Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 507: 0 Yecheng

"Proactively enter Linglong Xiangong to practice? What do you mean?" Nie Yun looked puzzled.

"Linglong Xiangong is our sacred place for Supreme Lingzong's cultivation. Outsiders only know that practicing in it can make people progress quickly, but they don't know that there are many crises in it, and if you accidentally die, you will die!"

Huo Ying hummed softly.

"The crisis is heavy, and the body is dead?" Nie Yun's face was dignified.

"Well, although you only have the realm strength, you can kill the strongest in the virtual reality. She is already standing at the top of the floating continent. She definitely feels that the gap with you is getting farther and farther. In order to fill the gap, this is done. This decision was made. When she entered the Linglong Xiangong yesterday, her eyes were determined and her eyes were firm. I'm afraid she loves you more than I do! "

Speaking of this, Huo Ying gave Nie Yun a glance.

"There is danger in entering Linglong Xiangong. She must have gone in the past life. There was no accident, and nothing should happen ..."

Nie Yun suddenly remembered that in the previous life, he knew the name Yi Qing was about 200 years later. At that time, Yi Qing was okay, and now it will definitely be okay ... However, after his rebirth, many histories have changed the trajectory. She doesn't know herself, and this life ...

Forget it, it is useless to worry about the sky. How can you see the rainbow without experiencing wind and rain, Yi Qingguang cannot be stronger under his shroud!

Although entering the exquisite fairy palace is dangerous, it is also an opportunity. If you seize the opportunity, it will be completely reborn. Maybe the next time you see Yi Qing, she has become the supreme power, even better than herself!

"Rest assured, I won't blame you. You know Yi Qing first, you know me later, we have double-minded souls. I know you are not a passionate person. When Yi Qing comes out of Linglong Xiangong, I will do well. Talk to her, it ’s okay for our two women to serve the husband ... "

Seeing Nie Yun contemplating, Huo Ying thought he was worried about his blame, and snorted "Hum, our two exquisite fairy maids are marrying you, it's cheap for you!"

"Ahem ..."

Nie Yun did not expect that she would say such bold words, was drooling, her face turned red, her feet almost fell to the ground.

The two women are serving a husband?

Although I am bold and wanton, I haven't thought about these ...

"Ha ha!" Huo Ying laughed when he saw the young man turning from a smashing hero to a restrained little boy.

"I have killed so many people in Mi Shenzong, they will certainly not give up, I am afraid they will go to my parents' trouble, so I have to go to them and leave!"

The two talked for a while, and Nie Yun said.

I'm still more worried about my parents and others. They come here to be unfamiliar with their lives. In case they are found by the Mi Shenzong, they are too late to cry! Moreover, this is a women's gate, after all, it is inconvenient to stay too long.

"Farewell? So fast ..." The girl's face was a little dull when she heard what the teenager said.

Although I had known that Nie Yun would leave, I did not expect it so soon.

"You ... Will you go with me! Anyway, the gate has already allocated you to me ..."

Seeing the girl's expression, Nie Yun did not know why the ghost said something bad.

I regret it after speaking, isn't it a joke ...

"With you? I have one more thing to do. I can't leave Zongmen yet. Rest assured. When I finish this, Xiu will definitely be promoted again, and I will go to you again when I hear it!" Huo Ying's face looked a lot better, she smiled, her face was sweet, and she took out a jade card. "This is my jade card for messenger, you can send me a message if there is something!"

"Hmm! Take care of yourself. I'm leaving. Take me to the suzerain and Elder Yuan Xin, and I won't leave."

I took the jade card, and Nie Yun nodded.

"Take care!" Huo Ying's eye circles were slightly red.


I made a decision, and Nie Yun didn't procrastinate, turned around and flew outward, disappeared in the air in a blink of an eye, and left Linglong Xianzong.

I came to Linglong Xianzong by myself to send Yi Qing into the gate. Now, not only the goal is achieved, but also a fiancee. The changes in the world really make people confused.


"Changes in camouflage!"

When Xun left Linglong Xianzong, Nie Yun's body camouflage urged to change into another look. At the same time, he randomly took out a flying soldier in the third palace of Zihua Dongfu and flew forward.

搬 I moved out of Dantian Acupoint Master, although I was able to scare a group of people and make Mi Shenzong dare not to chase himself openly, I definitely wouldn't let it go in secret, so be careful!

I lost the last drop of demon saliva and could not drive Ya Honggang's corpse. Now I have very few ways to save my life, and I am not careful. In the event of being caught by the other party, there will be nothing!

I have died to nothing, after all, I have died once. If my parents and others suffer the pain of the previous life again, it is hard to blame it!

"According to the feeling of the tracking spirit, parents should be in this direction ..."

I sensed it in the air, and Nie Yun quickly flew in one direction.

According to the induction of the tracking air, it is not too far away from the parents and others now. The direction is clear and identifiable. You should not go wrong. ~ Www.readwn.com ~ Flying for 17 or 8 days, I saw a huge The city appeared again.

The Futian continent is really too big. Compared with it, the Qihai continent is like an isolated island in the sea. It is worth mentioning! In the past, the parents and other people were sensed by the tracking gas. In fact, they really wanted to fly over. After a few years, they still could not reach it. The fastest way is still through the city's teleportation array.

The city where I came is called Baiye City, which still belongs to the exquisite Xianzong Jurisdiction. It is regarded as a first-class city on the floating continent.

I changed my appearance. Nie Yun paid a certain entrance fee and entered the city smoothly.

I do n’t know if he was deterred by his “Dantian Acupoint Master”, or for any other reason. There is no inspection by the Mi Shenzong here, and he goes all the way without any suspicious characters.

But Nie Yun didn't dare to take it lightly. Once Tianyan opened, he found that he would flee at any time.

The powerful past life of the King Mi Shrine knows very well. Although he is rumored to be powerful outside, he also has a backer. In fact, his family knows his family's affairs. Once he is caught by the other party, he will escape only once.

So be careful and careful at all times!

The floating sky continent is not like the Qihai continent. You can do whatever you want as long as you reach the extreme peak. There are almost no opponents. The strong here is like a cloud. Even if you are now a vigor division, a poison division, a beacon division ... Trapped, just as difficult to escape, I do n’t know how to die! [To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Xuan @ z1872530384] If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe and give a reward on 〓 中文 网 〓, your support is my greatest motivation]

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