Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 534: 1 Life Guardian (3)

"Let the corpse of the Demon Realm? Oops, it's a trick!"

When Yi Yijian missed, he saw the body of a demon monster who suddenly appeared in front of him. Xuebai's beard immediately understood what was happening, and he stepped back quickly.

"Where are you going, Daqi Qixian Sword!"

How could Nie Yun give him a chance to escape. With a long howl, the mana in the sea boiled, and the colorful light in the air was magnificent, and the Seven Swords of Great Compassion was cast out again.

With a smell of sneak attack, it suddenly flashed out from behind the body of the fallen demon lord, and the ghostly rainstorm-like sword stroke pierced the eyes of the white beard again.

"The Seven Swords of Great Compassion ... This is his sword, Wen Xu, are these two disciples? Where are you? Why not come here in person?"

I saw Nie Yun's body like an arrow off the string in the air, her swordsmanship was flowing, and she had the taste of lore, and she seriously injured Xie Zhanghuizi, who was lying on the ground, and her eyes lit up.

This method of sword, she has seen the beloved person cast many times, even faintly in her sleep, the sword trick has penetrated into the bone marrow, the boy in front of him is as elegant and chic as he is, and instantly pull him Back in that era.

I can't show such a sword, it must be related to him, then these two people should be his disciples ... But, why did he let the disciples come over, but he didn't come over himself?


When Xie Zhanghuizi thought about it, secretly excited, a voice came from behind him, and he turned around and saw Ye Jianxing, who was seriously injured, came to him.

"Well?" Xie Zhang Huizi froze.

"Chen Wenxu is my uncle. He and you have told me everything about you!" Thinking of Uncle Ye Jianxing's eyes circled red.

"Brother Wen Xu is your uncle? Where is he? Have you been here?" I did not see Ye Jianxing's expression. Xie Zhang Huizi heard the news of Chen Wenxu, and his bright eyes were like fireworks blooming, bright and bright.

The two of them talked quietly, and the battle between Nie Yun and Xuebai's beard in the air had entered a fierce heat.

Nian Yun's Seven Immortal Swords were unintentionally cast by Nie Yun. The sword was like a needle, and although the snow-white beard demon ran away quickly, he was still overtaken by the Supreme Sword Art of Sword God Sect!

"It's not easy to kill me! Gathering mana, Qingming tortoise shell!"

Snow-white beard is a master of the monster race, and there are many ways to save his life. If it is so simple, he will be killed by others. I am afraid I have already died many times. At this time, when the situation is critical, he sighs, his whole body is inflated, and his stomach It immediately swelled like a blown balloon, and immediately formed a huge tortoise shell on the body surface.

The rune on the tortoise shell is surrounded by the supreme scent of the avenue. At a glance, it is known that it is an extremely powerful mystery of the demon tribe.


As soon as the Qingqing tortoise shell was formed, Nie Yun's sorrowful Qixian sword stabbed up, and a series of crisp sounds were made like a rain hitting a banana.

扑哧! Flutter! Flutter!

The sound of Wu Jianfeng's flesh flickered immediately, and the snow-white beard was covered with blood in the blink of an eye.

Although his Qingming tortoise shell defense is very strong, the Supreme Sword is too powerful. He is not a strong demons who specializes in the flesh. His physical defense is limited and he is injured immediately.

However, Nie Yun's strength is too low to fully exert the full power of this supreme swordsmanship. Although the opponent's Qingming Tortoise Armor was broken, in fact, the snow-white beard was not seriously injured.


I seem to know that the Seven Swords of the Great Tragedy ca n’t be killed directly. With a stroke of Nie Yun's palm, the twelve-headed owl suddenly appeared around the snow-white beard and punched out at the same time!

Twelve flyovers are full of punches. The power is comparable to the early days of the virtual world. The surging forces gathered in one place and instantly formed a bright aperture, and the comet hit the ground as bright.

"Abominable ... Your boy must not die, Ghost Sword breaks the attack!"

At this time, the snow-white beard didn't know how to fall into a young man's puppet. He was so angry that he yelled, and in the roar, the ghost sword pierced the sky and the world, and came across the bright light!


Although the white beard holding the ghost sword is strong, how can it prevent the full attack of twelve puppets of the same level, just listening to the sound of a violent explosion, the smoke is flying, and the channel of the ghost Luo ghost field is blown up. A huge pit of a hundred meters deep.


Seeing the big pit exploded on the ground, the snow-white beard had no idea where it had been blown. Nie Yun was relieved now, feeling that he was soft and full of strength.

This series of attacks looks easy, and in fact every time is a huge torment for him.

If the other party didn't jealous of his own backhand, when he performed the Fan Yun Sword Technique directly, he would perform his full attack, I am afraid that he is dead!

Of course, if there is no battle, according to your own understanding of the monster, the opponent is cunning like a fox, knowing that he has a hole card, he will definitely keep the backhand!

This is also the main reliance that I dare to do so!

"Look where the ghost sword is ..." After seeing the battle scenes jointly played by the twelve crickets, Nie Yun felt that the white beard must have been blasted into pieces, and he was about to open his Tianyan talent to find where the ghost sword was Hearing a cuckoo-like hissing suddenly came from behind.

声音 This voice sounds like the heart was torn for a moment, sternly and tenderly, people can't bear to hear.

I turned around and saw Xie Zhanghuizi lying on the ground, Jiao's body trembling slightly, eyes staring at Ye Jianxing in front of her eyes, she couldn't seem to believe what he said.

"You ... what did you say? You ... say it again!"

I trembled in my voice ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xie Zhang Huizi was afraid to hear the young man's words again.

"Uncle Wen Xu is dead! This is a fact, I do n’t want to be too sad ..." Ye Jianxing lowered her head, although he also wanted to comfort the woman in front of her so that she would not be so sad, but ... the fact is the fact, He is unwilling to lie.

"Dead ... He is so powerful, but also Elder Sword God, how could he die? I don't believe it, I don't believe it!" Xie Zhanghuizi's eyes were blurred, and the whole man was crazy.

I have always insisted on seeing him, and have always been for him. Just when my dream was about to come true, I heard the news that he was dead ... This blow is too great!

She can't believe it or believe it!

"He is indeed dead. Look at the sword in Ye Jianxing's hand. It is his. The sorrowful Seven Immortal Swords I cast just now are also the essence of the combat skills he left in his body after death! We have buried his bones!"

Seeing this beautiful woman looks like this, Nie Yun couldn't help looking for the ghost sword, anyway, as long as this thing is here, it should not be lost, came over and gently comforted.

"His sword ... Yeah, this is his sword, and it is his life, he told me that the sword is dead in the people and the sword ..."

His eyes fell on the sword in Ye Jianxing's hands, and he stroked the blade with his palm. Xie Zhanghuizi murmured softly, like a slang word for lovers. [To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Su @ z1872530384 [Gentle and handsome and cute bamboo sound]] If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe and give a reward on 〓 中文 网 〓, your support is my greatest motivation 】

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