Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 512: Yao Luo Ghost Realm

The distance from Tianyou Valley is farther than the old man said. Nie Yun flew a full four days before he saw a huge mountain range standing in front of his eyes.

山脉 This mountain is full of dark fog. It is very similar to the Ziqiong Mountains in the original Qihai Continent. Before entering, you felt a **** pungent smell, as if entering the Shura battlefield.

The thick yin is even stronger than the Ziqiong Mountains!

"Is this the gathering place of the demons?" Feeling the pungent enchantment, Nie Yun froze, Tianyan opened his eyes and looked into the mountains.

"[The demon Luo Nether Realm]? This sky valley has [The Demon Luo Nether Realm]?"

Xie Nieyun looked for a moment, his face was shocked.

The floating continent is a human-dominated world, but there are also many monsters running around. Some of them are scattered in the wilderness, and Zhanshan is the king, and they become grass pirates. Others are hiding in the cities and carrying out conspiracy activities. Of course, these will not become a large climate. The most dreadful thing is this so-called "Yao Luo You Ming Yu"!

[Yu Luo Ghostly Realm] is a special form of space. It is a channel opened by the power of the demon to the demon world. It belongs to the gathering place of scattered demon people. Among them, there are thousands of demon people. Among them, it will be siege by the demon, which is unavoidable.

In the past life, when he chased down the demon, he killed and continuously sealed eighteen demon spectacles and completely sealed them. Wherever he went, the dogs and dogs were not left, and the grass was not born, which made him famous.

The floating continent is the human world, and the demon domain is the world of scattered demon people, but this world is not large, and it only depends on the existence of the continent.

No wonder that the trial of this valley is very difficult. It turns out that there is a passage to the ghost land, and the whole mountain will have a continuous stream of demon people. The horror of the demon can be imagined. If the disciples who come to the trial can live, It will indeed bring great benefits.

"There is only one way to enter Tianyou Valley. Well, those disciples of Sword God Sect who came to participate in the trial ... I just happened to check it out!"

After a glance, Nie Yun knew that in order to prevent the demon from escaping, Nie Yun specifically sealed the mountains with the Supreme Being, leaving only one entrance for the disciples to try, and this exit was full of people, and there seemed to be a lot of people. Disciples come to trial.

The trials of the eight major schools can be divided into several types, such as the entry disciples assessment, the elite disciples assessment, the core disciples assessment ...

Different areas to enter to participate in these assessments will naturally lead to different demons. According to Nie Yun's knowledge of the Eight Great Sects, if you want to mix up now, you must first participate in an apprenticeship assessment!

This kind of assessment does not investigate the previous identity. As long as it passes, it will become an ordinary disciple of the sword **** sect, and will be transmitted to the territory of the sword **** sect. At that time, you can find another opportunity and sneak away, which is suitable for Nie Yun now. Happening.

Thinking of this, Nie Yun's disguised atmosphere changed, and the blink of an eye turned into another look, and then took out something in Nawu Dantian and carefully disguised it, and then took out a spirit taken from the third hall of Zihuadongfu. The soldier's sword was on his back.

I finished disguising, looking far away like an arrogant young swordsman.

The sword, which stands for fierce and powerful swordsman, is usually very arrogant.

This Nie Yun style embodies a young and famous swordsman.

I was so prettier that it was hard to be seen. Nie Yun flew down from the air and strode toward the entrance to Tianyou Valley.

The entrance to the sky valley is like a huge funnel. The entrance is very narrow, but the square in front is very wide. The square is crowded with people and lively.

"I heard that this trial is different from the past. I heard that it is a prefecture-level mission. Once it is successful, it can be a member of the Sword God Law Enforcement Team!" When I entered the square, I heard several well-informed The man muttered in a low voice.

The missions of the floating heaven continent are usually divided into elementary, intermediate, advanced, super advanced, prefecture and heaven!

Ordinary disciples usually complete primary tasks. Elite disciples are eligible for intermediate tasks. Core disciples complete advanced tasks. Super-advanced tasks are jointly completed by the core disciples of the eight major schools, prefecture and heaven. There will not be a case for hundreds of years, and even a prefecture-level mission suddenly appeared. When hearing this message, Nie Yun was immediately focused, for fear of missing the news.

"Of course I know, I'm afraid not only I know, everyone who comes here knows it! If it wasn't for this news, how could there be so many people coming to try it today? You see, there are core disciples, there are elite disciples, and some others The children of the big family belonging to the Sword God Sect ... Once you complete the task and become a member of the Sword God Law Enforcement Team, it will really be a step! "

Another person sighed.

"Yes, the sword **** law enforcement team is superior to the existence of elite disciples. The sword **** sect disciple has the highest status, and the power is stronger than some deacons and elders! This trial, in any case, must be successful and must not fail!

The first person said with emotion, his eyes were excited and firm.

"The Sword God Trial once every ten years. People who become the Sword God's Law Enforcement Team cannot attract so many disciples. It is said that as long as they enter the top ten, they will have the opportunity to enter the sword hall and feel the sword ~~ www.readwn.com ~ Sword Where is the hall of Shenzong Sword, where the highest level of kendo in the floating heavens is. As long as it is a sword practitioner, which one does not want to experience it in person? "

Hearing the conversation between the two, another interjected.

"Sure there is such a good thing? Then we can work hard ..." The two heard their words, all eyes brightened.

"Sword God Law Enforcement Team? Elite disciples, core disciples, sword **** trials, is it a core disciple level trial?"

Hearing these conversations, Nie Yun noticed the surrounding situation, and Tianyan swept gently, immediately discerning the difference.

Among the many disciples around you, the strongest in the realm of the field accounted for most of them, and most of them were the strongest in the realm of the field!

The disciples in the field are considered core disciples even in the Eight Great Sects. This disciple has a very high status. Just like Ye Jianxing at the beginning, everyone in Zongmen will have an independent house or even an independent mountain. It is the focus of training for Zongmen Talent.

Now there are as many powerful people at this level as there are Chinese cabbages, which shows the importance of this trial.

Observing again, Nie Yun found that the strong players in these fields are indeed not all disciples of Sword God Sect. Judging from the costumes and the mana emanating from his body, there are all kinds of things, but this is good, and it can just cover up. Your true identity.

"Huh? I didn't expect to have acquaintances ..."

Nian Yun opened her eyes and looked casually in the crowd, suddenly falling on an arrogant figure, Nie Yun laughed immediately.

[To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Xuan @ 飘落 凡] If you like this work, you are welcome to 〓 中文 网 〓 to subscribe and reward, your support is my greatest motivation]

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