you as a disciple of disciples. From now on, you and Like Huo Ying, both are exquisite saints! "

A Supreme Elder gave Yi Qing a glance and determined her identity.

"The elder is right. However, to become a delicate lady, there must be a procedure to go. Zongmen has many disciples and other saints to participate. Huo Ying just sent me a message. She won't be able to return until tomorrow. Let's call the Zongmen Conference tomorrow and set Yi Qing's identity! "

Sovereign said with a smile.

The suzerain is a middle-aged woman in her forties. Although her appearance is not young, her every move is still ethereal, like a fairy landing on the earth, except that her eyebrows have a hint of gray, and it seems that the whole person has suffered. The minor internal injuries have not fully recovered.

"Well, good!" The Supreme Elder nodded and stopped talking.

"Not only did I become a disciple of Lingxian Xianzong, Supreme Master Elder had to accept me as a disciple ... If Nie Yun knew the news, he would be shocked!"

These things happened very quickly, and Yi Qing was still a little embarrassed. When I heard that the Zongmen Conference would be held tomorrow and set my identity, I realized that this is true!

Now that she has become a disciple of Lingxian Zongzong, Nie Yun, who sent herself to take part in the assessment, has not yet appeared, and she was again indignant for a while.

Soon, one day passed, and the next day, as soon as the day came, Linglong Xianzong convened the Zongmen Conference.

Immortal, the exquisite palace of the immortal Xianzong is suspended above the mountain peaks ~ www.readwn.com ~ Various exotic beasts fly around, strange flowers and grass are scattered among them, and the entire gate is overflowing. Strong Xianmen breath.

"I found the second maiden so quickly. It seems that your exquisite Xianzong is getting stronger and stronger!"

"Congratulations, I heard that your saint is a beacon? This is an extremely powerful attacking talent in the Five Elements Talent. I am afraid you will need an additional God of War!"

"Congratulations to Elder Yuan Xin for receiving a good apprentice, haha!"

All the disciples of Linglong Xianzong had just arrived, and heard a huge laugh coming from the air, and then several figures slowly came down.

Although Linglong Xianzong does not belong to the eight main gates, there will still be other gates when the gates conference is held. These strong men are elders who accept the virtual realm, and show great majesty and grace when they come. .

If it wasn't for Linglong Xianzong's recruiting at the Zongmen Conference, the Eight Great Zongmen would not be able to guard the Quartet, I am afraid there will be more masters! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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